During the Republic Era, Gretz Droom held a position on the Jedi High Council as a Jedi Master. Droom, originally from Heliost Clan, was selected as the Padawan to Master Jor Aerith after beginning as an initiate. Later in their career, they were promoted to Jedi Knight, and ultimately to Jedi Master, earning a spot on the Jedi Council.
Gretz Droom was born circa 84 BBY. As a child, they were discovered to be Force-sensitive and taken to the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant for training within the Jedi Order as an initiate. Alongside Qui-Gon Jinn and Ky Narec and other initiates, they became a member of the Heliost Clan.
Dooku, as a Padawan, experienced multiple visions of potential future events during a Jedi mission to the planet Asusto in 82 BBY. These visions occurred after he was tortured by the Presagers of Hakotei. One vision depicted Droom, in their role as a Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council, declaring that the Galactic Senate was corrupt and that the Jedi should assume control. Dooku's vision showed Droom killing Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and proclaiming the beginning of Jedi rule. When the vision ended, Jedi Master Lene Kostana reassured Dooku that these visions were not necessarily destined to occur.
At the age of sixteen, in 68 BBY, Droom and the rest of their clan were chosen to participate in their Initiate Trials. While watching fellow initiates Ima-Gun Di and Yeeda duel Droom conversed with Narec. Droom was later selected to duel Narec, who was unhappy upon learning of his opponent. Both Padawans hoped to be chosen as a Padawan by Dooku, who was now a Jedi Master, and Droom was confident they could succeed.
Dooku ultimately chose Jinn instead, and Droom was chosen by Master Jor Aerith. After Dooku instructed Jinn to meet him for training immediately, Droom mocked Jinn for his Master's stringent demands. Aerith overheard Droom and instructed them to meet for training in the Hall of Endurance with even less time to prepare. Droom started to question the deadline, but stopped themself, and rushed away to avoid being late.
Eventually, Droom attained the rank of Jedi Knight. Around 58 BBY, the Jedi Council convened a meeting when Aerith was invited by the ambassador of Candovant to represent the Jedi at the forty-eighth annual Dragonfire Air Rally airspeeder race. Aerith requested that Droom, Dooku, and Jinn accompany her, specifically wanting Dooku to join because of his skill in dealing with politicians. Master Yula Braylon questioned the need for the Jedi to be present at the race, and Droom reminded her of the Candovants' importance in galactic politics.
Upon arriving at the hospitality platform set up to view the race, the Candovant ambassador invited the Jedi to join him in his private hoverpod. Unlike Dooku and Jinn, Droom was eager to watch the race, excited by the prospect of a Jedi piloting a racing airspeeder. The Jedi accompanied the ambassador in his hoverpod to watch the race. During the competition, Ramil, a Serennian who was secretly Dooku's brother, crashed after his vehicle was sabotaged by the crime lord Cenevax to manipulate her underground gambling ring's profits. Dooku and Jinn hurried to the crash site, leaving Droom, Aerith, and the Candovant ambassador puzzled.
While Dooku and Jinn investigated the crash, Droom tried to reach them via comlink. Jinn answered while he and Dooku were piloting a swoop through The Works, chasing a group of Trandoshans who had taken Ramil's wrecked airspeeder to conceal evidence of the sabotage. Droom questioned Jinn and his Master about their activities and was confused when they heard blaster fire through the comlink. Droom reprimanded the two Jedi for interfering and demanded their return to the Jedi Temple. Jinn deactivated his comlink, blaming the interference on nearby foundries.
Droom was granted the rank of Jedi Master in the following years, and eventually earned a position on the Jedi High Council. In 42 BBY, Dooku received a message from his sister Jenza, asking for his assistance in fighting an invasion on their homeworld, Serenno. Dooku and the House Serenno family protocol droid D-4 met with the Jedi Council to request their aid for the people of Serenno. However, because the Galactic Senate had determined that the invasion was outside their jurisdiction due to Serenno's declared independence, the Council was unable to intervene.
Droom apologized to Dooku, who protested the Council's decision, arguing that it was the Jedi's duty to help. However, Droom and Aerith both referenced a speech Dooku had previously given to the Galactic Senate, where he stated that the Jedi should not police the Outer Rim Territories. Despite Dooku's continued objections, Droom confirmed that the Council's decision was final.
As a Jedi initiate, Gretz Droom exhibited arrogance, believing they would be chosen as a Padawan and teasing fellow initiates, especially Ky Narec. However, by the time they became a Jedi Knight, Droom had matured, although they still joked about their Master, Jor Aerith's, attitude. Droom scolded Dooku and Qui-Gon Jinn when they ignored orders to investigate Ramil's sabotage in the Dragonfire Air Rally, warning them that the Jedi Council would disapprove of their actions.
Once Droom joined the Jedi Council, they strictly adhered to its principles and sought to uphold the Republic Senate's rulings. When Dooku requested assistance for his homeworld, Droom believed that the Jedi should not become involved and that the people of Serenno were not entitled to support after seceding from the Republic.
Like all Jedi, Gretz Droom possessed sensitivity to the Force. As an initiate, Droom believed they had superior lightsaber dueling skills compared to their peers. Droom continued to develop their abilities, becoming a Jedi Knight and eventually a Jedi Master. Droom was an experienced pilot, often flying Jedi interceptors, and commented on the errors made by racers during the Dragonfire Air Rally airspeeder race.
Droom wielded a lightsaber, which they used during the Initiate Trial duels. Droom piloted a Jedi interceptor on several occasions.
Gretz Droom was a character in the 2019 audiobook Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott, and voiced by Pete Bradbury.