All Terrain Attack Pod

The All Terrain Attack Pod (AT-AP), also known as the AT-AP self-propelled artillery walker and given the moniker "sniper tank," was a three-legged pod walker employed by the Grand Army of the Republic for extended-range artillery bombardments during the concluding phases of the Clone Wars. In the course of the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire both made use of them.


The All Terrain Attack Pod, alternatively identified as the AT-AP self-propelled artillery walker or simply AT-AP, was a compact, three-legged walker produced by Kuat Drive Yards. It was an evolution of the All Terrain Personal Transport and the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer. The AT-AP featured an angled hull positioned above two multi-jointed legs, along with a smaller, retractable third leg situated in front of the primary pair. This third leg was extended for enhanced stability on uneven ground and to counteract recoil when firing its main armament. Consequently, the AT-AP possessed good equilibrium and was no more prone to instability than other bipedal walkers, despite its appearance. Its silhouette was said to be reminiscent of the forward hull section of an All Terrain Tactical Enforcer.

The AT-AP's principal weapon was a potent, long-range heavy mass-driver cannon housed in the forward hull. This cannon launched a solid durasteel projectile at extremely high speeds over vast distances, capable of striking targets beyond visual range with appropriate targeting information. To ensure the cannon's accuracy and precision, the AT-AP incorporated a sophisticated targeting and data-relay system, working in tandem with integrated recoil mitigation and gyrostabilization mechanisms. Its remarkable precision during the Clone Wars earned it the nickname "Sniper Tank" among its operators.

A Rebel Alliance AT-AP

Alongside the mass-driver cannon, the AT-AP was armed with a heavy laser cannon mounted in an open-topped dorsal turret, serving as a short-range anti-vehicle weapon and operated by a gunner. It also featured an underbelly heavy repeating blaster for defense against infantry. The AT-AP required a crew of three, including a pilot and two gunners. The Rebel Alliance implemented significant modifications to their AT-APs, including the removal of the ventral heavy repeating blaster. The Rebel Alliance made use of Enhanced AT-AP Walkers, which had more advanced systems and a different appearance to the standard version.


The AT-AP's function was to deliver long-distance artillery strikes, and it also provided support to other walkers.


Clone Wars

A downed AT-AP during the Battle of Horain

Production of the AT-AP commenced during the height of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It saw action during the Battle of Horain, where at least one was destroyed, as well as the Outer Rim Sieges, including deployments during the Siege of Saleucami and the Battle of Felucia. In the Battle of Kashyyyk, AT-APs were deployed to reinforce Republic clone troopers on the ground and to combat Separatist DSD1 dwarf spider droids.

Imperial Era

Following the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire at the conclusion of the Clone Wars, AT-AP production persisted. The Imperial Army adopted it, although it was gradually superseded by the AT-AC and later the AT-AT, AT-DP, and AT-ST walkers. Nevertheless, the AT-AP was frequently called upon to support these newer walkers. These new vehicles were primarily manufactured in older Kuat Drive Yards facilities located in the Outer Rim Territories.

By the time following the Battle of Yavin during the Galactic Civil War fought between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the Alliance had modified All Terrain Attack Pods, known as the Enhanced AT-AP Walker, and deployed them in the Battle for Tatooine.


The AT-AP's design served as inspiration for the Urban Assault Triped Transport utilized by the First Order approximately a half-century later.

Behind the scenes

Originally conceived for the 2005 motion picture Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the AT-AP was developed during the post-production phase in response to director George Lucas's desire to broaden the range of clone ground armor. [Alex Jaeger](/article/alex_jaeger] created the initial concepts, which were initially designated as the "Pod Attack Walker," or P.A.W.

