Suba, a male human, held the rank of lieutenant within the Imperial Navy. He was assigned as Chief of Security aboard the Executor, the flagship commanded by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who also led the Death Squadron fleet. During the year 3 ABY, Suba, along with Admiral Firmus Piett, witnessed Vader's execution of Captain Lorth Needa. This execution was a consequence of Needa's failure to prevent the rebel freighter, the Millennium Falcon, from escaping following the Battle of Hoth.
Subsequently, Vader instructed Death Squadron to determine all the possible destinations the Falcon might have fled to. Later, the Empire located the Falcon on the planet Bespin. Suba was present on the bridge as the Executor prepared its tractor beam in an attempt to seize the vessel. However, the Falcon successfully jumped into hyperspace, evading capture.
Suba, a male human, was a member of both the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Officer Corps within the Galactic Empire. By the year 3 ABY, Suba had attained the rank of lieutenant and served as the Chief of Security on the Executor, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. The Executor was the flagship of Darth Vader, the Sith Lord who also commanded Death Squadron, his fleet. The Executor participated in Project Swarm, the operation to locate the Alliance to Restore the Republic's secret base, which led to Death Squadron establishing a blockade around the planet Hoth.

Following the events of the Battle of Hoth, Vader directed the fleet to pursue the fleeing rebel freighter, the Millennium Falcon, knowing it carried allies of Luke Skywalker, the rebel pilot. After the Falcon disappeared from Imperial sensors, Captain Lorth Needa arrived on the Executor to offer a personal apology for his failure. Suba, alongside Admiral Firmus Piett, stood at a console of monitors in one of the Executor's corridors as Vader used telekinesis to choke Needa to death behind them. As naval troopers removed Needa's body, Piett and Suba turned to Vader, with the admiral confirming the complete loss of the Falcon's trace.
Vader then commanded that all potential destinations for the Falcon be calculated based on its last known course, warning Piett against further failures. After Vader departed, Piett instructed Suba and other officers to deploy the fleet, which they promptly did. Eventually, Vader and the Empire tracked the Falcon to the planet Bespin, where they successfully captured its captain, Han Solo. The remaining members of the freighter's crew managed to escape the city aboard the Falcon. Suba was present on the Executor's bridge as Piett ordered the preparation of the Star Destroyer's tractor beam to ensnare the rebel vessel. Nevertheless, the Falcon successfully entered hyperspace before capture, escaping the Empire's grasp once more.
A photograph featuring Suba standing next to Piett was included within a briefing report dispatched to Coruscant, the Imperial capital. Later, in 35 ABY, the historian Beaumont Kin incorporated this image into his book, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire.
Suba was seen wearing the standard olive-gray uniform of an Imperial naval officer. This included a code cylinder, a rank insignia plaque displaying two red bars over two blue ones, and an Imperial kepi.
Suba's initial appearance was in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, the 1980 original trilogy film. In Suba's last scene in the movie, the rank badges of both he and Piett were initially positioned incorrectly on their uniforms; however, this was corrected in the 2004 DVD release. Within current Star Wars canon, Suba's character was first utilized in the mobile card game Star Wars: Force Collection, which debuted in 2013. Although Force Collection was released before the Star Wars canon reset of 2014, Leland Chee of the Lucasfilm Story Group verified that the game was consistently updated to align with established canon. The name "Suba" originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially appearing on a card in the Dagobah Limited set from 1997 for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.