Darth Vader (2017) 16

Darth Vader #16 represents the sixteenth installment of the canonical comic book series known as Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) canon. Charles Soule penned the story, Giuseppe Camuncoli provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on May 9, 2018.

Summary from the Publisher

Vader, along with his Inquisitors, commands an elite unit of clone troopers to unearth the Jedi traitor lurking beneath Mon Cala's waters... their fury will ignite the oceans.

Detailed Plot Synopsis

Subaquatic Pursuit

Inside Ferren Barr's cave refuge situated on Mon Cala, Barr, referred to as "Master," instructs his followers to evacuate. He informs Verla that Darth Vader and several Inquisitors are aware of their location and are en route to capture them. He tasks Endee with generating a backup datacard containing his files, while the acolytes gear up for their escape. Once the droid completes the datacard, Barr commands it to initiate self-destruction.

After Barr's adherents have equipped their diving gear, Barr informs them, including Nipaltoo, that their destination is the nearest settlement, where they will seek passage off-world. When Orvek highlights that the Galactic Empire is currently attacking a world Barr has been aiding, Barr asserts that they have fulfilled their purpose there. His intention is to spark rebellions on other planets.

The group makes their escape using Underwater Turbo Sled Pikes, only to find their path obstructed by Darth Vader's Imperial submarine. Stell suggests scattering, but Nipaltoo attempts to launch an attack on the submarine. However, Lord Vader redirects his blaster bolt back at his helmet, crushing it and causing Nipaltoo's death due to decompression.

In his final moments, Nipaltoo recalls a memory of himself and his grieving mother weeping as Jedi take his sister Palabee away to be trained. Following the events of the Great Jedi Purge, Nipaltoo sought vengeance against the Empire. Barr recruited him, capitalizing on his desire for retribution.

As the Imperial submarine continues its pursuit, Daren inquires about their next course of action. Unable to retaliate, Barr suggests fleeing to Bel City. With the submarine closing in, Orvek decides to make a final stand. He is caught in an explosion. In his last moments, Orvek experiences a flashback of Imperial stormtroopers demolishing his family's swamp home. Despite the Empire's promise of compensation, he and his family are rendered homeless. Barr later recruits Orvek, exploiting his resentment towards the Empire.

Barr and his remaining followers arrive at Bel City and dock their vehicles in a hangar. Rebb and Stell opt to remain behind to delay the Imperial pursuers. As they prepare for their final stand, the couple reflects on their decision to join Barr's cause. Determined to prevent their children from being raised under the Empire's rule, they chose to join Barr's rebellion.

The Broader Conflict

Aboard his Imperial Star Destroyer Sovereign, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin oversees the war effort above Mon Cala. An Imperial lieutenant informs Tarkin that Imperial reinforcements are shifting the momentum of the battle. Tarkin acknowledges this but notes the excessive number of engagements they are facing.

The Mon Calamari and Quarren defenders have adopted two primary strategies. First, fortifying themselves within undersea cities, compelling Imperial stormtroopers to engage in close-quarters combat within unfamiliar territory. Second, dispersing across the vast expanse of the sea to fragment seatrooper forces.

Tarkin also expresses concern regarding Admiral Raddus' tactic of connecting Mon Calamari merchant ships and utilizing their deflector shields to safeguard his forces, effectively repelling Imperial attacks in the south pole. Commander Ackbar is impressed with Raddus' defensive strategy. Ackbar wonders when the Empire will withdraw but Raddus hopes they don't.

Resuming the Chase

Simultaneously in Bel City, Darth Vader, accompanied by the Ninth Sister, Tenth Brother, and Sixth Brother, leads a contingent of Purge Troopers in pursuit of the Jedi and his followers. Governor Tarkin contacts Darth Vader and requests his assistance in securing King Lee-Char to expedite the resolution of the conflict on Mon Cala. Vader agrees to aid Tarkin and assigns the Inquisitors the task of eliminating Barr and his followers.

Barr instructs his two remaining followers, Daren and Verla, to continue moving in search of a defensive position. Barr intends to contact the King and request a rescue party. However, the trio reaches a dead end on a round platform. Before they can retreat, Daren is killed by an Inquisitor's double-bladed spinning lightsaber. In his final moments, Daren recalls Anakin Skywalker rescuing him from B2-series super battle droids. Subsequently, Barr recruits him, appealing to his desire to assist a Jedi.

The Inquisitors discuss Barr's assertion that there is no escape. Verla wants to confront the Inquisitors, but the Jedi has one last strategy. Addressing the Inquisitors, he reveals his knowledge of their true identities, identifying them as the Jedi Prosset Dibs, Bil Valen, and Masana Tide. The Ninth Sister recognizes Barr as a Jedi Padawan. She declares that their Jedi identities are no more and that they now exist solely as the Ninth Brother, Sixth Brother, and Tenth Brother.

However, Barr counters that he has been studying the origins of the Great Jedi Purge and has uncovered the role of the clone troopers. He uses the Force to remove the helmets of the Purge Troopers, revealing them as the last production batch of Clone troopers. The Sixth Brother remains unfazed and threatens Barr's life. However, Barr retorts that the past, history, and truth matters. He says that once a Jedi, always a Jedi. Barr orders the Purge Troopers to execute Order 66.

Available Media


  • UPC 759606086665; May 9 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 01611; Cover A; Elia Bonetti, Giuseppe Camuncoli 01621; Cover B; Rod Reis

Cover Images

