
Raxshir, which are also known as sabertooths, were a species of large, predatory cat distinguished by their yellow coats adorned with black stripes. In 35 BBY, a raxshir inhabited a pine woodland located on the world of Shili, where it launched an assault on the Togruta individuals Pav-ti Tano and Ahsoka Tano. Following the arrival of more Togruta, this creature seized the baby Ahsoka, transporting her by the nape of her neck to an open area within the forest. It was there that the young child utilized the Force to bring a sense of peace to the raxshir, subsequently riding on its back as they journeyed back to her settlement. Upon reaching the settlement, the raxshir permitted Pav-ti to retrieve Ahsoka from its back before departing without conflict.

Biology and appearance

Raxshir, alternatively called sabertooths, were a kind of sizable tiger-esque cat with a length of four meters (equivalent to twelve feet). As imposing and fierce hunters, these tusked animals possessed a pair of elongated teeth extending from the upper mandible, accompanied by a series of smaller teeth positioned between them on both jaws. These cats featured a flattened, pink muzzle and a set of radiant gold eyes situated beneath a pair of auricles and a tuft of black mane. The majority of their fur was yellow with black stripes covering the upper portion of their four-legged bodies, while the underbelly was white. Each of their four paws was equipped with four taloned toes, and their robust tail nearly touched the ground.


Forest feline

A raxshir attacked Pav-ti and Ahsoka Tano on Shili.

Back in 35 BBY, a raxshir dwelt within the pine woods encircling a Togruta community located on the world of Shili. When the Togruta parent Pav-ti Tano ventured into the forest accompanied by her young offspring, Ahsoka Tano, with the intention of pursuing a kybuck, the raxshir observed them from its concealed position within the towering vegetation interspersed among the trees. It stealthily approached the pair in an open area where they had slain a kybuck, with Ahsoka noticing the creature as it advanced.

Upon Pav-ti's realization of the creature's presence, she cautiously reached for her blaster as the raxshir continued its approach, emitting growls before she could grasp the weapon. The mother then stood and bellowed at the raxshir, extending her arms wide in an attempt to intimidate it, prompting the feline to recoil and groan. However, as she seized the firearm, it swiped at her multiple times as she evaded and rolled out of harm's way. Subsequently, the raxshir ensnared the rifle within its jaws, using it to hurl Pav-ti across the clearing while emitting further growls. Displaying no fear, Ahsoka then gurgled, capturing the attention of the ferocious feline and thereby preserving her mother's life. It charged at the infant, but redirected its focus to Pavi-ti when she initiated gunfire with the rifle. Following the raxshir's disarmament of her, she brandished a blade and slashed at it, inflicting a wound upon one of the creature's legs as it attempted to slash her repeatedly with its claws.

The raxshir carried off Ahsoka Tano.

Rising onto its hind limbs, it ultimately knocked Pav-ti to the ground before advancing towards Ahsoka. By this juncture, other Togruta from the community had been drawn to the clearing by the sound of energy weapon fire, and they began firing upon the raxshir as it attempted to seize Ahsoka. The creature roared at them, then successfully lifted the crying infant into its mouth before fleeing from the clearing.

Subdued sabertooth

Ahsoka Tano used the Force to calm the raxshir.

As twilight descended, the raxshir carried Ahsoka through the forest by the scruff of her neck, while the baby babbled, seemingly unaffected by the creature. Upon arriving at a clearing, the creature deposited her and commenced grooming its forepaw. When the infant sneezed, the raxshir roared at her, but Ahsoka cooed in response and stood, advancing towards the feline. Observing her cautiously, the creature growled and licked its jaws before moving closer to consume its prey. As it approached the child, Ahsoka placed her hand upon its nose and instinctively harnessed the Force to bring a sense of tranquility to the untamed beast, causing it to halt.

The raxshir's gaze met that of Ahsoka, and it settled back on its haunches in front of her, roaring at her without breaking eye contact. Meanwhile, the infant's parents and the other villagers were aggressively searching for the raxshir, fearing that it would harm Ahsoka, but found no indication of the creature or child. With the Force-attuned infant capable of communicating with the raxshir through the Force, the feline carefully returned Ahsoka to the village that evening. As the pair arrived, Ahsoka's father, Nak-il Tano, was preparing to lead another group out to search for his daughter. Hearing the raxshir's roars as it approached, Pav-ti stepped toward the edge of the forest as it emerged, while the other villagers aimed their weapons. The raxshir roared, but did not attack, and the Togruta Gantika instructed the villagers to hold their fire.

The subdued raxshir returned Ahsoka Tano to her village.

A smiling Ahsoka then became visible on the raxshir's back as it entered the light from the village, where the creature stopped before Pav-ti and lowered its head so that the mother could step forward and take the infant from the subdued feline's back. Rising back up in a regal pose, the creature gazed into Ahsoka's eyes once more as Pav-ti spoke to it in Togruti, then the raxshir turned and left the village.

Behind the scenes

Justin Bruce Lee created storyboards of the raxshir.

A raxshir made its initial appearance in "Life and Death," which served as the debut episode of the television series Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, initially broadcast at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim on May 28, 2022, before its release on Disney+ on October 26, 2022. Justin Bruce Lee, who worked as an associate storyboard artist, developed storyboards depicting the raxshir's confrontation with Pav-ti Tano for the episode.

The episode's audio description refers to the creature exclusively as a sabertooth, although it was subsequently identified as a raxshir in the StarWars.com Story Gallery associated with "Life and Death." Furthermore, the audio description inaccurately portrays the raxshir as transporting Ahsoka to a cave, whereas the episode only depicts a clearing.

