Karie Neth


Baraan-Fa, Karie Neth's homeworld

Baraan-Fa, Karie Neth's homeworld

Karie Neth was born on the Planet Baraan-Fa around 18 BBY. She became best friends with another girl her age, Lanna. In 1 ABY, at age nineteen, Neth and Lanna joined the Rebel Alliance.

A human female who served as a pilot in the Starfighter Corps of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's navy during the Alliance's war against the Galactic Empire. In 4 ABY, Alliance forces began gathering over the planet Sullust in preparation for an attack on the Empire's Death Star II superweapon, which was being constructed in orbit of the moon Endor. Above Sullust, Neth attended a briefing on the plan for the battle in a conference room on board Home One, the MC80A Heavy Star Cruiser flagship of the Alliance.

Before the briefing began, Neth stood at the base of the tiered seating in the room alongside several other starfighter pilots before taking a seat at the end of one of the benches. The Sullustan B-wing pilot Ten Numb then approached her, and the pair spoke until a chime noted the start of the briefing. Several members of the Alliance High Command then spoke while holograms were displayed in the center of the room, starting with the Alliance's leader, Mon Mothma. As Mothma took the floor, After Mothma gave information about the Death Star, Admiral Gial Ackbar detailed its defences and the fleet's attack plan, and General Crix Madine then spoke about a strike team being sent to Endor itself.

Karie Neth danced next to Lumat (center) and Brethupp (right).

Karie Neth danced next to Lumat (center) and Brethupp (right).

After the briefing, the plan was put into action and the rebels travelled to the Endor system. There, the strike team had formed an alliance with the Ewoks of Endor that allowed them to destroy a shield generator bunker protecting the Death Star from the surface. The Alliance fleet was then able to destroy the Death Star itself after battling the Imperial Navy. The rebels and their new Ewok allies celebrated the victory together in Bright Tree Village on Endor and Neth was among those who attended the festivies. During the celebration, she and the Ewok Lumat danced beside a set of drums made up of trophy Imperial helmets being played by the Ewok Brethupp.

Personality and traits

Karie Neth had light skin and black hair. She was attracted to other women.


While at the briefing and celebration, Neth wore an orange flight suit with a white flak vest. At the briefing she also carried a K-22995 light flight helmet.

Behind the scenes

Lynne Hazelden portrayed Karie Neth in the 1983 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. In the current Star Wars canon, the character was identified in "The Extra Five Percent," a short story written by M. K. England and published in the anthology From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi on August 29, 2023.

Prior to the book's release, Neth's story and the name of the character were revealed and previewed on August 1 of that year. The character's name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first used on a card in the 2000 "Death Star II Limited" set of Star Wars Customizable Card Game cards produced by Decipher, Inc.









