A Klatooinian male, who held the position of boss or don, led the Klatooinian family within the city of Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. This individual operated under the notorious crime lord Jabba the Hutt until Jabba's death. Following this, the Klatooinian separated his family from the deceased Hutt's criminal empire when Bib Fortuna, the majordomo, took control of the throne. He maintained a tense alliance with the new leader while simultaneously attempting, but failing, to usurp Fortuna's position.
[Boba Fett](/article/boba_fett], formerly a bounty hunter, eventually seized Jabba's throne, becoming the new Daimyo. However, his rule was immediately challenged, particularly by the Pyke Syndicate, who sought to dominate the territory. Fett convened a banquet with the leaders of Mos Espa's three ruling families, seeking their support against the Pykes. The Klatooinian don questioned Fett's legitimacy and declined to endanger his people for the Daimyo's cause. Despite this, he agreed to Fett's proposal that the families remain neutral during the conflict. Ultimately, the Klatooinian don, along with the other two leaders, betrayed Boba and allied with the Pykes. During the battle of Mos Espa, all three, along with Mok Shaiz and the Pyke boss, were eliminated by Fennec Shand.

On the desert planet of Tatooine, a Klatooinian male headed the Klatooinian family within the city of Mos Espa. He was a captain serving the crime lord Jabba the Hutt and profited greatly until the Hutt's death in 4 ABY. When Bib Fortuna, Jabba's majordomo, claimed the throne, the Klatooinian don quickly withdrew his family from Jabba's criminal empire, similar to the Strassi family and Aqualish family. As a result, Mos Espa was divided among these three families, with the Klatooinians controlling the spaceport and upper sprawl. Fortuna's rule relied on fragile alliances with these families, each leader constantly trying to overthrow him, but always failing.
Around 9 ABY, Boba Fett, a renowned bounty hunter who had retired after Jabba's death, attacked Fortuna's palace, killing the former majordomo and declaring himself the new Daimyo of Tatooine. This power grab was met with resistance, as Fett survived two assassination attempts, and the Mayor of Mos Espa, Mok Shaiz, pledged Fett's territories to the Pyke Syndicate.

As the Pykes amassed forces in the city, threatening his territory, Fett summoned the Klatooinian don and other family heads for a banquet. There, Fennec Shand, Fett's partner and a Master Assassin, reminded the families of their past positions in Jabba's organization and the subsequent power struggles. Fett promised a mutually beneficial relationship and warned that the Pyke Syndicate's takeover was draining Tatooine's resources. After Dokk Strassi, the Trandoshan family leader, argued that the families profited from the spice trade, the Pykes' primary business, the Klatooinian don openly questioned Fett's legitimacy as Daimyo, wondering what prevented the families from assassinating him.
The banquet was interrupted by Fett's rancor, which roared from its dungeon below. Fett calmed the rancor and invited the family leaders back to their seats. The Daimyo proposed an alliance against the Pyke Syndicate. The Klatooinian don expressed skepticism about risking his people's lives for a conflict that didn't directly involve him, a sentiment echoed by Strassi. Fett then assured the families that he would handle the Pykes himself, requesting only their neutrality. Strassi and Garfalaquox, the Aqualish don, agreed to the terms, and the Klatooinian also consented. With the agreement in place, they all departed from Boba's palace in speeders.

The don's agreement with Fett was short-lived, as he and the other two family leaders had secretly allied with the Pyke Syndicate, who needed Tatooine to be favorable for their operations. While the leaders traveled to the Pykes' headquarters, the Desert Survey Office in the Mos Eisley spaceport, the forces under the families and the Pykes prepared to overthrow Fett's control over Mos Espa. As part of the attack, the families initiated the conflict, with the don's soldiers eliminating the pair of Gamorrean guards guarding the upper sprawl before advancing into the city center. The don's forces suffered casualties during the battle before the Pyke forces retreated from the city.
At the Desert Survey Office, the Klatooinian and the other family dons were with Mok Shaiz and the Pyke Syndicate's boss on Tatooine. The Pyke boss announced that his forces were withdrawing to Mos Eisley to leave the planet. The leaders were unhappy, with the Klatooinian criticizing the Syndicate official's retreat plan, a sentiment Strassi supported. The boss, however, explained that Tatooine was no longer suitable for his syndicate. As the argument continued, they heard gunshots outside. The boss and the family leaders raised their blasters when Fennec Shand shot Garfalaquox from above. Before anyone could locate the sniper, the Klatooinian was shot in the chest and fell to the floor, dead. The assassin then killed the remaining occupants before leaving.
The Klatooinian male possessed brown skin. He aspired to claim Jabba the Hutt's throne and attempted to overthrow Bib Fortuna, but failed. He openly challenged Boba Fett's claim to the throne, questioning what prevented the families from killing the Daimyo. The don was unwilling to make sacrifices to support Fett against the Pykes and instead sided with the Syndicate while feigning neutrality. This duplicity proved unsuccessful, angering the don when the Syndicate's boss chose to withdraw his forces, abandoning his crime family.
The Klatooinian wore red and yellow clothing and used a speeder. Unlike the other Mos Espa dons who carried SE-14r light repeating blasters, the Klatooinian wielded a different blaster model with a forward grip.
The boss made his debut in the fourth episode of the 2022 Disney+ series The Book of Boba Fett, where the descriptive audio track identified him as a don. However, the credits for both Chapter 4 and Chapter 7 credit the character as Klatooinian boss. He is also referred to as a boss on cards for Star Wars: Card Trader. Ardeshir Radpour provided the physical performance, while Phil LaMarr, a veteran Star Wars voice actor, provided the voice.