The High Republic: Trail of Shadows 1 represents the inaugural edition of the comic book limited series, Star Wars: The High Republic: Trail of Shadows. This initial installment was penned by Daniel José Older, with illustrations provided by David Wachter alongside Giada Marchisio. Marvel Comics served as the publisher, releasing it on October 13, 2021.
A JEDI KNIGHT and a private investigator must join forces to unravel a mystery that will irrevocably alter the High Republic era! A Jedi Master has been murdered. Another is experiencing profound trauma. This marks a type of homicide that the Jedi Order has never before encountered. The investigation has yielded no leads, no suspects, and no apparent motive. However, Jedi Investigator EMERICK CAPHTOR is compelled to resolve the case before it is too late. The destinies of the Jedi, the Hutts, the Nihil, and all inhabitants of the galaxy are precariously balanced on a fragile web of falsehoods and treachery. Emerick will be compelled to venture into the depths of darkness, subjecting himself and his Jedi principles to unprecedented trials. He will require assistance. Fortunately, Private Eye SIAN HOLT is accustomed to operating in the shadows. Together, they will pursue this trail of shadows wherever it may lead, provided they can effectively collaborate.
As a haunting melody permeates the atmosphere, the fossilized remains of Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm are found on the ground. In the midst of the Battle of Grizal, Master Stellan Gios and Jedi Knight Indeera Stokes approach, with Greatstorm's Padawan, Bell Zettifar, writhing in agony nearby. Stellan extends his hand and touches the corpse, causing it to disintegrate into dust. As Stellan and Indeera escort Bell away, another Jedi arrives amidst the rain. Emerick Caphtor kneels down and scrutinizes the pile of dust that constitutes all that remains of the Twi'lek Jedi, his expression conveying concern.
Within Stellan's office, located in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Emerick inquires of the recently appointed Jedi High Council member the reason for his repeated humming of an antiquated nursery rhyme. Stellan was unaware of his actions, and Emerick clarifies that the song in question was one that old Ruusstha Vidyarvrikt used to sing to them as younglings when they resisted sleep, suggesting it was intended to intimidate them into compliance. Recalling the memory, Stellan asks Emerick if he will accept the assignment now that he has reviewed the data. Emerick responds that his analysis of the dust revealed no identifiable components of Loden Greatstorm, only bio-matter and detritus, along with a negative midi-chlorian reading. Stellan affirms his observations and insists that Indeera and Bell witnessed the same phenomenon.
Emerick acknowledges this, but points out the scarcity of leads regarding the cause of Loden's death: no footprints, tracks, holo-footage, or definitive cause. There is a lack of consensus on the appearance of "it" or even the existence of an it at all, and Bell continues to struggle to comprehend the events. Stellan conveys to Emerick that he has never encountered or sensed anything comparable in his lifetime. Whatever transpired on Grizal resulted in two Jedi being admitted to the shock ward and the demise of a third, and he continues to experience nightmares related to the incident. As Emerick observes Stellan's uncharacteristic state, Stellan continues, noting that one moment they had the Nihil in retreat, the next Elzar Mann was plummeting from the sky, Bell was in shock, and Loden's fate is the subject of their current discussion. Emerick internally remarks that Stellan, being one of the youngest and newest Council members, bears a significant burden.
Stellan asserts that Emerick is the Jedi Order's foremost investigator, and acknowledges his friend's skepticism regarding the events on Grizal, suggesting that his time would be better spent examining the remnants of Valo. However, Stellan believes that if the Nihil possess a weapon capable of eliminating Jedi in such a manner, it is imperative to identify and neutralize it. Emerick discerns that Stellan's demeanor transcends mere stress, indicating that something has profoundly affected one of the most resilient individuals he knows. Stellan requests that Emerick investigate the matter, noting that his former Padawan Vernestra Rwoh and Master Kantam Sy discovered a Nihil base on Vrant Tarnum shortly before their attack, and the captured raiders stationed there spoke of it with a certain reverence which is hard to explain. Stellan instructs Emerick to take a squad of troopers already prepared for departure at the barracks, urging him to investigate. Emerick recognizes Stellan Gios's disposition as one of desperation.
On Level 1347 of the Coruscant Underworld, Vaba Blanks Midnight Den resonates with the music of a live ensemble. Sian Holt, a musician within the band, reflects on her inability to trust others. Keefar Branto has been implicated in numerous illicit activities, ranging from weapon smuggling to a brief association with the Nihil. He has since reformed and sought to rectify his past transgressions. Having been estranged from his family, Sian is among the few individuals on Coruscant who harbor any level of trust in Keefar, albeit limited, but she required a partner. However, Keefar has scheduled a meeting with Urk Panga this evening, suggesting either a relapse into old habits or an attempt to gain an edge in a case. If it were a case, Sian would know about it. As the bar empties, Sian bids farewell, activating a tracking device to monitor Keefar's movements. Discovering that he is in the Steebark District with Urk, she concludes that Keefar is in greater peril than she initially anticipated. Upon arriving at the dimly lit alleyway indicated by the tracker, blaster pistol drawn, Sian finds Keefar and Urk brandishing their own weapons, prompting her to question his actions as she seeks cover.
In the upper echelons of Coruscant, Emerick's droid Q-2 voices his own repetition of the song and questions its significance. When Emerick asks for clarification, Q-2 reveals that he is reciting the same melody as Stellan, which they both have been murmuring. Q-2 reminds Emerick of his investigative mantra: "In an investigation, everything is something and nothing is–" Emerick completes the phrase with "nothing," affirming his awareness and his need to prepare for their mission. As Q-2 expresses skepticism regarding the "shrii ka rai ka rai" refrain's lack of translatable meaning or matches in its translation databases, Emerick reflects that even a disturbing old rhyme surfacing in the memory of a witness holds some relevance to the investigation. He informs Q-2 that the untranslatable lyrics are nonsensical, crafted solely for rhyming purposes, although the droid fails to comprehend. Emerick privately acknowledges that not every element serves as a clue to uncovering the truth. Q-2 comments on the peculiarities of organics, and Emerick explains that Stellan's recollection of the song stems from its association with a feeling that both of them have not experienced since the nights they heard the song thirty-five years prior: Fear.
In the Underworld, Keefar volunteers to investigate the disturbance, instructing Urk and a cloaked figure to remain concealed. He is displeased to encounter Sian, who reciprocates by questioning his presence. Keefar expresses disbelief upon discovering that Sian tracked him using a device, but she clarifies that the corporation overseeing his probation placed it there, holding her accountable for any transgressions, as she was his sole advocate. Keefar implores Sian to depart immediately, promising an explanation later, but Sian interrupts, asserting that "messing up" encompasses associating with known criminals while off-duty, before realizing that the alley is deserted and Urk Panga has vanished. Swearing audibly, Keefar declares that he has been exposed and that they must flee.
As a unit of Republic troopers prepares for deployment, Emerick communicates with Stellan via hologram, confirming their imminent departure. Expressing gratitude, Stellan reveals that he believes he has identified the trigger for his recollection of the song, inquiring if Emerick remembers the remainder of it. When Emerick replies in the negative, Stellan mentions that it concluded with the word "dust," which he finds peculiar, although he cannot recall the precise wording.
Fleeing through Level 1347, Keefar asserts that Sian's pursuit has precipitated their predicament. Sian counters that she would not have pursued him had he not been consorting with criminals, proclaiming her readiness to continue this all day, before demanding clarification regarding his claim of being "made" and whether he is engaged in an undisclosed side P.I. venture. Keefar asserts that the situation is more complex than he can currently explain, but Sian insists that he listen. She is abruptly interrupted by Urk Panga, who rushes toward her and Keefar, urging them to flee. Keefar is taken aback, but blaster fire emanating from deeper within the alley terminates the Narquois' escape. A red-eyed Tarnab emerges from the shadows, wielding a pistol and a melee weapon crackling with energy, prompting Sian and Keefar to flee.
On Vrant Tarnum, the wreckage of a small starship lies in proximity to the Kharvashark Ruins as Emerick and his team approach in their own ships. He reflects that for the majority of the soldiers' lives, the Republic has enjoyed peace, with many likely enlisting after the Great Disaster, before instructing the team to maintain formation and remember that this is a fact-finding mission. However, the preceding year has been marked by unprecedented death and brutality. Emerick is aware that the soldiers have heard accounts of the events on Grizal and the transformation of one of the generation's most esteemed Jedi Masters into dust, and orders the team not to use any bombs or artillery, and to keep casualties to a minimum if they meet resistance as they want prisoners. Upon landing his Jedi Vector, Emerick directs the team to position themselves near the city wall. Upon entering the city, they encounter resistance, engaging in a firefight with Nihil remnants within the ruins.
On Coruscant, the Tarnab fatally shoots Keefar, and Sian is knocked to the ground, losing her grip on her blaster. As the assailant raises his blade, Sian manages to reclaim her pistol and discharge a single shot. On Vrant Tarnum, following the skirmish, Emerick examines the bodies, realizing that his team faced not even a rearguard, but rather Nihil who had been unable to evacuate the camp in time. Typical for the pirates — the rest left when they saw Emerick's forces approaching, and the ones left behind were terrified, fighting ugly. Deactivating his lightsaber, he acknowledges that the fighting is over, and he must heed the guidance of the Force. Emerick approaches a cave within the ruins, which Q-2 infers held significance based on its location. Noting that a section of the cave appears to have been recently removed, Emerick realizes that he was mistaken: everything truly is interconnected. On Coruscant, Sian loses consciousness on the ground, while at the Kharvashark Ruins, Emerick requests that Cue scan the markings surrounding the cave, as they resemble writing but are unfamiliar to him. Q-2 has already done so, and the droid reports that Emerick will not be pleased with the findings. Concluding that his error extended beyond merely the memory of a feeling, Emerick asks Cue to decipher the writing, and the droid responds that the first line reads "Shrii ka rai ka rai…" No, Emerick thinks, this is something much worse.