Sonogari, identified as male, was a Riot Squadron pilot within the New Republic, known by the callsign Riot Seven. He shared a strong bond with fellow pilot Wyl Lark, and informally mentored him in flight. An attempted romantic connection, initiated with a kiss after the battle at the astronomical object Sarapin, led them to conclude they were better as friends. Shortly following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Riot Squadron, along with Hound Squadron's A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters, accompanied the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Hellion's Dare on a reconnaissance mission.
While stationed on the planet Jiruus, Sonogari and his squadron bid farewell to Lark, who planned to depart the following day. However, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing attacked the Dare above Jiruus, compelling the frigate and its accompanying starfighters to retreat to the Oridol Cluster. Nasi Moreno, a fellow pilot, was lost during the escape, and Sonogari suppressed his grief. The 204th relentlessly pursued the Hellion's Dare through the cluster, and Sonogari perished in the initial engagement, receiving a funeral from his squadron soon after.
During the Galactic Civil War, Sonogari fought for the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire, piloting an RZ-1 A-wing interceptor as Riot Seven in Riot Squadron. When Wyl Lark, a polynean individual, joined Riot Squadron, Sonogari took on the role of his informal flight instructor, guiding him in mastering the A-wing's controls. These unofficial lessons involved discussions about family, art, religion, and the various worlds they had experienced. Sonogari shared stories of his mother, while Lark confided his anxieties about his aunt and uncle. Following a fleet battle at the astronomical object Sarapin, the two friends shared a kiss, but later dismissed it with humor, concluding that a romantic relationship was not suitable for them. In 4 ABY, Riot Squadron participated in the Battle of Endor, a significant victory against the Empire that resulted in the death of the Emperor.
Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Riot Squadron, along with Hound Squadron (an A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter squadron), was assigned to a reconnaissance mission aboard the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Hellion's Dare. During the mission's final stages, while stationed above the planet Jiruus, Riot Squadron celebrated Lark's impending departure the next day to his homeworld Polyneus. The Ishi Tib Sata Neek jokingly claimed to be the only one who would truly miss Lark, suggesting that Sonogari would never admit to missing the polynean in Neek's presence. Sonogari then kissed Lark's forehead before wading through a pond filled with luminous lilies. The group of pilots, including Sonogari, then walked through a garden sharing anecdotes from Riot Squadron's past missions.
That night, the Hellion's Dare was ambushed by TIE/ln space superiority starfighters from the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. Sonogari, along with his Riot Squadron and Hound Squadron comrades, swiftly moved to defend the Hellion's Dare, enabling the reconnaissance group to successfully escape into hyperspace. Upon exiting hyperspace in the Oridol Cluster, pilots were instructed to report in, and Sonogari complied. However, it was discovered that Riot Eight, Nasi Moreno, had been killed before she could enter hyperspace within the Jiruus system. Knowing Sonogari would grieve her deeply, Lark embraced him upon landing in the Dare's hangar, but Sonogari refused to express his sorrow for his fallen comrade.
The pilots of Riot Squadron conducted a funeral for Moreno, involving an ion detonation, a blackout, and candlelit eulogies. The 204th, having tracked the Hellion's Dare to the Oridol Cluster, soon arrived and attacked the [frigate](/article/frigate] once more. Sonogari and the rest of Riot Squadron, alongside Hound Squadron, scrambled to defend the Dare, but as the reconnaissance group fled again, Sonogari was intercepted and killed before he could jump into hyperspace. Lark mourned the loss of his comrade during the hyperspace jump following the battle. Meanwhile, the 204th forces recovered Sonogari's A-wing to extract the jump coordinates sent to the New Republic fighters before their retreat.
After exiting hyperspace again, the surviving pilots of Riot Squadron held a funeral for Sonogari. Following the funeral, they gathered in the Dare's morgue, where Neek shared a story that began as an ode to Sonogari's literary tastes. The 204th persisted in pursuing the Hellion's Dare and its escort squadrons, gradually diminishing their numbers. It was soon discovered that the fighter wing had been targeting fighters like Sonogari's to retrieve their jumper coordinates, revealing the squadrons' escape routes. However, the Dare and both squadrons were subsequently destroyed, with Lark and the B-wing pilot Chass na Chadic being the sole survivors. Lark often reflected on his friend in the aftermath.
Sonogari was a male character who experienced a strained relationship with his mother. During his time in Riot Squadron, he developed a close friendship with Wyl Lark, teaching him A-wing controls and engaging in deep conversations, but ultimately deciding against a romantic relationship. Despite expectations that he would deeply mourn Nasi Moreno, Sonogari suppressed his grief upon her death.
Sonogari's first appearance was in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, penned by Alexander Freed.