A human male officer and controller known as "LT-319" served the Galactic Empire within its Information Office. This took place in 2 BBY, at the dawn of the Galactic Civil War. He commanded a team of Imperial intelligence officers who were stationed on an IGV-55 surveillance vessel. After the discovery of the rebel droid Chopper's presence at Killun Station, LT-319 spearheaded an ambitious scheme. This scheme involved the reprogramming of Chopper into an Imperial double agent, with the goal of uncovering the location of Chopper Base. This plan ultimately failed. LT-319 met his end when Hera Syndulla initiated a data surge that resulted in the destruction of his vessel.
LT-319 was an Imperial operative assigned to an IGV-55 surveillance vessel as an intelligence agent. In his service to the Empire, he wore an AJ^6 cyborg construct and relinquished some of his personal agency. LT-319's role was part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's broader intelligence-gathering efforts targeting the burgeoning Alliance to Restore the Republic. He oversaw a squad of Imperial intelligence officers, including 3-9 and another intelligence officer, both of whom also utilized cybernetic headsets.
In the year 2 BBY, while stationed aboard his surveillance vessel, LT-319 was alerted by 3-9, one of his subordinates, to the unauthorized entry of a droid into the Imperial Security Bureau's station on Killun 71. The unauthorized droid was identified as Chopper, a C1-series astromech droid and a member of Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla's Spectres rebel cell. LT-319, suspecting that this was the spy droid Thrawn had warned them about, directed his crew to set course for Killun Station. After 3-9 obtained visual information of Chopper, AP-5, the former Imperial inventory droid, and their stolen Sentinel-class landing craft, LT-319 verified Chopper's identity and devised a plan to seize the droid.
Upon learning from 3-9 that Chopper had connected to a network terminal, LT-319 instructed him to "capture" the rebel droid through reprogramming. Delighted with the results, LT-319 expressed confidence that Grand Admiral Thrawn would be pleased. Discovering that Chopper did not possess the coordinates for the Phoenix Cell's base, LT-319 resolved to exploit the astromech droid to acquire this information. Despite the female intelligence officer's concerns that Chopper's companion, AP-5, had pilfered Lothalian clearance codes from the base, LT-319 defensively asserted that the rebels had only a 31% chance of successfully using the coordinates. With confidence in his favor, LT-319 initiated his scheme to utilize Chopper to pinpoint the rebel base's coordinates, using the droid's visual processor to control the hijacked droid.
Although AP-5 suspected Chopper's altered behavior, LT-319 dismissed the traitorous inventory droid as a threat after AP-5 provoked his colleague Wedge Antilles. Once Chopper was aboard the Spectres' ship, the Ghost, LT-319 tasked Chopper with retrieving the ship's hyperspace logs. When Hera intervened, LT-319 redirected Chopper to the engine room, causing the rebel ship to exit hyperspace. The Imperial-controlled Chopper then confined the other rebels in the cargo bay and exposed them to zero gravity space in an attempt to eliminate them.
LT-319 then commanded Chopper to install a data spike into the Ghost's navigation computer and download its contents. When Chopper detected AP-5 attempting to open the cargo bay door from the outside, LT-319 dispatched a blaster-wielding Chopper to confront AP-5. Chopper's initial shot missed AP-5, allowing the inventory droid enough time to open the hatch leading to the cargo bay. Chopper then succeeded in pushing AP-5 into space with his second shot. LT-319 then ordered Chopper to return to the cockpit. However, the Lasat rebel Garazeb Orrelios stunned the droid by hitting him with his bo-rifle, leaving him confused.
Subsequently, another rebel, Ezra Bridger, removed the data spike from the navigation computer, disrupting LT-319's operation. Hera, Chopper's owner, then connected him to the ship's computer and used the droid's visual processor to deliver a scathing message to LT-319. Condemning him as an Imperial "sleemo," she redirected Chopper's data feed back at the surveillance vessel. This initiated a cascade of failures in the ship's circuits and compromised their fuel cells. When his subordinates alerted him to this, he urgently ordered them to sever the connection. However, they were too late, as Hera unleashed a massive data surge back at the ship, electrocuting him and the other officers from the circuitry, and the ship exploded soon after. Consequently, the rebels managed to restore Chopper's original programming and retain the clearance codes they had stolen from Killun Station.
LT-319 was a human male intelligence officer within the ranks of the Imperial Information Office. He was distinguished by his AJ^6 cyborg construct and a pair of glasses. As part of his commitment to the Empire, LT-319 relinquished a portion of his autonomy. He was an ambitious Imperial intelligence officer who sought to impress Thrawn by aiding him in the search for Chopper Base. He regarded Chopper as a tool to facilitate this objective and was prepared to take significant risks, including withholding information about the theft of clearance codes from his ISB counterparts at Killun Station.
LT-319 was confident in the success of his plan, boasting that the rebels had only a 31% chance of utilizing the stolen coordinates. LT-319 viewed the former Imperial–turned–rebel RA-7 protocol droid AP-5 as a traitor and nearly succeeded in eliminating him. LT-319's hubris blinded him to the resilience and ingenuity of his rebel adversaries, particularly Hera Syndulla, who retaliated by destroying his ship and all personnel aboard.
LT-319 made his debut in the Star Wars Rebels Season Three episode "Double Agent Droid" on March 11, 2017. Josh Gad provided his voice. LT-319's design was inspired by Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group, who also recorded the temporary voice of LT-319 until Josh Gad recorded the final version.