
The Kendall, a Hapan Battle Dragon from House AlGray, was part of the Hapan Royal Navy around 35 ABY. During that year, this vessel acted as the flagship for the Hapan Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen. This fleet was sent to assist the Killiks residing in the Colony within the Unknown Regions. In this mission, the Kendall briefly fought against the forces of the Chiss Ascendancy in the Gyuel system. Its subsequent role was to help move the Killiks to a new location, ensuring continued peace with the Chiss. Five years later, the Kendall became the leading ship of the Heritage Fleet. The fleet's goal was to support Ducha AlGray and other Hapan members of the Heritage Council in their attempt to depose the current Hapan monarch, Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo. This plot failed, and the Kendall suffered heavy damage when attacked by a significant portion of the Hapan Royal Navy near the planet of Hapes.


Constructed by Olanji/Charubah, the Kendall measured 500 meters in length and was classified as a Hapan Battle Dragon. This cruiser was equipped with both a hyperdrive and sublight drives, and it featured launching bays and hangars, including one specifically for captured starships. It also had a durasteel-reinforced hold with a single observation bubble. Furthermore, the Kendall included departure alarms to signal jumps to hyperspace, along with intercoms and life support systems.


Killik troubles

The Kendall was an Olanji/Charubah Battle Dragon.

By 35 ABY, during the Dark Nest Crisis, the Kendall was serving within the Hapes Consortium's Royal Navy. Command of the vessel was entrusted to Dukat Aleson Gray from House AlGray of the Relephon Moons. This crisis involved the Killiks of the Colony, the Chiss Ascendancy, and the Galactic Alliance along with its New Jedi Order. It unfolded in the Unknown Regions and eventually escalated into the Swarm War. As the Colony began encroaching upon Chiss space within the Gyuel system, threatening to intensify the conflict, Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo dispatched the Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen, with the Kendall as its flagship, to offer assistance to the Killiks and discourage the Chiss from launching an immediate assault.

While en route to the planet Qoribu within the Gyuel system, the fleet that included the Kendall encountered the Galactic Alliance freighter Millennium Falcon (operating under the alias Longshot), which was also headed to the same system. Initially, the Hapan crew of the Kendall wanted to seize the freighter, but they soon learned its true identity and that it carried Leia Organa Solo and Han Solo, the parents of the Queen Mother's new consort, Jedi Jacen Solo. As a result, Gray permitted them to continue their journey. Upon arriving in the Gyuel system, Gray's Hapan forces did not immediately engage the Chiss forces. However, the Solos revealed to both fleet leaders that the moon Kr of Qoribu was the location of the nest of the Gorog Killiks, who sought to escalate the Dark Nest Crisis. They also informed them that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and his wife were currently fighting them there. This revelation led to an attack between the Chiss and Hapan fleets, as both attempted to aid the Jedi but refused to yield.

Following the defeat of the Gorog and the resolution of misunderstandings between the Chiss and Hapans (sorted out), the Solos developed a plan to relocate the Killiks from Qoribu to another system outside Chiss control, aiming to reduce tensions between the two species. To achieve this, the Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen departed the Gyuel system, transporting the Killiks within the holds of the Hapan vessels, with the Kendall carrying the Taat Killik nest itself.

Flagship of the Heritage Fleet

During the Second Galactic Civil War in 40 ABY, the Kendall remained in service to the Hapan. In that year, Ducha [AlGray](/article/algray] of House AlGray and the Heritage Council of Hapan nobles conspired with the Five Worlds government of Corellia's to overthrow Queen Mother Djo. Their aim was to maintain the independence of the Hapan homeworld of Hapes from the Galactic Alliance. As the new flagship of the council's Heritage Fleet, the Kendall was positioned with the rest of the fleet and three Corellian Dreadnaughts at a comet within Hapan space. They arranged themselves in a three-dimensional diamond formation, intending to attack the planetary defenses of Hapes.

Just before the Kendall and the Heritage Fleet initiated their attack, the Millennium Falcon, again using the alias Longshot, located the fleet. Lalu Morwan, a Hapan operative working for the Heritage Council, was aboard the Millennium Falcon along with the Solos, who supported Corellia despite their family and relatives serving the Galactic Alliance. Morwan wished to board the Battle Dragon, but AlGray, in command of the Kendall, denied her request due to time constraints. The battle group then departed for Hapes with the Millennium Falcon following. However, the Solos betrayed the reversion coordinates of the Heritage Fleet to Djo. Consequently, when the Kendall and the fleet emerged from hyperspace at Hapes, they were immediately ambushed by Hapan forces loyal to the Queen Mother. The Heritage Fleet sustained significant damage in the surprise attack, and the Kendall was soon targeted by a quarter of the Hapan Royal Navy. Ultimately, the Hapan loyalists, aided by the Galactic Alliance, defeated the Heritage Council and their Corellian allies.

Commanders and crew

During the Battle of Qoribu, Dukat Aleson Gray commanded the Kendall, and Lalu Morwan served as a field surgeon among the crew. By 40 ABY, Ducha AlGray had assumed command of the Kendall and led an attempted coup against Queen Mother Djo with the Heritage Council.

Behind the scenes

The Kendall made its debut in 2005's The Joiner King, the first novel in the Star Wars: The Dark Nest Trilogy, authored by Troy Denning. This Battle Dragon later reappeared in Denning's Tempest, a 2006 installment in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. The Kendall was also mentioned in 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Although Tempest depicts the Kendall being attacked by a quarter of the Hapan Royal Navy during the Battle of Hapes, the novel does not reveal the Battle Dragon's eventual fate.

