
The Unnamed was a starship utilized by the Rebel Alliance's intelligence division during the period of the Galactic Civil War. In the year 3 ABY, Captain Magna Tolvan held command of the Unnamed, with her squad, Strike Team Misericorde, operating from the ship. Following the acquisition of intel concerning the renegade archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra, the Unnamed successfully seized an Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, subsequently bringing it into its designated hangar. Within the hangar, Tolvan's strike team neutralized all occupants of the shuttle with stun weapons, except for Aphra, who managed to avoid the effects of the deployed ion grenade.

While the strike team conducted a search for Aphra, the aforementioned archaeologist employed the Lambda's laser cannons to generate covering fire as she made her way into the interior hallways of the Unnamed. Subsequently, she disabled the RA-7 protocol droid TZ-2 located in the operations room and then manipulated the droid to create a diversion, effectively trapping Tolvan's troops inside. Tolvan successfully circumvented the trap and continued her pursuit of Aphra. In the meantime, the doctor arranged for her assassin droid, BT-1, who was among the passengers captured from the shuttle, to break free from rebel custody along with her father, Korin Aphra. Following this, she engaged in a physical altercation with Tolvan, which resulted in both of them falling into a waste disposal unit. While in the pit, they exchanged dialogue regarding their feelings for one another, leading to a kiss and a sexual encounter.

Aphra departed from the sleeping Tolvan and met up with BT-1 and Korin, who were still in a stunned state. She programmed the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle to transport her father to Ash Moon 1, a moon located within the Kartovian Formation, and then jettisoned all of the Unnamed's escape pods, with one containing herself and BT-1. Meanwhile, Tolvan proceeded to the starship's bridge to assess the situation alongside the bridge crew. The Lambda managed to break free from the hangar and escape, with the Unnamed pursuing the shuttle, guided by a tracker affixed to the Imperial vessel by Sergeant Sister Six, a member of the strike team.


The bridge of the Unnamed

The Unnamed was a starship featuring a minimum of seven engine units that extended from the aft section of the craft. It also incorporated [hyperdrive](/article/hyperdrive] systems, a [tractor beam](/article/tractor_beam] mechanism, and at least seven [escape pods](/article/escape_pod]. The vessel was equipped with a minimum of two dual [laser cannons](/article/laser_cannon], with one positioned at the front of the ship and another located on the underside. The Unnamed featured a bridge complete with [viewports](/article/viewport], numerous terminals, and a centrally located circular holotable. The starship also possessed a ventral [hangar](/article/hangar] capable of housing vessels such as [shuttles](/article/shuttle] and [starfighters](/article/starfighter]. Additional interior spaces included an operations room equipped with multiple [screens](/article/viewscreen] and a terminal, a [brig](/article/brig] designed for holding [prisoners](/article/prisoner], and a waste disposal unit where discarded equipment was deposited into a pool of radiant [green](/article/color] liquid.


Seizing a shuttle

During the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war], the Unnamed served as an asset of the Rebel Alliance's navy and was deployed by the faction's intelligence division. In the year [3 ABY](/article/3_aby], the starship was under the command of Captain Magna Tolvan, who was the leader of the intelligence unit known as Strike Team Misericorde. The rebels obtained intelligence concerning the rogue archaeologist Doctor [Chelli Aphra](/article/chelli_lona_aphra], with whom Tolvan had previously encountered, which prompted the Unnamed to intercept an Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle in proximity to Asteroid Helix 13-v. The starship utilized a tractor beam to secure the Imperial shuttle and subsequently brought the Lambda into its hangar. Strike Team Misericorde then boarded the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle and employed an [ion grenade](/article/ion_grenade] to render any occupants inside incapacitated.

The Unnamed apprehended a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle carrying Chelli and Korin Aphra.

Upon identifying Aphra's father, [Korin Aphra](/article/korin_aphra], among the stunned passengers, the rebels removed them from the shuttle. However, Aphra was not found among the unconscious individuals. Tolvan was certain of Aphra's presence, a belief not shared by strike team member Sergeant Sister Six. Her suspicions were confirmed when the rogue archaeologist, having avoided being stunned, commandeered the Lambda's [cannon](/article/cannon] systems and used one of them to fire in close proximity to the rebels as a means of distraction while she fled the shuttle and proceeded down a hallway. After alerting the rest of the Unnamed's crew to Aphra's escape, Tolvan directed that the remaining shuttle passengers be taken to the brig.

Concurrently, in the operations room, the RA-7 protocol droid TZ-2 had reviewed recorded footage of Aphra and the Imperials at Asteroid Helix 13-v, where the rebels had strategically placed hidden [cameras](/article/camera]. The protocol droid deduced that the Empire had been seeking information regarding the location of the Alliance's secret headquarters and relayed this information to Tolvan. It was at this point that Aphra entered the room and incapacitated TZ-2, immediately drawing the captain's attention. As Tolvan and Strike Team Misericorde rushed towards the operations room, Aphra dressed the protocol droid in her [jacket](/article/jacket], [hat](/article/hat], and gloves and remotely controlled the droid to mimic her appearance. The captain and her forces entered the room and were deceived by Aphra's ruse, closing in on her decoy within the operations room.

Aphra's escape

With the rebels inside the operations room, Aphra proceeded to seal the entrance, but Tolvan managed to pass through the doorway before it closed completely. Having hacked the Unnamed's security protocols, the doctor also sealed the bridge from the outside. While evading Tolvan, Aphra contacted her assassin droid, BT-1, who was being held in the brig alongside the other shuttle passengers, and encouraged the droid to escape and escort Korin back to the shuttle. Meanwhile, Tolvan continued to pursue the rogue archaeologist through a maintenance area, with the two engaging in a scuffle and exchanging remarks about their shared history. Aphra then pushed the captain into a waste disposal unit but also fell in herself. While in the pit, the two further discussed their feelings for each other, culminating in a kiss and sexual activity.

The shuttle escapes from the Unnamed.

Aphra soon left Tolvan while she was unconscious and reunited with BT-1 after the droid reached the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle with Korin, having eliminated the rebel guards and other Imperials present at the brig. She programmed the shuttle to transport her father to Ash Moon 1, located within the Kartovian Formation, and then launched all of the Unnamed's escape pods, with herself and BT-1 entering one of them. Meanwhile, Tolvan had regained consciousness and was making her way to the bridge. Upon arriving, she assessed the rebels' situation aboard the starship with the bridge crew and determined that the escape pods were functioning as a decoy screen. At that moment, the Imperial shuttle blasted its way out of the Unnamed and escaped with Korin.

Unable to engage the Lambda, the bridge crew detected a single life sign on the escaping shuttle. Concluding that it was Aphra, Tolvan confirmed with Sister Six, who had escaped the operations room, that a tracker had been placed on the shuttle. After Six confirmed this, the captain directed the Unnamed to follow the Imperial vessel, unaware that Aphra was actually in one of the jettisoned escape pods. The captain ultimately followed the shuttle to Ash Moon 1, where she encountered Korin and Vulaada Klam, an associate of Aphra's who had been abandoned on the moon shortly before.

Commanders and crew

The Unnamed was under the command of Captain Magna Tolvan in 3 ABY, with her unit, Strike Team Misericorde, serving as the vessel's crew. The bridge was staffed by at least three crewmembers and an astromech droid, and the brig was guarded by a pair of rebel soldiers.

Behind the scenes

The Unnamed made its initial appearance, although unnamed, in the thirty-eighth issue of the 2016 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic book series, authored by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Caspar Wijngaard, and published by Marvel Comics on November 6, 2019. The vessel's identity was revealed in a preview for the thirty-ninth issue, which was released on StarWars.com on November 20 of the same year.

