
Razor, also known by the number CT-6910, was a clone ARF trooper who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. A soldier of Lightning Squadron, Razor served under Clone Commander Ponds as well as Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Adi Gallia.

Early life

As a clone trooper, CT-6910, who adopted the name Razor, was created on the planet of Kamino. Bred from the genetic template of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett and cloned to fight and die for the Galactic Republic as a part of its massive Grand Army, The army was first pressed into service when the Jedi engaged the droid forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the planet Geonosis, which sparked the start of the galaxy-wide Clone Wars. One of Razor's commanding officers was Jedi General Adi Gallia, a member of the Jedi Order's High Council during the last years of the Republic Era.

Battle of Ryloth

During the Battle of Ryloth, Razor served under the command of Jedi General Mace Windu.

During the Battle of Ryloth, Razor served under the command of Jedi General Mace Windu.

During the Ryloth Campaign, Razor served as an ARF trooper in the 91st Reconnaissance Corps's Lightning Squadron under Jedi General Mace Windu and Clone Commander Ponds. Razor and the rest of Lightning Squadron assisted Windu in clearing a path for the AT-TEs when their forces came under attack by several AAT.

Razor and another ARF trooper, Stak, volunteered to accompany Windu in locating Cham Syndulla and his freedom fighters' hideout. Razor, Stak, and Windu found the resistance after they took out a droid patrol, and were taken to their hideout.

After Windu and Syndulla joined forces for the attack on Lessu, Razor took part in infiltrating Lessu with Windu and Stak. Together, they were able stow aboard one of the MTTs loaded with treasure across the plasma bridge. When droids scanned and discovered the three of them, Razor and Stak were then Force-pushed by Windu across the bridge as it was deactivated in an attempt to prevent Republic forces from crossing. Razor and Stak then went to the control room where they eliminated the battle droids and activated the bridge in time to allow both the freedom fighters' blurrgs and Lightning Squadron's AT-RTs to cross. They then defended the control against battle droids and a pair of BX-series droid commandos while Windu captured the Separatist leader, Emir Wat Tambor.

After the battle, Razor would be given a commendation for valor of his role in the battle that freed Ryloth from Separatist occupation.

Mission to Ridlay

Razor and the other units of Lightning Squadron were deployed on a mission to investigate the planet Ridlay.

Razor and the other units of Lightning Squadron were deployed on a mission to investigate the planet Ridlay.

Razor and the other members of Lightning Squadron accompanied General Windu and Commander Ponds to the planet Ridlay, where they investigated the communications blackout. They then came under attack by and later battle droids under Count Dooku.


  • Star Wars: On the Front Lines









