
Garfalaquox, an Aqualish crime boss, conducted his operations on the desert world of Tatooine. After Boba Fett, the bounty hunter, seized control of Jabba the Hutt's palace and his extensive criminal empire, Garfalaquox made a visit to the palace. His purpose was to offer tribute to the newly established crime lord. The Aqualish presented Fett with a chest filled with credits as a gesture of goodwill, addressing both Fett and his associate, the Master Assassin Fennec Shand, before taking his leave.

While Garfalaquox's appearance suggested acceptance of Fett as the new Daimyo, his true allegiance lay elsewhere. He had secretly aligned himself with the other crime bosses in a pact with the Pyke Syndicate. This alliance aimed to assist the Pykes in their scheme to oust Fett from Mos Espa. Although Aqualish family soldiers participated actively in the battle, Garfalaquox sought safety at the Pykes' headquarters, situated within the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine. He was joined by the other two family heads and Mok Shaiz, the Mayor of Mos Espa. When Fett successfully drove the Pykes out of the city, Shand disrupted negotiations with the Pyke boss by executing the assassination of the conspirators, with Garfalaquox being her first target.


Serving Jabba

Garfalaquox, an Aqualish individual, held the position of leader within the Aqualish family residing in the city of Mos Espa on the desert planet Tatooine. Furthermore, he functioned as a captain within the criminal empire overseen by the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Back in 3 ABY, Garfalaquox was entrusted with a keycard that granted access to the Hutt Cartel vault, located at the Desilijic Complex in Mos Eisley.

However, the thief known as Kay Vess managed to pilfer the keycard from a barracks situated in the Great Chott salt flat region of Tatooine. Later, in 3 ABY, she utilized this keycard, along with others, to carry out a theft from the vault.

Tribute to the Daimyo

Don Garfalaquox offers a container of credits as tribute to the new Daimyo.

Following Jabba's death in 4 ABY, his majordomo, Bib Fortuna, declared his claim to the empire. This action prompted Garfalaquox to withdraw his family from the criminal organization, a move mirrored by the leaders of both the Strassi family and the Klatooinian family. Consequently, Mos Espa underwent a division among these families, with the Aqualish assuming control over the Worker's District. Fortuna's authority hinged on fragile alliances with Garfalaquox and the other two leaders, each of whom harbored ambitions of overthrowing the former majordomo, though none succeeded.

In 9 ABY, Boba Fett, a renowned bounty hunter who decided to leave his previous profession, assassinated Fortuna. Subsequently, Fett assumed command of Jabba's palace as the new Daimyo, aiming to rebuild the remnants of the fallen empire. After Fett established his presence in the palace, Garfalaquox was among those who arrived to offer tribute to the new crime lord. The Aqualish entered the palace's throne room, addressing Fett and his associate, Master Assassin Fennec Shand. He presented Fett with a chest filled with credits, making a statement about friendship before entrusting the credits to the 8D-series smelter droid known as 8D8. Garfalaquox bowed to Fett before departing the palace; however, neither Fett nor Shand fully understood the Aqualish's language, leading Fett to acknowledge the need for a protocol droid.

Fett's proposal

Garfalaquox expresses intent to remain neutral in the war between Fett and the Pykes.

As the Pyke Syndicate amassed troops in Mos Espa with the support of Mok Shaiz, the Mayor, Fett convened a banquet for Garfalaquox and the other two family leaders. Following Shand's summary of the power dynamics after Jabba the Hutt's demise, Fett cautioned the crime bosses about the Pyke's impending takeover of Tatooine. When the head of the Klatooinian family suggested they could contend for the title of Daimyo by assassinating Fett, the guests were startled by a roar from Fett's rancor, housed beneath the throne room where the meeting took place. After this, Fett invited the leaders to return to their seats. Garfalaquox inquired about the Daimyo's proposition, with 8D8 providing translation.

Fett then proposed an alliance among the families to oppose the Pyke Syndicate. The Daimyo's request was met with resistance, as the Klatooinian crime boss voiced opposition, supported by Dokk Strassi, the leader of the Strassi family. Consequently, Fett proposed that the leaders instead maintain neutrality in his conflict with the Pykes. The family leaders consulted with their associates, and Garfalaquox, following Strassi, agreed to Fett's terms, with the Klatooinian crime boss concurring afterward. They toasted to their agreement before departing in their speeders and leaving the palace.

Fateful deal

Garfalaquox's agreement with Fett proved short-lived, as he and the other two family leaders had secretly struck a deal with the Pyke Syndicate, contingent upon Tatooine becoming conducive to the syndicate's operations. The leaders journeyed to the Pykes' headquarters on Tatooine, the Desert Survey Office at the Mos Eisley [spaceport](/article/spaceport], while soldiers from the Mos Espa families and the Pykes prepared to depose Fett from his rule over the city. The families initiated the attack, with Garfalaquox's soldiers assaulting Fett's biker gang, the Mods. The Mods struggled to withstand their attackers until Shand intervened, eliminating several Aqualish family members in the process. Furthermore, Fett and his forces successfully drove the Pyke forces from Mos Espa, resulting in the death of half of the Pykes involved in the battle.

Garfalaquox was shot by Fennec Shand

Back at the Desert Survey Office, Garfalaquox and the other family crime bosses were present alongside Mok Shaiz and the boss of the Pyke Syndicate on Tatooine. The Pyke boss informed the others that his forces were retreating to Mos Eisley in preparation for leaving the planet. Garfalaquox remained silent as the other two crime bosses confronted the boss, who argued that Tatooine was no longer suitable for his syndicate. However, as the debate continued, gunshots erupted from outside. Garfalaquox was the first to draw a blaster, doing so while the Pyke boss summoned his guards. The Pykes and the other family leaders soon followed Garfalaquox's example, raising their blasters and scanning the windows. Garfalaquox was the first to fall when a shot struck him in the head, resulting in his death. The assailant, Fennec Shand, proceeded to eliminate the room's six other occupants before departing.

Personality and traits

Garfalaquox exhibited white hair, black eyes, and pale skin. The Aqualish communicated using the Aqualish language characteristic of his species. When bowing to Lord Fett, his actions conveyed respect.


The Aqualish donned a long set of red and tan robes featuring a dark collar. Additionally, the Aqualish carried an SE-14r light repeating blaster on his person.

Behind the scenes

Garfalaquox made his initial appearance in "Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land," the inaugural episode of the television series The Book of Boba Fett, broadcast on Disney+ on December 29, 2021. Barry Lowin portrayed the character, as acknowledged in the episode's credits. Before the episode's release, Garfalaquox was revealed in the series' trailer on November 1, 2021.

