Jensen Corbyt

Jensen Corbyt was a human serving as a lieutenant within the New Republic Defense Fleet. Her assignment placed her as First Officer under the command of Captain Hayle aboard the Vesper, a Defender-class cruiser. While transporting the prisoner Morgan Elsbeth on the cruiser, a vessel approached in Sector G-38, claiming to carry two Jedi. As Hayle departed to meet these individuals, Corbyt received command of the bridge. The arrivals, however, were actually allies of Elsbeth. After Baylan Skoll, Elsbeth's ally, killed Hayle, the Force-sensitive Shin Hati made her way to the bridge and fought and killed Corbyt.


Unexpected arrivals

Jensen Corbyt served with Captain Hayle on the Vesper.

Within the Defense Fleet of the New Republic, Jensen Corbyt, a human, functioned as an officer. Around 9 ABY, holding the rank of lieutenant, she was assigned to the Defender-class cruiser Vesper as First Officer, serving under the leadership of Captain Hayle. Following her capture by the Jedi Ahsoka Tano, [Morgan Elsbeth](/article/morgan_elsbeth], the former Imperial, was brought aboard the Vesper as a prisoner to be transport to her trial by the New Republic.

As the cruiser entered sector G-38, where the New Republic vessel Home One was scheduled to meet them, Corbyt stood with Hayle on the bridge. After a nav droid alerted the officers to the arrival of another ship in the sector, Corbyt assumed it was the Home One arriving ahead of schedule. However, the droid clarified that it was a different vessel. Hayle then declared a security alert and instructed a comms officer to contact the unidentified vessel to request identification and clearance codes.

Killed in the line of duty

The incoming vessel responded with an outdated Jedi clearance code, which surprised Corbyt. Nevertheless, Hayle agreed to allow the new arrivals on board to meet the prisoner, hoping to expose their true intentions. The captain then departed to greet them, instructing Corbyt to have the cruiser's security meet him in the hangar and entrusting her with command of the bridge in his absence. Corbyt then occupied the captain's chair.

Jensen Corbyt was killed by Shin Hati.

The "Jedi" in the hangar turned out to be Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati, Force-sensitive allies of Elsbeth. They swiftly cut down Hayle and the security detail in the hangar, triggering alarms on the bridge. As she received a report on Hayle's death and learned that the attackers had split up, Corbyt began implementing defensive protocols and was handed a blaster pistol by a crew member. The First Officer then turned in her chair as Hati entered the bridge, lightsaber ignited. Hati used her lightsaber to deflect a series of shots from Corbyt's blaster as she advanced on the officer. The Force-sensitive then killed Corbyt and scuttled the ship before departing with Skoll and Elsbeth.

Personality and traits

Despite her surprise at the mention of Jedi, Corbyt maintained a stoic demeanor at her station, even in the face of grave danger. She possessed tan skin, black hair, and brown eyes. The lieutenant's height was 1.68 meters.


Jensen Corbyt wore a brown and blue New Republic officer's uniform featuring a rank insignia plaque displaying one blue dot. During the ship's attack, she was armed with a blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Shakira Barrera played Jensen Corbyt in "Part One: Master and Apprentice," the premiere episode of the first season of the Disney+ television series Ahsoka, which was broadcast on August 22, 2023. Prior to the episode's debut, Corbyt was initially revealed in a teaser trailer for the series released on April 7 of the same year. Official promotional materials associated with the show, released by Walt Disney Studios through Getty Images on August 15, 2022, then revealed the character's name.

