Boiler rifle

The boiler rifle functioned as a close-quarters blaster rifle that could be enhanced via an attached, illicit underbarrel spin-sealed container of tibanna gas, effectively doubling its firepower. During 1 BBY, Rebel Alliance Special Forces commando Paodok'Draba'Takat Sap'De'Rekti Nik'Linke'Ti' Ki'Vef'Nik'NeSevef'Li'Kek employed a boiler rifle sourced from the black market throughout the Battle of Scarif.

A group of hunters utilized a similar rifle in 9 ABY when they ambushed the Mandalorian Din Djarin on the planet Tatooine. Subsequently, the Kanjiklub criminal syndicate also used the weapon, with their Lieutenant Razoo Qin-Fee responsible for its maintenance and modifications. In 34 ABY, two gang affiliates were armed with boiler rifles while boarding smuggler Han Solo's freighter, the Eravana.


Boiler-rifles used spin-sealed bottles of tibanna gas.

Boiler rifles were classified as a short-range variant of the blaster rifle. Its construction featured a black body, grip, and trigger, mirroring the color of its stock, which was linked to the main body via an extended recoil-absorbing stalk. The barrel had a silver finish and was outfitted with a spin-sealed tibanna gas bottle attached to the underside, a modification that, while doubling the weapon's destructive capability, was both risky and against regulations. This particular modification led to rapid degradation of the weapon's galven barrel circuitry, necessitating consistent maintenance. An attached scope sat atop the weapon's body, though its utility was largely aesthetic due to the rifle's limited effective range. A distinct whirring sound was emitted as the rifle prepared to fire.


Battle of Scarif

The commando Pao used a boiler rifle on Scarif.

During 1 BBY, the Drabatan Special Forces commando Paodok'Draba'Takat Sap'De'Rekti Nik'Linke'Ti' Ki'Vef'Nik'NeSevef'Li'Kek wielded a boiler rifle enhanced with illegally modified tibanna gas during the Battle of Scarif. In this battle, a group of Alliance to Restore the Republic personnel journeyed to the planet Scarif to extract the schematics for the Death Star superweapon from the Imperial Citadel Tower.

Throughout the operation, Pao carried four spare galven barrels on each wrist. The Drabatan proved his combat prowess with the blaster during the mission; however, he perished fighting stormtroopers along the Scarif beaches. This sacrifice served to distract the Imperials, allowing his rebel allies to infiltrate the tower and secure the schematics. An artist, documenting notes and sketches in a journal, included a sketch of Pao with his boiler rifle in the book. This book was later restored, expanded, and put on display at the Graf Archive sometime after 34 ABY.

Tatooine ambush

A boiler rifle was used during an ambush of Din Djarin.

During 9 ABY, a quartet of hunters armed with a boiler rifle laid an ambush for the Mandalorian Din Djarin and the foundling Grogu on the desert planet Tatooine. The group employed a tripwire to disable the speeder bike used by their targets, and then initiated an attack with other blasters, leaving the boiler rifle in a large container nearby.

After the Mandalorian defeated one of the attackers and disarmed another, the disarmed hunter retrieved the boiler rifle from its case, aiming it at Djarin as the Mandalorian engaged in grappled with two other attackers. Before the rifle could be discharged, Djarin deployed a fibercord whip from his gauntlet, snatching the boiler rifle from the hunter's hands and using it to strike the two grapplers, incapacitating them. Djarin then overcame the remaining attacker and departed safely with Grogu.


Volzang Li-Thrull carried a boiler rifle.

During the Cold War era between the Resistance and the First Order, the Kanjiklub criminal syndicate made use of boiler rifles. Lieutenant Razoo Qin-Fee was responsible for the upkeep, constant modification, and enhancement of the boiler rifles used by Kanjiklub members.

In the year 34 ABY, Kanjiklub operatives Tolomar Reez and Volzang Li-Thrull carried boiler rifles illegally enhanced with tibanna gas when they boarded the Baleen-class heavy freighter Eravana to collect a debt from the smuggler Han Solo. However, the rifles proved ineffective against the hides of the deadly rathtars encountered on the ship.

Behind the scenes

Boiler rifles made their debut in the 2015 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Their official designation was first established in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a companion reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo in conjunction with the film's release.

