Guardians of the Whills: The Manga emerges as a manga adaptation, presented in trade paperback format, drawing its narrative from the junior novel bearing the same title. The release in the United States occurred on August 10, 2021. Jon Tsuei took on the adaptation duties, transforming Greg Rucka's original novel into manga form, complemented by the artwork of Subaru. ## Publisher's summary Greg Rucka's novel, Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills, is retold in this manga version, offering a fresh look at Baze Malbus and Chirrut Îmwe, beloved characters, prior to their involvement with the Rebellion as depicted in the celebrated film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story_. "I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me." – Chirrut Îmwe Baze Malbus and Chirrut Îmwe, known as the Guardians of the Whills, oversaw the Kyber Temple situated on Jedha. Their initial aspiration was to uphold a state of tranquility, even with the growing Imperial presence in their sacred city. However, maintaining their allegiance to the Force becomes increasingly challenging as stormtroopers pose a looming threat. The arrival of Saw Gerrera, a rebel, presents an opportunity to aid Jedha, compelling Baze and Chirrut to weigh the potential compromises against the inherent risks of Saw's strategy. The story of Baze and Chirrut before their alliance with the Rebellion, which proved pivotal in the conflict against the Empire in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, is unveiled in Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills. Through the collaborative efforts of writer Jon Tsuei and manga artist Subaru, the origin story of this cherished duo is brought to life, reimagined from Greg Rucka's novel. ## Plot summary ### Encountering the pair While in Jedha City, Chirrut Îmwe is begging when Silvanie Phest approaches him, seeking assistance with a troublesome man who is causing distress among pilgrims at the Temple of the Kyber. Phest expresses concerns that this individual might attract danger and the attention of stormtroopers. Upon Îmwe's inquiry about the man's identity, Phest reveals that he claims to be a Jedi, a claim that Baze Malbus views with skepticism. Phest fears that the man's presence jeopardizes the limited resources that the Disciples of the Whills can provide to those seeking sustenance and water at their Temple. Îmwe takes the lead, declaring that he and Malbus will accompany Phest. Despite Malbus' initial hesitation, Îmwe successfully persuades him to join. As they traverse the streets of Jedha City, Îmwe reminisces about the once-pleasant aromas of the old market. Malbus echoes this sentiment, longing for the days before the Galactic Empire's arrival transformed Jedha. Phest acknowledges their shared yearning for their home's past but questions what actions can be taken. Malbus admits his uncertainty but voices his frustration with the suffering of Jedha's inhabitants, who are facing starvation due to the Imperials' confiscation of food. The population is also grappling with water shortages and air pollution resulting from the mining of kyber crystals. Phest expresses dismay over the Empire's closure of the Temple of the Kyber and other sacred sites, infringing upon their freedom of worship. Îmwe counters that worship is still possible but requires a shift in their practices. He asserts that the Force can guide them, emphasizing the importance of faith, which prompts Malbus to reflect. ### Interaction with Wernad As stormtroopers respond to an explosion in the Khubai Shanty caused by insurgents, Îmwe, Malbus, and the others make their way back to the Old Shadows. During their journey, Îmwe and Malbus cross paths with Wernad, the Trandoshan who identifies himself as a Jedi and advocates for violence against the Empire, asserting that the Force is with him. Wernad attempts to enlist the Guardians in his cause, but Îmwe seeks to reason with him. By touching Wernad's forehead, Îmwe senses through the Force that Wernad harbors anger and a desire to inflict harm on the Empire for the pain they have inflicted on his family. When Îmwe points out that violence endangers the innocent, Wernad retorts that the Empire is responsible for their deaths. Through the Force, Îmwe learns that the Empire forced Wernad and his clutchmates to toil in the mines. Wernad's family perished in the mines, leaving him as the only survivor. Wernad vows to seek vengeance against the Empire, but Îmwe repeatedly cautions him against harming the innocent. Following a disagreement, Îmwe instructs Wernad to sit, but the Trandoshan declares that he has pressing matters to attend to and departs. Îmwe responds that the Guardians are contributing by upholding their faith. ### There's no place like home At their residence, Malbus washes his face in a basin while Îmwe engages in Force meditation. Malbus views Îmwe's religious dedication with a sense of disapproval. Malbus informs Îmwe that the explosion was the result of an insurgent attack and that the responding stormtroopers exacerbated the situation. Îmwe acknowledges that he is aware of the conversation and directs Malbus to the tarine tea located in the middle drawer. Malbus grumbles about the limited beverage selection in Îmwe's home, expressing his dislike for tarine tea. Îmwe counters that others are less fortunate, but Malbus remains unconvinced. When Îmwe disagrees, Malbus slams the kettle in frustration. Later, Îmwe advises Malbus to rest before their departure in the next two hours. When Malbus expresses agreement with Wernad, Îmwe suggests that he was mistaken in his assessment. When Malbus questions whether Îmwe is dictating who should fight, Îmwe clarifies that this is not the case and that he is not responsible for overseeing him. Malbus affirms his agreement with Wernad's rage against the Empire for destroying the homes of the people of Jedha. For once, Îmwe finds himself in agreement with Malbus. ### The nightly theft Later that evening, Îmwe and Malbus lie in wait at a spaceport landing bay, anticipating the arrival of an Imperial Sentinel-class landing craft. Their plan involves stealing its cargo. Despite Îmwe's insistence that the approaching shuttle is their intended target, Malbus cautions that it could be the wrong one and that it may be carrying stormtroopers. Sensing Îmwe's impatience, Malbus suggests that he could benefit from practicing what he preaches. Îmwe remains adamant that the ship is the correct one. When Malbus expresses annoyance with Îmwe, the blind Guardian assures him that they still have ample time. Malbus questions Îmwe's ability to handle the stormtroopers, but Îmwe is confident in his ability to manage the situation independently. The blind Îmwe obstructs the path of an approaching landspeeder carrying stormtroopers. The stormtroopers halt their vehicle, mistaking Îmwe for a blind vagrant. When the stormtroopers order him to move, Îmwe drops his staff. With the stormtroopers distracted, Malbus opens fire on them. Îmwe then retrieves his staff and incapacitates several stormtroopers. After subduing the stormtroopers, Îmwe offers to drive, but Malbus declines. Using the landspeeder, the two men transport the stolen cargo to a local insurgent named Denic, who instructs them to maintain silence to avoid attracting Imperial attention. Malbus assures her that they will be quiet as soon as they receive their share of the cargo. Denic reminds them of their agreement: that she receives the guns while they retain the food and medicine. She also cautions them that the Empire will be searching for the stolen goods tomorrow. Îmwe expresses his hope that the Force will be with them all. ### The orphanage At the Gimm sisters' orphanage, Îmwe and Malbus share the food and medicine with Killi Gimm and her sister Kaya, who are responsible for the care of the orphans. A grateful Killi serves the two men tarine tea. While Kaya conducts a geography lesson for the children, Îmwe inquires about their wellbeing. Killi coughs, prompting Malbus to express concern. Killi apologizes, explaining that she dislikes wearing her breathing mask indoors because it reminds the children of the stormtroopers. She adds that they can all agree that the children have been sufficiently frightened by the recent events on Jedha. Îmwe observes that the sense of fear and Killi's troubled breathing have worsened. When Killi remarks that her cough varies in severity from day to day, Îmwe asks about her overall condition. Killi tells Îmwe not to make her laugh, as it could trigger another coughing fit. The two reaffirm their belief in the Force, but Killi admits that she struggles to discern its will. Îmwe compliments Killi's ability to understand the will of the Force, noting that disciples are always better listeners. Killi counters that guardians are better observers, achieving balance. When Malbus offers more tea, Killi declines, seeking to minimize the impact of the dust. Îmwe informs Killi that the stolen Imperial medical supplies included several doses of respitic, which he believes will alleviate her cough. Killi thanks Îmwe, mentioning that Kaya is already administering it to the children. Malbus advises her to save some respitic for herself. Killi replies that the children are her priority, but Malbus insists that there is enough for everyone. Killi cautions that they are seeing an increase in the number of orphaned children each week and declining rations. Consequently, she decides to forgo respitic in order to meet the needs of the children in her care. When Malbus quips that Killi sounds like Îmwe, Killi responds that Îmwe learned self-sacrifice from her. While Îmwe acknowledges that stealing supplies to support the orphans is not ideal, he believes that it is the only viable solution at present. Kaya informs the children that SeeZee will be taking them for recess. When Kaya asks Îmwe and Malbus if they encountered any difficulties with the Imperials, Malbus attempts to downplay the situation. Îmwe asks Kaya how long their supplies will last, prompting Kaya to estimate that they will last approximately 2.5 weeks. Malbus promises to bring more supplies before then. When Kaya expresses concern about the Empire's response to their raids, Malbus admits that the Empire will invariably seek to punish someone. Îmwe expresses concern that the Empire views their supply raids as theft. Malbus counters that the Empire created the problem of thievery on Jedha and that they should address their own mess. When Kaya remarks that the Empire will eventually realize what is happening, Malbus asks if she wishes to stop them. Killi and Kaya express their appreciation for their help but voice their concerns about the repercussions of their raids against the Empire. Malbus replies that their options are limited, prompting Killi to say that they are trapped in a cycle of poverty and suffering for as long as the Empire occupies Jedha. Îmwe asserts that they must break that cycle. Kill agrees but says that they should break it before it breaks them. ### Acquiring a new blaster Later, while walking through the streets of Jedha City, Malbus informs Îmwe that he needs a blaster. Îmwe disagrees, suggesting that Malbus can continue using his old one. Malbus counters that his old weapon is a Guardian's weapon and that he is no longer a Guardian. Îmwe believes that Malbus is being obstinate. Malbus replies that he prefers to use a reliable blaster over a Guardian's lightbow. When Îmwe still sees no issue with Malbus' weapon, Malbus responds that he is fortunate to have him as a friend. Despite their disagreements, the two men acknowledge that they can tolerate each other as friends. Îmwe and Malbus soon realize that they are being followed by a Twi'lek and Sabat. Malbus deduces that their pursuers are not thieves and they attempt to evade them by navigating the narrow streets. The two men then encounter a stormtrooper hunting party and an Imperial combat tank. Îmwe manages to escape into a narrow alley, but Malbus is spotted by two stormtroopers. Before they can apprehend him, Malbus flees through the narrow streets and seeks refuge in an alley. Malbus visits Denic, who is initially hesitant to grant him entry. Although Denic has distributed most of the stolen weapons to her resistance contacts, she reluctantly informs Malbus that she still possesses a Morellian 35c repeater blaster. While Denic believes that the repeater blaster is unsuitable as a personal weapon, Malbus insists on acquiring it and requests that Denic equip the weapon with a coolant tank and harness. Denic agrees to Malbus' request in exchange for his assistance in unpacking the weapons, including a blaster designed for crowd control. ### Meeting the Partisans Malbus later returns to Îmwe's home, where he discovers the monk hosting the Twi'lek and Sabat they had encountered earlier. Although Malbus is alarmed, Îmwe manages to reassure him. The two strangers introduce themselves as Beezer Fortuna and Leevan Tenza, and state that they are also fighting against the Empire. When Malbus asks if they are rebels, Tenza replies that they are "true rebels," while Fortuna prefers the term "emissaries." When Malbus asks who they are serving, Fortuna offers to take them to their leader, who is eager to meet them. That night, Fortuna and Tenz take Îmwe and Malbus for a ride on their landspeeder. The Partisans transport them to the Catacombs of Cadera, an abandoned temple that the Partisans have repurposed as their base of operations on Jedha. During the journey, Îmwe asks Malbus if he is satisfied with his new weapon. Malbus replies that he will be satisfied when he has the opportunity to use it. The Partisans guide their visitors through a stony pathway, which is lined with statues of a human man, a woman, and a Duros. While the two men discuss the statues, they are greeted by Saw Gerrera, who declares that the Empire takes everything. When Malbus demands to see his face, Gerrera warns him not to shoot him. Îmwe reminds Gerrera that they came at his invitation and that it would be counterproductive to kill them. Gerrera acknowledges his invitation but replies that he must exercise caution. When Gerrera addresses the two by their names, Malbus demands to know his identity. Gerrera is evasive until Îmwe suggests that he provide them with a name. Gerrera introduces himself to the two men. When Îmwe says he is unfamiliar with Gerrera, the Partisan leader responds that he would not be here if he were more widely known, as his enemies would discover his location. Gerrera reassures his visitors that he is fighting against the same enemy. When Malbus responds that he is fighting for home, Gerrera replies that he is fighting for the galaxy. Îmwe opines that he would find Jedha limiting. Gerrera counters that Jedha is not merely a city but a symbol. Malbus replies that they already have an insurgency and declines Malbus' struggle. Gerrera clarifies that his Partisans are not insurgents but a rebellion that unites battle-hardened fighters, experienced tacticians, and squadron pilots. Gerrera extends an invitation to Îmwe and Malbus to join his struggle. Îmwe asks why he needs them, given that he has assembled a group of skilled fighters, tacticians, and pilots. Gerrera explains that he chose the two of them because they have orchestrated four precision strikes against Imperial convoys. He asserts that they can achieve more together. When Malbus asks about Gerrera's interest in Jedha, Gerrera replies that he has witnessed countless worlds, including Onderon, fall to the Empire. He explains that Jedha is a sacred place that they must defend with hope. Before departing, he invites the men to consider his offer. Îmwe and Malbus rejoin Fortuna and Tenza, who provide them with a ride back to Jedha City. Before leaving, Fortuna gives Îmwe a comlink to maintain contact. After returning home, Malbus and Îmwe debate the merits of joining Gerrera's Partisans. While Îmwe is hesitant to align with a killer, Malbus views Îmwe as their best hope of ending Imperial rule. Malbus also reveals that Denic learned that the Empire imported his stolen mounted blaster for the purpose of crowd control. Later, they visited the Gimm sisters' orphanage only to discover that stormtroopers have raided it. They cannot find the Gimm sisters and the children they are looking after. ### Problem at the orphanage Before they can leave, a group of stormtroopers confront them, demanding to know why they are inside the stolen orphanage. Îmwe attempts to convince the stormtroopers that he is blind, while Malbus claims that they were looking for a friend. The stormtrooper commander reveals that they did not arrest the children but evicted the occupants for possessing stolen Imperial goods. Before the commander can interrogate the two men, Malbus and Îmwe neutralize them with their blaster and staff, respectively. After searching for hours, the two locate the Gimm sisters' new hiding place. After comforting a tearful Kaya, they find the sisters, SeeZee, and the orphans inside the shelter. In private, Malbus and Îmwe speak with Killi. Although Malbus apologizes for causing trouble with the Empire by providing them with stolen Imperial goods, Killi assures him that the two men did nothing wrong, stating that she and Kaya would not have been able to provide for all the children without their help. Kaya explains that a stormtrooper pushed Killi to the floor during the raid. Another stormtrooper also struck a child named B'asia, who was hiding under a bed. While the Imperials confiscated everything, they could not substantiate the charges of theft, so they did not arrest anyone at the orphanage. When Îmwe observes that they will need blankets, heating coils, food, and water, Killi mentions that Gavra Ubrento has offered to provide supplies. In private, Îmwe and Malbus contact the Partisans via comlink and offer to join their cause in exchange for providing food, water, medicine, bedding, and heating units to the Gimms and their orphans. ### Enlisting with the Partisans Îmwe and Malbus meet with Fortuna and another Partisan friend named Kullbee Sperado. Sensing Sperado's past through his Force powers, he tells Sperado that he cannot escape his past, no matter how much it weighs him down. When Speardo asks Îmwe to pray for him, the Guardian promises to teach him how to pray. Getting down to business, Fortuna briefs the two Guardians about their plans to disrupt Imperial kyber crystal mining operations on Jedha. When Fortuna proposes blowing up the entrances to the mines, Îmwe objects, arguing that this plan would result in the deaths of more miners than Imperials. Backing down, Fortuna instead proposes targeting a speeder before it can be loaded for transport offworld. Malbus agrees with the plan, noting that the route between the mines and Jedha City is hazardous for speeders. When Fortuna asks if Îmwe will accompany them, Îmwe offers to join. When Fortuna objects, citing Îmwe's physical blindness, Malbus explains that Îmwe still possesses vision despite his lack of eyesight. Fortuna agrees to launch the heist tomorrow and instructs the Guardians to be ready when he calls. Sperado replies that he will catch up. While Malbus heads home early, Îmwe takes the time to chat with Sperado. Sperado tells Îmwe that he was in a place called Serralonis when he was recruited by the Partisans. When Îmwe says that they all have a place, Sperado asks him to consider what would happen if they lost that place. Îmwe replies that one cannot lose what is inside themselves but can only misplace it. He advises Sperado to find that place again. Îmwe is greeted by fellow Guardian Angber Trell. Îmwe introduces Sperado to Trell, telling him that he wishes to pray. Trell invites Sperado to follow him and his fellow Guardians. Later, Îmwe and Malbus meet with Fortuna and Sperado. While Fortuna expresses his displeasure with their tardiness, Sperado thanks Îmwe for providing him with spiritual guidance. The group departs for a nearby canyon in a landspeeder. Fortuna instructs the Guardians to take position on the left-side cliff, while Sperado and the others will take position on the right-side cliff. After some discussion about shooting techniques, Malbus uses his mounted blaster to dislodge a rock on top of the landspeeder, causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle. The Partisans then eliminate the stormtroopers. Due to the successful heist, Îmwe earns the favor of Fortuna, who apologizes for underestimating his abilities. ### Rising questions For the next two months, Îmwe and Malbus fight as part of Saw Gerrera's Partisans, harassing Imperial forces in Jedha City. Under Fortuna's leadership, the two Guardians assist in taking down an AT-AT walker and stealing its kyber crystal cargo. While Malbus embraces the Partisan cause, Îmwe grows increasingly concerned about civilian and enemy casualties. Malbus reassures him that no civilians were killed in their operations and justifies the Imperial casualties as a necessary part of their resistance struggle. Îmwe believes that they can still persuade the Empire to leave through non-violence and opines that their hit-and-run operations have done little to convince the Empire to abandon Jedha. When Malbus defends armed resistance, Îmwe expresses concern that the civilian population is suffering as a result of the Partisans' armed struggle against the Empire. Malbus dismisses Îmwe's concerns, stating that Gerrera has kept his promise to protect Killi, Kaya, and the children. Îmwe points out that the Empire punishes Jedha's civilian population for every action taken by the Partisans. He tells Malbus that the number of orphans that the Gimm sisters are caring for has doubled from 12 to 24 as a result of Gerrera's campaign. When Malbus asks if Îmwe is blaming Gerrera, Îmwe says that the Partisans and Empire are trapped in a cycle of violence. In response to Partisan attacks on Imperial patrols, convoys, and shipments, the Empire has increased checkpoints, intensified "stop and search" operations, and committed violence against the locals. Malbus decides to speak with Gerrera alone. Îmwe offers to come along, but Gerrera insists on speaking with the Partisan leader alone. ### Negotiating with Saw Gerrera Later that night, Malbus meets Gerrera inside his cavern base. Gerrera praises Malbus for their recent attack against the Empire. He hopes that the Empire will respond harshly in order to encourage more people to join the Partisans' cause. Gerrera offers Malbus an Onderonian beverage known as Bahkahta, which he considers a reminder of his occupied homeworld. While Onderon still exists, Gerrera laments that the Empire has eradicated their way of life, culture, and beliefs. Unlike the Empire, the Old Republic celebrated diversity. Gerrera observes that the Empire enforces homogeneity, citing the ubiquitous appearance of stormtroopers who are indoctrinated to fight against their families. Malbus tells Gerrera that he was unaware that the Empire had come for Jedha's kyber crystals rather than their temples. While belief leads to hope, Malbus surmises that hope only needs a flicker of warmth to survive. Gerrera remarks that Malbus sounds like Îmwe, with Malbus remarking only when he is not around. When Gerrera asks if Malbus has hope, Malbus replies that he still has home and love, which he will fight for. Malbus says that he lives to fight against injustice. Due to his losses and sacrifices, Gerrera has developed a cynical view of hope. He also recounts how he has survived spies, poisonings, snipers, and a droid assassination attempt. Gerrera says that Fortuna believes he is lucky that the Force is with him. When Gerrera praises Îmwe's faith, Malbus says that his friend's faith has been tested. Gerrera responds that Malbus' faith has also been tested before offering him another bottle of Bahkahta. Gerrera then asks Malbus why he came. Malbus explains that he came to discuss the orphanage. While the orphanage houses 24 children, Malbus fears that there will be more. When Gerrera blames the Empire, Malbus says that he has come to discuss how to help them. Gerrera offers to arrange for more basic supplies, food, and water. Malbus responds that this does not solve the problem and proposes an alternative way to ensure the children's safety. Gerrera says he is listening, prompting Malbus to smile. ### Saving Althin Later, the Imperial Star Destroyer above Jedha City deploys several TIE fighters. On the streets, a stormtrooper patrol questions a man about the whereabouts of Leevan Tenza. The man denies seeing him, but the stormtrooper disbelieves him and knocks him to the ground. Just then, several Partisans, including Benthic and Kullbee Sperado, open fire on the stormtrooper patrol. With the Empire in pursuit, Sperado instructs Benthic to detonate a series of bombs throughout Jedha City. In the skies above, a lone T-65 X-wing starfighter engages the TIEs, shooting down at least two. The crowd cheers but is dismayed when the other TIEs gang up on the X-wing and shoot it down. Following the skirmish, Îmwe rescues an orphaned Rodian child named Althin, whose parents Tok and Steya were killed by the Partisans' bombs. While comforting the child, Îmwe questions why the Force chooses to take a child's parents and doubts that he understands the will of the Force anymore. Îmwe thinks he is a fool for believing he could make a difference. Îmwe soon encounters several stormtroopers, who ask where he is going with the Rodian boy. Îmwe replies that Althin has a broken arm and that he is taking him to receive medical attention. The stormtrooper allows him to pass but warns that the Empire has imposed a curfew and that anyone outside without authorization will be shot on sight. Îmwe thanks the stormtroopers for the information before leaving with Althin. He chants the mantra that the Force is with him and that he is with the Force. ### Planning for the children Îmwe brings Althin to the orphanage and tells Kaya that he needs a new home and someone to care for his broken arm. Îmwe's words of comfort cheer up the orphan. Îmwe then settles down for tarine tea with Malbus. When Malbus asks about Althin's family, Îmwe explains that Tok and Steya were killed when the Partisans targeted an Imperial AT-DP walker with explosives, which also destroyed Althin's home. Îmwe found Althin among the rubble of his former home. Malbus concedes that nowhere on Jedha is safe anymore. Îmwe then asks Malbus when he arrived. Malbus replies that he arrived before midday because he thought that one of them should be in their hiding place in case the fighting made it this far. When Malbus says
Instead of assuming Malbus's presence with the Partisans, Îmwe learned that Îmwe was expected. Malbus explained his absence, which caused Îmwe to tap the table. Îmwe then declared to Malbus that Althin's life would not be shattered by the day's conflict. His concern centered on the inadequacy of the Gimms' current refuge for both them and the children. Malbus suggested an alternative: leaving Jedha altogether. Îmwe, taken aback, called it an "interesting solution." He questioned whether Killi and Kaya were willing to depart Jedha, and how they would obtain a spacecraft. He further inquired about evading the Empire's forces. Malbus reassured Îmwe, stating that some worlds remained beyond the Empire's reach. Îmwe added, "yet," to which Malbus replied that their immediate concern was escaping Jedha and offering the children hope. Îmwe inquired if Malbus had discussed this plan with the Gimms. Malbus explained that he wished to consult Îmwe first. Îmwe remained doubtful until Malbus revealed that Gerrera had agreed to assist them in acquiring a starship for the orphans' evacuation. ### Plans in motion Later on, Malbus had a meeting with Wernad, a Trandoshan who had also become a Partisan. Wernad informed Malbus that the ship intended for the orphans' departure would arrive shortly. After Malbus reassured Wernad that the children were coming, the Partisan cautioned against any delays. Malbus affirmed their awareness of the situation's urgency. The ship was revealed to be an Imperial Sentinel-class landing craft that had made planetfall at a docking bay located inside of the Jedha City spaceport. In a flashback to the prior week, Malbus and Îmwe met with Denic, a mechanic, and explained their need for a large vessel capable of transporting over 30 children and at least two adults. Denic expressed skepticism about their chances of success, given the Gimm sisters' inability to fly and the Imperials' reluctance to grant travel clearances to refugees. Denic also cautioned that the Imperials were wary of attracting attention from the HoloNet and the Imperial Senate. When Îmwe asked if Denic could arrange offworld transport without clearance, she warned that stealing an Imperial transport would risk the attention of TIE fighters and the orbiting Star Destroyer. While Denic considered their chances slim, Îmwe insisted that it was the children's only hope. Denic deemed it impossible, but Îmwe countered that there was a difference between nearly impossible and impossible. Malbus also managed to persuade a hesitant Denic to pilot the escape ship. Returning to the present, Malbus, accompanied by Wernad and Tenza, neutralized the stormtroopers and a KX-series security droid guarding the Imperial landing craft. In a flashback from nine days prior, Killi refused to leave with Kaya and the children, despite the contaminated air on Jedha. While Killi and her sister spoke privately, Malbus suggested that Îmwe comfort the grieving Althin. Îmwe replied that he had exhausted all possible words of comfort. Malbus reminded him that Althin was a child, but Îmwe believed that a Guardian's words would offer little solace. Îmwe stated that he was not angry with Althin. Through the Force, Îmwe overheard Kaya and Killi's conversation. Killi, knowing she was dying, had decided to remain in her home as a Disciple of the Whills. She believed that Kaya, being younger, healthier, and familiar with droids, could use her skills to earn a living. Îmwe believed that Kaya would be able to care for the orphans well offworld. When Îmwe concluded that Kaya would prioritize the children over her sister, Malbus commented that it was "remarkably cold." Shortly after, Kaya emerged and informed the two men that she would accompany the children, while Killi would stay behind. Kaya then inquired about how they would get the children onto the stolen Imperial shuttle. In the present, Îmwe and Kaya led the 34 children through the streets of Jedha City. They attracted the attention of two pedestrians and a stormtrooper, who hesitated to arrest children. Six days earlier, Fortuna informed Îmwe, Malbus, Denic, and Kaya that a Sentinel-class shuttle carrying command staff visited Jedha weekly for inspection purposes. Having monitored Imperial traffic, Fortuna had discovered that the shuttle departed the Jedha system after the inspections without returning to the orbiting Star Destroyer. When Kaya asked if the shuttle would be large enough to accommodate the children, Denic assured her that Sentinel-class shuttles were designed to carry up to 75 stormtroopers, providing ample space for the 34 orphans. When Gerrera inquired about the shuttle's security, Fortuna reassured him that the Partisans could handle the sentries. Îmwe asked how they would get the children aboard the shuttle. Denic suggested creating a distraction, allowing her to fly the shuttle directly to the orphanage. Kaya rejected the idea, believing they wouldn't have enough time to evacuate the children. Fortuna warned that any deviation from the shuttle's usual route would raise suspicion. Malbus proposed stealing a tank, but Îmwe disagreed. They were interrupted by General Gerrera himself, who apologized for arriving unannounced. Gerrera suggested that the children walk directly to the spaceport. When Malbus expressed concern about the stormtroopers allowing them to parade through Jedha City, Gerrera reassured them that the Empire wouldn't open fire on children in broad daylight to avoid provoking a riot. Kaya countered that the Empire didn't care about children's lives, but Gerrera responded that the Empire wouldn't simply gun down children for walking. Îmwe decided to trust Gerrera's plan. ### Hope over violence In the present, Wernad and Tenza shot down an Imperial officer, despite Malbus's objections. He instructed the two Partisans to guard the entrance. While Îmwe, Kaya, and the orphans headed towards the spaceport, the Partisans were joined by Fortuna and Sperado. When Malbus protested that they were supposed to watch the children's approach in case they needed support, Fortuna revealed that Gerrera's true plan was to use the shuttle to attack the Empire. Enraged, Malbus punched Fortuna and threw him to the ground. Sperado raised his blaster and forced Malbus to surrender at gunpoint. Malbus told the Partisans that there were 34 children involved, but they were unmoved. While Îmwe, Kaya, and the orphans traveled through a narrow alleyway, they encountered Malbus, who informed them of Gerrera's double-cross. As the children approached the shuttle, Wernad warned Îmwe and Malbus not to force him and his comrades to shoot them. Undeterred, Îmwe responded that the children had traveled across Jedha City to board the shuttle and would not be disappointed. As a crowd gathered outside the docking ring, Fortuna explained that Gerrera planned to use the shuttle to destroy the orbiting Imperial Star Destroyer. Malbus pointed out that such an explosive would need to be substantial. In response to Fortuna's argument that destroying the Star Destroyer would end their oppression, Îmwe questioned whether the Partisans were willing to sacrifice the children's future to strike a blow against the Empire. When Fortuna claimed that this attack would liberate Jedha, Malbus countered that destroying one Star Destroyer wouldn't achieve that. While Îmwe acknowledged that the Empire had taken their homes, loved ones, and way of life, he argued that they couldn't keep fighting for what they had lost but must fight for the future. While they couldn't replace what the orphans had lost, Îmwe argued that they could instead give them a future. He concluded by stating that hope wasn't the destruction of a Star Destroyer but rather helping these children escape offworld. Malbus reminded the Partisans that they had promised the children a ride on a shuttle, while carrying a Togruta youngling. Unable to refute Îmwe's arguments, the Partisans silently stood down and allowed Kaya to board with the children. Malbus urged Fortuna to consider the onlookers and what the General would want them to do next. When Fortuna warned that Gerrera wouldn't forgive Îmwe and Malbus, Malbus countered that their relationship with the General was over. As a gesture of reconciliation, Malbus handed Wernad a cylinder and instructed him and his comrades to leave before the Imperials arrived. While Kaya and Killi embraced before departing, Denic reminded Kaya that they had to leave in two minutes. As the children boarded the shuttle, Îmwe hugged Althin and told him that the Force would be with him. Following the departure of the children and Denic, Killi thanked Îmwe and Malbus. The two then disappeared into the crowd as stormtroopers responded to the stolen shuttle. After escaping into the streets, Malbus confided that he had thought Îmwe was also going to board the shuttle. Îmwe joked that he had thought Malbus was going to leave. Malbus responded by asking who would take care of Îmwe if he left. When Malbus quipped that they were stuck with each other, Îmwe replied that he wouldn't have it any other way. ## Development and release A preview for the comic was released as part of The High Republic – The Edge of Balance/Guardians of the Whills for Free Comic Book Day on August 14, 2021.