Fedovoi End

Fedovoi End, or Fedovoi, was a planet in the Inner Rim Territories and Trailing Sectors occupied by the Yomo Council, a breakaway faction from the Galactic Empire following its defeat at the Battle of Endor. While primarily a military outpost, Fedovoi End was home to half a million troops and their families. As the Yomo Council committed actions that the Imperial loyalists saw as treasonous, including refusing to follow the orders of Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing was sent to destroy Fedovoi End in a renewed Operation: Cinder campaign.

After Colonel Soran Keize announced the unit's intentions to destroy Fedovoi End and eliminate the leaders of the Yomo Council, inviting any other former Imperials to abandon the planet and join them, the 204th shattered areas of Fedovoi End's polar ice caps, opening up gas pockets and slowly poisoning the planet's atmosphere. After the New Republic became aware of Fedovoi End's destruction, General Hera Syndulla intended to reroute starships she had left in the Nythlide Array to look for survivors on the planet.


A terrestrial planet in the Inner Rim Territories and Trailing Sectors, Fedovoi End, or simply Fedovoi, was situated at the coordinates M-14 on the Standard Galactic Grid. It appeared brown and green from space and was orbited by three rose-colored moons. The planet was situated in the same region as the planets Dybbron III and Kortatka, and together the three worlds formed a near-straight line of travel. Fedovoi End possessed an atmosphere and polar ice caps that held pockets of toxic gases beneath the ice sheets.

Remnant of the Empire

The Battle of Endor (pictured) was such a loss to the Galactic Empire the regime began to fracture, leading to rebellious factions like the Yomo Council of Fedovoi End.

The Battle of Endor (pictured) was such a loss to the Galactic Empire the regime began to fracture, leading to rebellious factions like the Yomo Council of Fedovoi End.

During the Imperial Era, Fedovoi End was under the control of the Galactic Empire. Following the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, a number of factions broke away from the Imperial forces. One such faction, the Yomo Council, whose leaders included Governor Brashan and General Tuluh, took control of Fedovoi End. The Yomo Council refused to cooperate with the Imperial loyalists, defying the orders of Grand Admiral Rae Sloane.

In 5 ABY, as a result of the Yomo Council's actions, seen as treason by the loyalists, Fedovoi End became a target in a renewed Operation: Cinder—a campaign to destroy numerous worlds first undertaken by the Empire after the Battle of Endor—with the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, led by Colonel Soran Keize, sent to destroy the planet and eliminate the Yomo Council. The 204th's bulk freighter Yadeez and its escorts positioned above Fedovoi End, defeating the heavy firepower that the Yomo Council sent toward them. Keize informed the Yomo Council of the planet's imminent destruction and urged any inhabitants not loyal to their superiors to abandon Fedovoi End. The Yomo Council did not reply to Keize's message, instead powering their defenses' ion cannons.

Death of a world

The fractured Galactic Empire was at war with itself in 5 ABY, with the Yomo Council and loyalist Imperials clashing at Fedovoi End.

The fractured Galactic Empire was at war with itself in 5 ABY, with the Yomo Council and loyalist Imperials clashing at Fedovoi End.

The 204th's TIE fighters, led by Commander Teso Broosh, moved into Fedovoi End's atmosphere. They were originally directed toward Fedovoi End's to eliminate the planetary defenses, but under a suggestion from Lieutenant Yrica Quell—a former 204th pilot who had returned from New Republic service with the intent of assisting in the destruction of the fighter wing—Keize instead ordered the starfighters to take the riskier approach of heading directly for the planet's polar regions, where they bombed the ice caps, releasing the gases that had been held within. As the TIEs continued to bombard the ice caps, the atmosphere of Fedovoi End was gradually poisoned and its population eventually succumbed to the toxic gases.

A number of the planet's inhabitants, including Major Njock, escaped its destruction by accepting Keize's offer and joining the Imperial loyalists. Three days after Fedovoi End's devastation, the New Republic discovered a recording of Keize's message, learning of the planet's fate. New Republic General Hera Syndulla intended to reroute starships that she had left in the Nythlide Array under Major Jaun to look for survivors at Fedovoi End.


Though Fedovoi End was primarily an Imperial military outpost, it was home to over half a million troops and their families. Prior to destroying the planet, Keize believed that some of the former Imperials on Fedovoi End would be willing to abandon the planet, but that others would be incapable of doing so or refuse to leave Fedovoi End or join the Imperial loyalists for various reasons. Ultimately, some of the inhabitants did abandon the Yomo Council, but the remainder of the population fell victim to the planet's destruction.


Fedovoi End had a capital that was armed with planetary defenses, as well as military bases and other population centers. However, the planet's population was small enough that its military bases were few in number.

Behind the scenes

Fedovoi End appeared in the 2021 novel Victory's Price, written by Alexander Freed.







