Pollus Maksim

Pollus Maksim was a human moff of the Galactic Empire who governed the planet Kuat's sector by 0 ABY. At some point, they wrote a foreword for the KDY Corporate Folder brochure welcoming investors to Kuat Drive Yards. In 5 ABY, after a weeks-long assault on the Kuat Drive Yards by the nascent New Republic, Maksim and the guild head of Kuat Drive Yards surrendered to New Republic's Commodore Kyrsta Agate and Admiral Gial Ackbar.


The human Pollus Maksim served as a moff in the Galactic Empire during the Imperial Era, governing the sector containing the Core Worlds planet Kuat. At some point following 0 ABY's introduction of the Executor-class Star Dreadnought to the Imperial Navy, they wrote a foreword in the KDY Corporate Folder, a brochure welcoming investors to the Kuat Drive Yards—a vital Imperial vehicle manufacturer—following pro-business reforms by Emperor Palpatine. In 4 ABY, a copy of the pamphlet was buried during the archivist Hendri Underholt's mission alongside the compilation of non-electronic documents known as The Rebel Files.

Maksim surrendered Kuat Drive Yards to the New Republic following a weeks-long fight.

Maksim surrendered Kuat Drive Yards to the New Republic following a weeks-long fight.

In 5 ABY, the nascent New Republic launched an assault on the shipyards and supply bases of Kuat utilized by Kuat Drive Yards. The New Republic's Admiral Gial Ackbar and Commodore Kyrsta Agate led the weeks-long campaign against the Imperials under Maksim's command, deploying a significant number of forces. The conflict continued despite heavy Imperial losses and the destruction of the command hub in its orbital ring, with the Empire's forces refusing to capitulate.

Eventually, the guild head of Kuat Drive Yards and the moff conceded and ended the battle, offering the Imperial remnant forces' surrender, along with Kuat Drive Yards itself, to Agate and Ackbar. Afterward, Agate announced the moff's surrender to the New Republic's forces over a fleet-wide channel, prompting much celebration. News of the New Republic's victory following Maksim's capitulation was similarly celebrated aboard Ackbar's cruiser, Home One. In 34 ABY, The Rebel Files and its vault—which included a copy of the KDY Corporate Folder containing Maksim's foreword—were discovered during an excavation on the Mid Rim planet Durkteel.

Personality and traits

As an Imperial, Maksim was loyal to their Emperor and confident in the Empire's supremacy. They were only willing to concede to the New Republic after several weeks of fighting at Kuat Drive Yards had resulted in heavy Imperial losses, showing a degree of resiliency.

Behind the scenes

Pollus Maksim was first mentioned in Aftermath: Life Debt, a 2016 novel written by Chuck Wendig as the second installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy. In a Twitter post, Wendig confirmed that all Imperial officers featured in the novel, which included Maksim, were humans.










