Huttese, a system for writing, originated on Nal Hutta, which is the homeworld of the Hutt species. This writing was also found on Tatooine, a planet under the control of the Hutts, as well as the planet Lothal. Additionally, the computer system within Vranki's Hotel and Casino, an establishment operated by the Hutt Vranki the Blue, utilized it. A distinguishing characteristic of this alphabet was its utilization of unique symbols to represent both lowercase and uppercase letters. Furthermore, it included symbols to denote numerical values.
On Gasgano's podracer, during the Boonta Eve Classic, a Huttese M was painted onto the engine. This same character appeared on the cockpit module of Teemto Pagalies' podracer.

The Huttese writing above the entrance of the Bilbousa Bazaar on Nal Hutta spelled out "Bilbousa". A vertical yellow sign located on the Bilbousa saloon employed the same script, spelling "SALOO[obscured]" (likely "SALOON"). The sign positioned above the entrance of a certain business stated "pablo's pawnshop" [sic], while a vertical sign at the building's apex displayed "[image begins]wnshop", presumably "pawnshop". The starships at the ship stall were illuminated with holographic signs, written in Huttese, that were projected onto the hull.
A poster inside the bazaar showcased a musical band accompanied by a caption that read "Live at the Cantina". Inside the saloon, a poster featured the renowned podracer Sebulba along with the text "Autographs Saturday at 10 AM". Adjacent to it, a poster depicted a silhouette of a feminine Twi'lek performing a pole dance, with a Huttese caption that said "Dancers every FRIDAY NIGHT!!"
The logo for a traveling intergalactic circus attraction, managed by Preigo, displayed "Preigo's Carnival" in Huttese. However, when [Petro](/article/petro] deciphered the sign, he misinterpreted it as "Preigo's Traveling World of Wonders."

Certain wall murals found in the Capital City of Lothal were inscribed using this writing system. One stated "all debts claimed", another stated "We have what you need" and "For The Right Price", and a third sign stated "52 7"
When [Neeku Vozo](/article/neeku_vozo] gained access to Vranki the Blue's computer system through hacking, Vozo's datapad initially displayed "Systems status:", "Sensor Array-", "Weapon system-" in Huttese. As Vozo found himself pinned down by Vranki's Kowakian monkey-lizards, the phrases "HIA500%", "HEA57%", and "POWER50%" appeared at the bottom of the tablet.
The grill located at Ronto Roasters within Black Spire Outpost Market was adorned with a Huttese R, which represents the initial letter of the restaurant's name.

During the production of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, Huttese characters were incorporated onto Shmi Skywalker's headstone.
A hand-posted advertisement created for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Missing in Action" showcased a Snivvian encased within carbonite, accompanied by the text "interior decorator wanted; call Jaba [sic] for appointment". However, this advertisement never actually appeared in the episode itself.
A variant cover of War of the Bounty Hunters – Jabba the Hutt 1 includes Huttese writing at its base, although the translated meaning is nonsensical.
The Concept Art Gallery for the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode "Rampage" on displays a collection of bottles designed for Cid's Parlor, with one featuring a Huttese label. The writing is so small, however, that the name is difficult to properly read.
Huttese is implemented for untranslated NPC lines in the non-canon video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.