Legacy of the Force: Tempest, penned by Troy Denning, stands as the third book and second paperback release within the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force saga. While the paperback version hit shelves on November 28, 2006, a hardcover edition was previously available through the Science Fiction Book Club. This installment picks up the narrative a mere week following the conclusion of Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines. Marc Thompson lent his voice to the audiobook rendition. The cover art prominently features the Hapan Queen Mother, Tenel Ka Djo.
- ISBN 0345477529 , a 405-page paperback edition from Del Rey, released on November 28, 2006.
- ISBN 9788324130108 , a 320-page Polish paperback edition ( Dziedzictwo Mocy III: Nawałnica ) published by Amber.
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, forty years later, a perilous new chapter unfolds in the Star Wars saga – filled with shocking revelations, desperate gambles, and a pervasive enemy.
As the Galactic Alliance teeters on the brink of civil war, Han and Leia Solo find themselves at odds with their family and the Jedi Order after aligning with Corellian insurgents. However, the Solos refuse to cross a moral line when they uncover a Corellian scheme to enlist the Hapes Consortium as an ally – a plan contingent on Hapan nobles assassinating their pro-Alliance queen and her daughter.
Despite the Solos' noble efforts to protect the queen, they cannot escape the far-reaching consequences of their choices, which will set mother against son and sibling against sibling in the battles to come. As Jacen Solo's dark powers intensify under the tutelage of Dark Lady Lumiya, and his influence over Ben Skywalker grows increasingly sinister, Luke's concern for his nephew compels him to engage in a deadly confrontation with his most formidable adversary. Meanwhile, Han and Leia Solo find themselves at the mercy of their most dangerous foe... their own son.
The narrative commences in the depths of Coruscant's underworld, still bearing the scars of the Yuuzhan Vong's biological creations from over a decade prior. Alema Rar, the former Night Herald of the defunct Gorog, now physically altered from a spidersloth attack during her previous encounter with Leia Organa Solo, seeks vengeance on Leia's son, Jacen, for their lightsaber duels on Woteba, the Admiral Ackbar and Tenupe during the Dark Nest Crisis. However, Alema discovers that she, too, is being hunted and eventually identifies her pursuer as Lumiya. Alema trails Lumiya back to Jacen, who is in communication with the World Brain due to its assistance with the Galactic Alliance Guard's operations against Corellian terrorists on Coruscant. Alema attempts to assassinate Jacen with a blowgun, but misses and strikes the World Brain instead. Jacen attempts to retaliate, unaware of Alema's identity due to the Brain's disorienting haze, but Lumiya urges him to prioritize his responsibilities over his emotions. Consequently, Jacen spares Alema, who conceals herself from Jacen and Lumiya by utilizing the dark side of the Force to mask her presence.
Far from the blockaded Corellia, within the Kiris Asteroid Cluster where a Corellian fleet lies in wait to challenge Galactic Alliance forces, Han Solo and Leia are dispatched to the Thrackan Sal-Solo to confer with Dur Gejjen and his Corellian associates. Their mission: to persuade Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo to align Hapes with Corellia's independence movement, a challenging task given Hapes' allegiance to the GA. The Solos accept the assignment and prepare to depart for Hapes. Before they can enter hyperspace, their daughter, Jaina, and her companion, Zekk, manage to obtain an approximate reading of their destination from the Kiris Asteroid Cluster, despite the difficulty in acquiring precise hyperspace coordinates due to the Transitory Mists. Jaina relays this information to Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, concealing her parents' identities, though Bwua'tu deduces the truth regardless.
Later, following the World Brain's demise from Alema Rar's poison dart, Luke Skywalker grows concerned that his son, Ben, and nephew Jacen are succumbing to the dark side of the Force under Lumiya's influence. He tasks Jedi Master Tresina Lobi with monitoring Jacen and Ben as they approach Fellowship Plaza. Ben departs after a discussion about his role in the Galactic Alliance Guard and his strained relationship with his father. Jacen and Lumiya convene for Jacen to provide Lumiya with a list of suspected Bothans within the True Victory Party, whom Jacen suspects of involvement in the World Brain's death. However, before Lobi can transmit the information about Jacen and Lumiya's alliance, Alema, who is also observing Jacen and Ben, intercepts Lobi, believing that furthering Jacen's descent into darkness is the best way to avenge herself against the Skywalkers and Solos. Alema duels the Chev, and Lumiya aids Alema when she struggles against the Jedi, leading the Twi'lek to decapitate Lobi, thus forging a partnership with Lumiya.
On Hapes, Han and Leia await their scheduled meeting with Tenel Ka to discuss shifting Hapes' allegiance from the GA to Corellia. However, they learn from Tenel Ka's secretary that no appointment was scheduled, leading them to suspect a plot against Tenel Ka. They attempt to warn Tenel Ka before a group of assassins attacks them at Tenel Ka's party, engaging the honor guards in combat. Han and Leia escape with the assistance of a mysterious assassin named Nashtah. Following this event, eyewitness accounts falsely implicate Han and Leia in the assassination attempt against Tenel Ka due to Nashtah's help. When Jaina and Zekk investigate with Tenel Ka, they discover that the eyewitnesses have all mysteriously died, likely silenced by poison or another assassin. Tenel Ka hypothesizes that someone within the Hapes Consortium wants her dead and may be attempting to assemble a fleet to overthrow her and establish a new Hapan order. To counter this, Tenel Ka plans to gather loyal Hapan nobles and sends Jaina and Zekk to retrieve Ducha Galney of Terephon, whose sister is a close consort of Tenel Ka's.
Upon arriving at Terephon, Jaina and Zekk, the latter of whom expresses a diminished romantic interest in Jaina, which she finds surprisingly affecting, discover that the Villa Solis hunting retreat has been abandoned by Galney and her household. Despite Entora Zar, a consort to Galney, claiming that Galney left due to disgust at Jaina and Zekk's rapid reentry into Terephon's atmosphere, they deduce that Galney fled to avoid questioning about the assassination attempt on Tenel Ka's life. This leads them to conclude that Galney is a traitor. To confirm this, two YVH droids attack Jaina and Zekk, accidentally killing Zar, but the Jedi defeat the droids. Subsequently, Ducha Galney's fleet bombards the planet's capital city in an attempt to eliminate Jaina and Zekk, but they survive.
Back on Coruscant, Luke and Mara investigate Lobi's death and trace it back to Fellowship Plaza, discovering Lumiya's apartment. Although she is absent, they find evidence that she has been accessing GAG files to target Bothans across Coruscant. The Skywalkers suspect that Lumiya is not merely manipulating Jacen, but actively collaborating with him and GAG. Realizing that Ben is not directly corrupted, they learn that he has joined Jacen and GAG aboard the new Star Destroyer, the Anakin Solo, on its shakedown cruise toward Hapes to assist Tenel Ka against potential traitors.
Still within the Hapes Cluster, Han and Leia deceive Nashtah into believing they were hired to assassinate Tenel Ka, hoping to be led to her employer and uncover the plot against the Queen Mother. Nashtah takes them to a seedy bar in Nova Station to meet with her employer, where they encounter Jagged Fel, who is exiled from the Chiss for releasing Lowbacca after the Battle of Qoribu during the Dark Nest Crisis. Lowbacca's actions caused significant damage to the Ascendancy, resulting in his family bearing the financial burden. While his family can be redeemed, Jag is permanently banned from the species. However, prior to his exile, while the Chiss were searching for him on Tenupe for two years after Leia shot him down during the battle, he found a clue suggesting that Alema Rar is still alive: a Twi'lek memory cord. This led him to hunt Alema across the planet during their time in the jungle. Jag advises Han and Leia to be cautious due to Alema's potential for vengeance against the Skywalkers and Solos, and departs before Han, Leia, and Nashtah are attacked by Hapan soldiers hired to kill them. Despite being slightly drugged, they defeat their attackers. Han is wounded in the shoulder by a blaster shot, forcing Leia to temporarily pilot the Millennium Falcon. The trio then encounters Nashtah's employer, Lady Lalu Morwan. Morwan informs Nashtah that she must assassinate Tenel Ka's daughter, Allana, to earn her fee, while Tenel Ka will be dealt with separately. Nashtah departs on Morwan's ship to assassinate Allana, while Han and Leia take Morwan with them, ostensibly as a courtesy, to discover her employer's identity. They learn that Nashtah's real name is Aurra Sing, the infamous Jedi killer from the final years of the Old Republic, and that Morwan served aboard the Hapan Battle Dragon Kendall during the Second Battle of Qoribu. They also discover that she is working for Ducha AlGray. Therefore, AlGray seeks to kill Tenel Ka and Allana, and Han transmits this information to Hapes.
Orbiting Hapes aboard the Anakin Solo, Jacen sends Ben to Terephon to retrieve Jaina and Zekk, who have been gone too long. Luke and Mara arrive soon after and learn of this. With Tenel Ka joining the conversation, they discover that Jacen has issued search and detain warrants for his parents, not only for their involvement on the Corellian side of the war, but also for their alleged involvement in the failed assassination attempt on Tenel Ka. Luke also discusses Lumiya's involvement with GAG and Lobi's death. Although Jacen denies any knowledge of Lumiya's connection to GAG, Luke's suspicions about Jacen's descent into darkness persist, especially given Jacen's genuine shock at Lobi's death. Luke is particularly concerned by Jacen's harsh treatment of his parents. They are then shown Han's transmission revealing AlGray's betrayal, Aurra Sing's plan to kill Allana, and Han and Leia's innocence in the assassination attempt. Although he does not rescind the arrest warrants, Jacen gives his parents the benefit of the doubt. He then orders Ben to rendezvous at Roqoo Depot after his mission to collect Jaina and Zekk at Terephon. Luke and Mara head to Roqoo to pick up Ben, and Jacen double-crosses the Skywalkers and Lumiya by sending the latter to Roqoo to exploit the Skywalkers' fears of Lumiya stalking Ben upon his arrival. This is intended to make Jacen appear innocent, assuming they survive. Lumiya is aware of this treachery, but tells Alema that she is proud of Jacen for making the necessary sacrifices and betraying those closest to him to become a Sith.
At Terephon, Ben and his crew pick up Jaina and Zekk. However, after Jaina and Zekk inform Ben and his crew that Ducha Galney is a traitor, they disobey Jacen's orders to rendezvous at Roqoo Depot and head directly to the Anakin Solo at Hapes to inform Tenel Ka of this information. This thwarts Jacen's plan to use Luke and Mara's fears of Lumiya stalking Ben when she attacks them. Chaos ensues as Luke duels Lumiya while Mara is forced to fight Alema. Mara incapacitates the Twi'lek, but instead of killing her, she searches Alema for weapons. She discovers a proton bomb strapped to Alema's chest, set to detonate if her heart stops. Mara disarms the bomb while Luke is weakened in his fight with Lumiya. Just as Lumiya gains the upper hand, Luke grabs a blaster and shoots her. Although Lumiya survives, Mara returns and shows Lumiya's bomb to Luke. Realizing she is dying, they rush out of the depot and barely escape before the bomb detonates. Despite the explosion, the Skywalkers doubt that she is dead.
Aboard the Anakin Solo, Jacen learns that Aurra Sing is aboard the Star Destroyer, hunting Allana. He races to Allana's room just as Sing arrives. They fight, and Sing is defeated when Allana injects her with a sedative. Sing is then taken to a detention center, ensuring Allana's safety.
The Millennium Falcon encounters the Hapan usurping fleet, known as the Heritage Council, which includes Ducha AlGray. They travel to Hapes to overthrow Tenel Ka with the support of a Corellian fleet, confirming Corellia's involvement. However, before they travel with the usurping fleet, Han transmits a signal for the Galactic Alliance to assist Tenel Ka. After the hyperspace jump, the Battle of Hapes begins with Tenel Ka's prepared fleet engaging the usurping fleet. The battle is equalized until Lady Morwan realizes that Han and Leia betrayed Ducha AlGray by sending information about her treachery to Tenel Ka. She holds a blaster to Han's ribs to force Leia to help AlGray. However, Han fights back, breaking Morwan's nose and damaging the ship's controls. Cakhmaim and Meewalh take Morwan prisoner. The Galactic Alliance forces led by Admiral Bwua'tu arrive, as does Ducha Galney's fleet. Jacen sends an assisting fleet to help Tenel Ka's forces battle Galney's fleet, and Alema warns Jacen that his plan against the Skywalkers at Roqoo Depot failed and that Lumiya is dead. Jacen does not kill her because doing so would reveal that he is Allana's father. Alema leaves as the GA and Tenel Ka's forces defeat the usurpers and win the Battle of Hapes. Before the battle ends, the Falcon picks up Jaina, Zekk, Ben, and a Twi'lek shipmate, Gim Sorzo. Despite the fact that the Falcon picked up Galactic Alliance members, Jacen orders it to be fired upon. Cakhmaim and Meewalh are killed, and Ben tries to arrest Han, accidentally wounding Zekk with his lightsaber. Jaina takes Ben and the others off the Falcon while it escapes the Hapes system via hyperspace.
After the battle, Luke and Mara discuss recent events with Jacen and Ben. Luke reiterates his suspicions about Jacen's descent into darkness, which Jacen vehemently denies. The novel concludes with Jacen and Tenel Ka saying goodbye as lovers, and Jacen disappearing from her life once more.