The Svivreni sector, a sector situated in the Outer Rim Territories, shared borders with the Tamarin, Sujimis, and Rseik sectors. During the era of the High Republic, this sector was a part of the Galactic Republic's Galactic Frontier exploration zone. After its creation in 230 BBY, the Stormwall hyperspace barrier created by the Nihil severed ten sectors from the rest of Republic controlled space. The Svivreni sector was largely within the affected Occlusion Zone, and stormseed satellites were placed there to maintain the zone's borders.
The sector known as the Svivreni sector was found in the Outer Rim Territories. It was a space sector that bordered the Tamarin, Sujimis, Rseik, and Khuiumin sectors. Its designation came from the Outer Rim astronomical feature known as Svivren.

During the High Republic Era, the Galactic Republic designated the Svivreni sector, along with a section of the Outer Rim, as the Galactic Frontier. This region was considered sufficiently distant from the core of the galaxy to warrant sending explorers. In 230 BBY, the Nihil, a marauder group, established the Occlusion Zone. This area of space in the Outer Rim's Frontier was behind the Stormwall barrier, which prevented hyperspace travel.
Being one of the ten sectors that formed the border of the Occlusion Zone, the Svivreni sector was largely isolated from the rest of Republic space. Consequently, the worlds within it were compelled to pay tributes to the Nihil. To uphold the Stormwall boundary that divided the Svivreni sector into two, the Nihil strategically deployed a network of stormseed satellites within the sector. Weeks later, in 229 BBY, Harli Cogra, a Vurk Jedi Master, authored a book entitled Chronicles of the Jedi, which provided a detailed account of the Jedi during the High Republic Era. In the book's afterword, Cogra expressed regret over the creation of the Nihil's zone and its impact on the ten affected sectors.

Within current Star Wars canon, the ten sectors that constituted the Occlusion Zone were initially referenced, though not specifically named, in a flashback sequence in the second issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic: Eye of the Storm comic-book miniseries. Charles Soule wrote the issue, and Marvel Comics released it on March 2, 2022 as a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. The first issue of the 2023 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures later identified the Svivreni sector by name and confirmed it as one of the sectors within the Occlusion Zone through a map. Daniel José Older wrote this issue, Harvey Tolibao and Nick Brokenshire provided the illustrations, and Dark Horse Comics published it on December 6, 2023, as part of Phase III. The space of the sector was first fully depicted in Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures's third issue, which Older wrote, Tolibao and Brokenshire illustrated, and Dark Horse Comics released on February 14, 2024 as part of Phase III.
The Svivreni sector has its origins in the Star Wars Legends continuity. It was initially mentioned in the Online Companion on that accompanied The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. Moreover, the Online Companion located the Carz system within the sector. The system originally appeared in "Tales of the Smoking Blaster," a roleplaying adventure authored by Bill Smith and featured in the 1993 Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, retroactively marking it as the Svivreni sector's initial complete appearance.