MC30c frigate

The MC30c frigate, also known as the MC30C or MC30c, represented a class of frigate from the Mon Calamari species. These vessels were produced by Mon Calamari Shipyards and actively participated in conflicts during the Imperial Era. These frigates were utilized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic's navy during the Galactic Civil War against the forces of the Galactic Empire. Furthermore, they were later incorporated into the New Republic Defense Fleet, which served as the naval arm of the Alliance's successor, the New Republic.

Serving as an attack craft, the MC30c frigate stood out as one of the most potent mid-tier warships within the Alliance's fleet. Their fragility meant they were typically deployed within Alliance battle groups. These frigates were involved in numerous battles throughout the Civil War, notably including the Battle of Xorrn and the Battle of Jakku, the latter marking the Empire's final defeat.


An MC30c frigate launches a salvo of proton torpedoes.

The MC30C frigate, with designations including MC30C and MC30c, was a class of swift attack frigate constructed by Mon Calamari Shipyards, each costing 9,500,000 credits. Measuring 380 meters in length, these vessels, like other Mon Calamari starships, were originally designed as city-ships before being converted for military use. The MC30c was among the most formidable mid-level starships in the Alliance Fleet, capable of inflicting significant damage on enemy warships in a short time span. This capability was enabled by two forward-mounted heavy proton torpedo launchers, sixteen medium turbolasers (eight on each side), and fourteen medium laser cannons (five on each side, three forward, and three aft). Additionally, it was equipped with six cluster bomb launchers (two on each side, one forward, and one aft).

Furthermore, the MC30c stood out as one of the fastest frigates produced by Mon Calamari Shipyards, capable of keeping pace with or even outstripping starfighters and escort vessels. It featured a primary class 1 hyperdrive and a backup class 15 hyperdrive, along with a navigation computer. Equipped with a long-range sensor, it could sustain operations for two years with its consumables. The ship's crew consisted of 820 officers and enlisted personnel, and it could carry ninety-five soldiers.

Despite its speed and firepower, the MC30c was recognized for its relatively light armor. However, Captain Nath Tensent, a New Republic pilot, noted their ability to withstand attacks from Star Destroyers. The MC30c incorporated a Mon Calamari-designed defense shield known for its substantial protection against incoming fire. However, once breached, an MC30c became vulnerable to destruction under sustained turbolaser fire or bomber attacks. Consequently, the MC30c typically operated within a larger fleet and relied on its cluster bombs for self-defense.

Two MC30cs escort a Pelta-class Command Cruiser.

In engagements against enemy warships, the MC30c would initially employ its turbolasers from a distance before closing in to medium-range to unleash its proton torpedo launchers. While risky, MC30c vessels sometimes concentrated their shields forward to mitigate counterattacks, while simultaneously deploying cluster bombs and firing their laser cannons in smaller groups to defend against starfighters. Against bombers, MC30cs would maintain balanced defense zones, firing their lasers in groups of three and five to target and eliminate the incoming threats.


Due to their limited survivability under sustained enemy fire, MC30cs were generally deployed within Alliance fleet groups, where they utilized their armaments to protect fleet assets from enemy frigates, cruisers, and Star Destroyers.


Alliance service

Following the invasion of Mon Cala and the subsequent escape of the Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet, numerous other Mon Cala city-ships successfully fled the initial assault. Among these were the MC30c frigates, which were subsequently refitted for combat and integrated into the navy of the Alliance to Restore the Republic in their struggle against the Galactic Empire, becoming a staple in major Alliance naval formations.

Two MC30c frigates were part of the Allied Armada that participated in the Battle of Xorrn.

During the latter stages of the Battle of Xorrn in the Galactic Civil War, which pitted a naval task force of the Galactic Empire against an allied force comprising Rebel Alliance units, Old Mandalorians, and residents of Foundry Four, the Rebel Alliance dispatched the Allied Armada as reinforcements. This naval squadron included two MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruisers, at least one MC30c frigate, a GR-75 medium transport, and five other starships. In addition, the squadron was supported by six fighter wings. The naval squadron then engaged the Imperial task force, securing an allied victory on Xorrn.

On one occasion, two MC30c frigates provided escort for a Pelta-class Command Cruiser above a celestial body. In another instance, an MC30C was targeted by an Imperial TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter from Onyx Squadron.

New Republic service

At least one MC30c frigate participated in the final battle of the war, the Battle of Jakku.

The MC30c frigate continued its service under the Rebel Alliance's successor, the New Republic, into 5 ABY. At least one MC30C Frigate took part in the Battle of Jakku, the concluding engagement of the Galactic Civil War, against Imperial loyalist forces. Like other starships and battle groups, it was assigned a specific role during the battle, but was ultimately consumed by serpent-like blue flames as TIE fighters swarmed around its hull in space above the surface of Jakku.

Alphabet Squadron Captain Nath Tensent witnessed the burning MC30c and recalled that he was unaware of its specific mission. As the battle progressed, Captain Tensent surmised that the ship's reactor had been breached when the MC30c suddenly flared brightly and exploded like a supernova, unleashing a shockwave and torrents of flaming gas. The nearby TIE fighters were propelled by the shockwave and subsequently engaged Tansent and his forces. Ultimately, the Battle of Jakku resulted in a New Republic victory, leading to the Empire's signing of the Galactic Concordance.

Behind the scenes

"Rebel Cruiser" concept art for Return of the Jedi which was used for the MC30c frigate.

The MC30c frigate first appeared in Star Wars canon within the 2016 Star Wars Roleplaying Game supplement book, Friends Like These, published by Fantasy Flight Games, although only in visual form. The frigate had appeared in other media before its official identification in the 2020 roleplaying sourcebook, Starships and Speeders. The design of the MC30c frigate was derived from concept art created by Joe Johnston for the Mon Calamari "Rebel Cruisers" intended for Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The design bore a strong resemblance to another concept piece, also by Johnston.

Ultimately, alternative designs were chosen, leading to the creation of the MC80 Star Cruiser. The original design was later repurposed for the MC30c frigate, which debuted in the 1997 Star Wars Legends video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, developed by LucasArts. The vessel was officially named in the Forces of Corruption expansion pack for the video game Star Wars: Empire at War. The expansion pack was launched in 2006.

Benjamin Last confirmed that the MC30c and its concept art were a source of inspiration for the Defender-class cruiser featured in the live-action web-TV series Ahsoka in 2023.

