The lineage of Maul, the former Sith Lord, consisted of Dathomirian Zabraks originating from the planet Dathomir situated in the Outer Rim. Born to Mother Talzin, the leader of the Nightsisters, Maul's upbringing occurred within the Nightbrothers culture, alongside his siblings Savage Opress and Feral. As a child, he was taken in by Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith, Maul's reunion with his family wouldn't happen until the Clone Wars, during which he and Opress wrought havoc throughout the galaxy.
Talzin, a female Dathomirian, held the position of Mother within the Nightsisters clan during the closing years of the Republic Era, residing on the planet Dathomir. In 54 BBY, Talzin gave birth to Maul, and at some point, she gave birth to two other sons, Savage Opress and Feral.

Talzin and two of her sons resided in a dwelling located in the Nightbrother village on Dathomir. At some point, Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith journeyed to their home planet. Talzin and Sidious exchanged knowledge of the dark side of the Force, with Sidious promising to make Talzin his apprentice. Maul would conceal himself in his room whenever he observed Sidious conversing with his mother inside their residence. Ultimately, Sidious convinced Talzin to entrust Maul to a keeper. Despite Talzin's reluctance, she complied. After witnessing Maul utilize the Force to choke his keeper and the keeper's two sons during the Selection, Sidious chose to take Maul himself. Talzin vowed to reclaim her stolen son.
As Sidious' apprentice, Maul cultivated a deep-seated hatred for the Jedi Order, plotting vengeance for his fellow Sith. Maul and Sidious' schemes eventually led Maul to Naboo, where he engaged in Lightsaber combat with Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maul killed Qui-Gon Jinn, but Obi-Wan ultimately bisected him, causing him to plummet down a reactor shaft. Fueled by fear and hatred, Maul managed to grasp an air vent during his fall. He was subsequently deposited onto the trash planet of Lotho Minor, his survival attributed to his Dathomirian physiology, Nightsister magic, and Sith resolve.
Unaware of their brother Maul's fate, Savage Opress and Feral, close siblings, dwelled in the Nightbrother village. In 20 BBY during the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Asajj Ventress experienced betrayal by her master, Count Dooku. Seeking retribution, she returned to Dathomir to enlist an assassin. Ventress initiated a Selection, prompting Brother Viscus to gather all the Nightbrothers in the village. Feral endured all three trials with Opress's assistance, who, having demonstrated his prowess as a warrior, was subsequently chosen as Ventress's assassin.

Following his transformation, Opress was tasked with eliminating Feral to prove his allegiance to Ventress. Opress complied, murdering Feral, his own brother, by strangling him with his bare hands as Talzin and the other Nightsisters observed.
After returning to Dathomir, Opress learned from Talzin that he had another brother in exile on Lotho Minor. Savage journeyed to the planet and eventually located Maul with the aid of Morley, an Anacondan. After his fall, Maul had adopted a six-legged apparatus for mobility. Upon finding Maul, Savage transported him back to Dathomir, where Mother Talzin restored his sanity and provided him with new cybernetic legs. Maul then decided to take on Opress as his apprentice, and the two rampaged across the galaxy on a quest for revenge.
Following their failed takeover of the Ohnaka Gang, Opress and Maul encountered the Death Watch and formed an alliance with Pre Vizsla. They enlisted the Black Sun, the Hutt Clan, the Pyke Syndicate, and the Crimson Dawn to establish the Shadow Collective.
Subsequently, the Shadow Collective aided the Death Watch in their takeover of Mandalore. Following the operation, Vizsla betrayed Maul and Opress, imprisoning them. After escaping, Maul and Opress sought to reclaim their position of power. Maul challenged Vizsla for the throne, defeating him and decapitating him with his own weapon, the Darksaber. While some of the Death Watch yielded to Maul's victory, Bo-Katan Kryze led her forces in resistance, plunging Mandalore into civil war.

Darth Sidious began to perceive Maul and his empire as a threat to his plans. During the Battle of Sundari, he traveled to Mandalore to remove Maul from power. In a fierce lightsaber duel, Sidious impaled Savage Opress, killing him before capturing Maul.
Following his capture by Sidious, Maul was transported to the Spire prison on the snowy planet Stygeon Prime. With the assistance of his Mandalorian super commandos, Maul escaped the prison and resumed his operations. However, Sidious and the Confederacy of Independent Systems pursued him in a series of battles that eventually escalated into a war. After escaping during the Assault on Vizsla Keep 09, Maul traveled to Dathomir with a captured Dooku. Maul brought Dooku into a building in the Nightbrother village so Mother Talzin could regain her physical form through the process of possession. However, Sidious and Separatist General Grievous quickly showed up in order to stop this. Maul and Mother Talzin in the possessed body of Dooku engaged into combat with Sidious and Grievous. Eventually Talzin, removed her self from Dooku's body having regained all her strength. In order to save her son Maul, Talzin sacrificed herself as she was stabbed by Grievous, leaving Maul as the sole surviving member of his family.
During the Imperial Era, Maul continued his criminal endeavors as the leader of Crimson Dawn. In search of dark side artifacts and knowledge, Maul scoured various Sith monuments on various planets. One of these adventures led him to a Sith castle on the planet Damanos. While inside the castle, Maul received a vision of Opress, shunning Maul for his inability to be a master as well as a brother. When visiting the planet Malachor during another excursion, Maul's ship crash-landed leaving him stranded for years. Around 3 BBY, the Eighth Brother of the Imperial Inquisitorius located Maul on Malachor, where he traveled to pursue him. Meanwhile, a rebel cell known as the Spectres landed on the planet in search of something to help fight the Galactic Empire.

During this mission, Maul came into contact with Ezra Bridger, a Jedi Padawan and member of the Spectres. Maul took advantage of Bridger's presence, introducing himself as "Old Master" and manipulating him to retrieve a sith holocron inside of a sith temple. Coming into to contact with the other Spectres and the Inquisitors, Maul revealed to Bridger's teacher Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and his lifelong enemy Ahsoka Tano that his plan was to use the Sith superweapon inside to take revenge on all of his foes. Maul was able to escape from Malachor, and his encounter with Bridger peaked the apprentice's interest in the dark side of the force. A year later in 2 BBY, Maul's pursuits to learn to location of Obi-Wan Kenobi led him to various encounters with Ezra Bridger and his team.
Eventually, his search led Maul to the planet Tatooine where he engaged Kenobi. Kenobi quickly carved a wound in Maul's chest, ending his life and in turn his entire family line. Before passing away, Maul would lay in the arms of his enemy, reassured that revenge would finally be dealt to Palpatine, the man who took Maul from his family as a child. Kenobi privately honored his enemy by building him a funeral pyre, an event which he later recalled during his years as a force ghost, after his death aboard the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station during the Rescue of Princess Leia in 0 BBY.
Maul, and by extension his family, debuted in the 1999 prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. The rest of his family debuted in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, starting with Talzin in "Nightsisters," the twelfth episode of the series' third season, broadcast on January 7, 2011.
According to the Witches of Dathomir Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint, Opress was Talzin's eldest son. Conversely, the preview databank entry for the set indicated that Maul was his older brother. This article refrains from definitively stating which is accurate.