Darth Vader #17 represents the seventeenth installment of the official comic book series, entitled Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017), within the canon. Charles Soule served as the writer, Giuseppe Camuncoli provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it to the public on June 13, 2018.
Ferren Barr audibly triggers Order 66, which in turn activates the inhibitor chips present within the Purge Troopers. Consequently, they turn against the Sixth Brother, Ninth Sister, and Tenth Brother. Verla expresses disbelief that his scheme was successful, but Barr assures her that the Clone troopers are essentially droids, programmed for obedience. Given that the Inquisitors were formerly Jedi and the Clone troopers were designed to eliminate Jedi, they would inevitably attack the Inquisitors.
The Tenth Brother is struck down by blaster fire. Verla reminds Barr that he was once a Jedi and that the Clones will target them after dealing with the Inquisitors. Barr counters by reminding Verla that he specifically sought her out. Under Barr's guidance, Verla jumps over the combatants, and the two escape down a hallway. Before separating, Barr advises Verla to seek a new Jedi master, suggesting that Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, or Quinlan Vos might still be alive.
Simultaneously, the Sixth Brother suggests leaping over the Purge Troopers, but the Ninth Sister proposes a direct assault to push them aside. Together, they forcefully move several Purge Troopers obstructing their path. However, before they can escape down the corridor, the Sixth Brother turns on the Ninth Sister, severing her leg. He instructs her to keep the Clones occupied while he makes his escape.
Elsewhere, Darth Vader employs his lightsaber to forcefully enter the Royal Command Bunker, eliminating the Mon Calamari guards. Inside, King Lee-Char attempts to resist Vader with his blaster, but the Sith Lord deflects the shot, injuring the Mon Calamari in the arm.
Lord Vader then communicates with Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, informing him of Lee-Char's capture. Tarkin requests Vader to transmit his precise coordinates. When Vader inquires about a shuttle, Tarkin responds negatively for the moment and instructs Vader to bring the King to a window. Vader compels Lee-Char to witness Tarkin's three Imperial Star Destroyers bombarding several of Mon Cala's underwater cities, resulting in the deaths of numerous Mon Calamari, Quarren, and Seatroopers.
Despite the ongoing orbital bombardment, Lee-Char refuses to yield to the Empire, viewing them as savage beasts. He asserts to Vader that he understands the Mon Calamari are crucial to the Empire's eventual downfall. Vader threatens Lee-Char's life with a mere gesture and claims he has been deceived. Their exchange is interrupted by Ferren Barr, who declares that he has told the King the truth. Lord Vader responds with skepticism, and the two engage in a lightsaber duel.
At Mon Cala's South Pole, Commander Ackbar informs Admiral Raddus about the loss of communication with Zeran Town in the northern hemisphere. Ackbar questions whether the Empire is attempting to eradicate them. While the Empire hasn't yet targeted the southern hemisphere, Raddus anticipates that they will eventually. Recognizing that their interconnected shields cannot withstand prolonged bombardment, Raddus orders the crews to disconnect the cruisers and disperse upon his signal. Until then, he instructs them to continue fighting.
Meanwhile, Vader engages in a duel with Barr, mocking him that his demise will be inconsequential. Barr counters that his death is not assured and believes he might defeat Vader, having already eliminated the Inquisitors. Vader dismisses Barr's chances of victory but senses that pride motivated his actions. Barr retorts that he has reason to be proud, believing he will be the catalyst for the Palpatine's Empire's collapse into ashes.
Barr confesses to assassinating the Imperial Ambassador Telvar, explaining that he couldn't risk successful negotiations and the postponement of the inevitable conflict. Knowing his time was limited, Barr decided to ignite the conflict. Lee-Char is enraged that a Jedi would cause such widespread pain and death and issues Command Code EBB Vortex Nine, ordering his commanders to stand down.
Admiral Raddus is dismayed but complies with his King's directive. Lee-Char contacts Tarkin, announcing a ceasefire and willingness to discuss terms. Tarkin accepts Lee-Char's surrender and dispatches a shuttle for his capture. However, he orders the bombardment to persist as retribution for his earlier defiance. Barr laughs amidst the ongoing orbital bombardment while dueling with Vader.
In response to Lee-Char's surrender and the relentless bombardment, Admiral Raddus orders his Mon Calamari fleet to launch. Ackbar objects, noting that these are merely trading vessels, but Raddus argues that fleeing is preferable to passively waiting for death. When Lee-Char confronts Barr about his deception, Barr claims he foresaw that Mon Calamari ships would spearhead the "Great Rebellion" decades later and that his people's vessels would symbolize freedom and defiance across the galaxy.
When Lee-Char points out the billions of his people who are dying, Barr asserts that these billions will inspire trillions, fulfilling his plan. Vader declares that Barr is no Jedi. Barr retorts that he may not be a Jedi, but he still challenges the Sith. Meanwhile, Admiral Raddus' fleet escapes into space. Several ships are destroyed by Tarkin's Star Destroyers. Three ships manage to escape, but Tarkin dismisses them as insignificant. He instructs the lieutenant to begin deactivating the orbital cannons.
The Ninth Sister manages to eliminate most of the Purge Troopers, but her ultimate fate remains unseen. Concurrently, the Sixth Brother travels on a speeder accompanied by several stormtroopers. Verla hides with two Quarren fighters. As he is escorted by stormtroopers onto a waiting Lambda-class shuttle, a defiant Lee-Char proclaims to Lord Vader that the conflict is not over and that Mon Cala will rise again. Vader retorts that Mon Cala no longer exists, as it is gone, and that only the Empire remains.
- UPC 759606086665; June 13 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 01711; Cover A; Elia Bonetti, Giuseppe Camuncoli 01721; Cover B; Rod Reis