Fate of the Jedi: Outcast

Fate of the Jedi: Outcast, penned by Aaron Allston, debuted on March 24, 2009. It marks the initial entry in the Fate of the Jedi series, appearing as both a hardcover book and an audiobook. An excerpt from the following book, Fate of the Jedi: Omen, is included within its pages. Marc Thompson, also the narrator for the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force audiobooks, lends his voice to this audiobook rendition. The paperback version was then made available on April 27, 2010.

Publisher's summary


Back cover

Will the Galactic Alliance's fresh start actually signify the Jedi Order's ultimate downfall?

Internal flap


The Galactic Alliance finds itself in dire straits following a brutal civil conflict and the devastation inflicted by the now-deceased Darth Caedus. Politicians, influential figures, and military commanders from across the galaxy are gathering on Coruscant for a pivotal summit aimed at restoring stability, resolving disputes, and charting a course for the future of their united worlds. However, the most pressing and uncertain matter is the fate of the Jedi.

In a surprising action, Chief of State Natasi Daala orders Luke Skywalker's arrest, blaming him for his inability to stop Jacen Solo's descent into darkness and subsequent reign of terror as a Sith Lord. This is just the first strike in a wave of anti-Jedi sentiment, fueled by a hostile government and a distrustful populace. When Jedi Knight Valin Horn, a member of a politically powerful family, experiences a puzzling mental breakdown and becomes a dangerous outlaw, the Jedi become the targets of a media-driven inquisition. Facing potential conviction, Luke is left with only one option: to negotiate with the calculating Daala, offering his freedom in exchange for his exile from Coruscant and the Jedi Order.

Despite being forbidden from meddling in Jedi affairs, Luke remains determined to prevent history from repeating itself. Accompanied by his son, Ben, Luke embarks on a journey to uncover the shocking truth behind Jacen Solo's corruption and demise. However, the secrets he discovers among the mysterious Force users of the remote world Dorin may bring his quest—and his life—to an abrupt end. Meanwhile, another Jedi Knight, consumed by the same madness as Valin Horn, is heading towards Coruscant on a terrifying mission that could spell doom for the Jedi Order and devastate the entire galaxy.

Plot summary

The story begins two years following the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War. The galaxy is gradually recovering from the short but violent rule of the fallen Darth Caedus as Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance. The collaboration between the GA, Imperial Remnant, and the Confederation, led by GA Chief of State Natasi Daala, is proving effective in restoring the Galactic Alliance to its former glory. However, Jedi Knight Valin Horn suddenly develops the delusion that everyone around him is an imposter, perceiving them as such through their Force signatures. He subsequently embarks on a rampage on Coruscant, seeking to locate the genuine individuals. After two extended pursuits across the upper levels of the GA capital planet, with numerous Jedi attempting to apprehend Valin, he is eventually captured and placed under the medical care of the New Jedi Order, despite the animosity displayed towards the Jedi by those pursuing Valin, including Galactic Alliance Security led by Captain Oric Harfard, and the bounty hunters hired by Daala to capture the rogue Jedi. However, as Jedi Master Cilghal attempts to examine Valin, she discovers that he is somehow preventing her brain sensors from detecting his thoughts, a technique mastered by Jacen Solo before his fall to the dark side of the Force.

In the meantime, Grand Master Luke Skywalker is arrested by Daala on charges of neglecting his duty during Darth Caedus's reign of terror, specifically for failing to prevent his descent into darkness. Daala's intention is to hold the Jedi accountable for their actions as ordinary superhumans, for failing to control Jacen during the Second Galactic Civil War, and for abandoning the GA at the Battle of Kuat. Luke agrees to a ten-year exile in an effort to uncover the reasons behind Jacen's fall to the dark side. If he can successfully demonstrate to a board of Galactic Alliance members chosen by Daala that Jacen's fall was not his fault, he will be pardoned of all charges. Luke's son, Ben, decides to accompany him, seeking closure from Jacen's manipulations during the previous war, such as his near apprenticeship as a Sith, his involvement in numerous heinous acts while serving in the Galactic Alliance Guard, and Jacen's murder of Ben's mother, Mara. Luke appoints Jedi Master Kenth Hamner as acting Grand Master, as Luke is prohibited from being within five light years of a Jedi Order Temple or Academy, or from advising in any Jedi matters. The Order gives him a warm farewell as a reminder of his accomplishments and contributions to the New Jedi Order he founded. Meanwhile, Han and Leia Organa Solo secretly depart Coruscant with their granddaughter, Allana, C-3PO, and R2-D2, to assist Lando and Tendra Risant Calrissian with their glitterstim mines on Kessel. Han is hesitant due to his past experiences on the planet with Kyp Durron and the late Chewbacca decades earlier, but Leia convinces him to help a friend, as they are limited in what else they can do. Shortly after, New Jedi Order members are assigned individual observers to prevent a recurrence of the events involving Valin Horn and Seff Hellin. Jaina Solo is assigned Dab Hantaq, who underwent reconstructive surgery to resemble Jaina's deceased brother, Anakin, during the Yuuzhan Vong War by the late, treacherous Senator Viqi Shesh. This was an attempt to distract Han and Leia with the loss of their son so that Shesh could kidnap an infant Ben Skywalker for the Yuuzhan Vong. Tahiri Veila, meanwhile, is released from observation in court, thanks to Nawara Ven's legal expertise. She encounters Dab again since the war against the Vong, and is visibly disturbed.

Luke and Ben arrive at Dorin, where the Baran Do Sages' Temple is located. Luke requests a meeting with Mistress Tila Mong, who eventually grants them an audience after Ben defeats the student apprentice, Tistura Paan. They discover that Jacen sought out the Sages to learn their mastery of the Force and techniques. Luke quickly masters what Jacen had learned. During a ceremony for Charsae Saal, Luke and Ben realize the Master had not died, but had merely concealed himself in the Force and transported himself underground to assume a new identity and die in obscurity. Apparently, none of the Masters of the Baran Do Sages—not even Koro Ziil, the Master in charge when Jacen was present—have died, and the Skywalkers invade a transport for Saal. They accompany him to his destination and are informed that they must choose new names, as Luke and Ben Skywalker are considered dead. The rationale behind the underground Kel Dors' plan is that in the event of another Jedi purge, and the Baran Do Sages on the surface of Dorin were eliminated, the underground Sages would be safe from such an attack, resurface, and then teach what they learned for the future of their order.

On Kessel, Han and Leia are informed by Lando and Tendra of groundquakes occurring throughout the planet. The Solos discover that these quakes are caused by groups of machines, guarded by strange phantom-like beings, scattered across the globe, exerting gravitic anomalies that Leia calculates would soon destroy the world. They enlist the help of Rogue Squadron, with Wedge Antilles once again leading the team, to destroy the machines as Han and Leia assist in the Millennium Falcon. Eventually, the machines are destroyed, and Kessel is safe. Lando, Tendra, and Nien Nunb's glitterstim enterprise continues, and Han, Leia, Allana, C-3PO, and R2-D2 prepare to return home to Coruscant. However, Allana is visibly disturbed by an unknown dark side presence that she senses above Kessel.

After convincing the Kel Dors present in the underground caverns that their mission would backfire and demonstrating that their leader, the Hidden One (Koro Ziil), was withholding secrets, the Skywalkers orchestrate their escape. Ben defeats Chara (Charsae Saal) in combat to prove the underground organization's lack of efficiency in terms of Force-using and combat, as Luke does to the Hidden One when the latter refuses to release his followers. Most of the other Baran Do Sages down with the Skywalkers leave after the family's victory. The Skywalkers then decide to continue their journey to find out what Jacen learned through his travels via information from the Hidden One who told them of Jacen's next location prior to the quiet revolution that Luke provoked.

On Coruscant, Jaina and her Darkmeld organization secretly capture Seff Hellin for medical study, believing him to be afflicted with the same condition as Valin Horn, who was frozen and detained by the government in carbonite. Soon after, thanks to Nawara Ven again, the Jedi Order is reprieved of their observers.



