"A Hero Discovered" marks the debut episode of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, an animated television program's first season. It holds the distinction of being the inaugural episode of the entire series. This episode was initially broadcast on Disney XD on June 20, 2016.

The narrative commences with Darth Vader showing a hologram depicting a Death Star that is still under construction to the Emperor Palpatine, who is not impressed and responds indifferently. Palpatine reminds Vader of the prior Death Star's destruction by Luke Skywalker four years prior, using a hologram recording as evidence, and then suggests a backup plan. ("'Dooku always had a Plan B,' he remarks to his subordinates.") Vader informs him of the recent discovery of the Kyber Saber within the Jedi Archives, a potent lightsaber whose precise location remains unknown to them. Vader assures his superior that Imperial forces are thoroughly searching the galaxy for it. Palpatine subsequently emphasizes to Vader the imperative of locating it promptly.
In a region of space, Imperial TIE fighters are engaged in combat with Rebel Alliance X-wings. The resulting debris from this conflict is collected by a vessel named the StarScavenger, which is piloted by Kordi Freemaker and her brothers Zander and Rowan. Rowan, manning the gun turret, expresses a desire to engage, but his older siblings caution him against it. Zander voices his concern that salvaging in the midst of a battle is unwise, but Kordi argues that it is an effective method to acquire the credits necessary for their rent payment. During the skirmish, Rowan inadvertently fires upon an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser. To avoid detection by the Rebel and Imperial pilots, the Freemakers quickly escape into hyperspace.
While traversing hyperspace, Rowan offers an apology, but Kordi reassures him, admitting that salvaging during a battle was ill-advised. Subsequently, the Freemakers return to their residence on the space station known as the Wheel. Zander expresses relief at their arrival home. As they navigate their starship repair business, Freemaker Salvage and Repair, Zander and Kordi are dismayed to find that their Aqualish landlord, Furlac, has obstructed their path with a flood droid. Shortly thereafter, Furlac contacts them via hologram, reminding them of their outstanding rent. Kordi manages to persuade Furlac to grant them an additional day to settle their debt before eviction. The flood droid departs, allowing the StarScavenger to land.

Upon disembarking from the StarScavenger, Zander inquires about Kordi's plan to obtain the funds for their rent. He observes that they lack any ships ready for sale. Kordi then suggests constructing a ship from the salvaged wreckage. Zander discovers an X-wing turbo propeller, Kordi locates a TIE power coupling, and Rowan finds a helmet. However, the helmet belongs to a living X-wing pilot who immediately engages in a physical altercation with a surviving TIE fighter pilot. Kordi instructs the two combatants to resolve their "galactic conflict" elsewhere.
Inspired, Zander, with Kordi's assistance, assembles a makeshift starship from X-wing and TIE fighter components. Rowan attempts to assist but inadvertently knocks a metal rod into the head of an AT-ST walker, causing the walker to fire a shot that destroys Zander's cobbled starship. Rowan apologizes, and Kordi suggests that Zander sell one of his "Uglies." However, Zander retorts that his creations are not "Uglies" and refers to them as Z-wings. Zander believes he can sell a Z-wing if they acquire a "thrust factor" magnetizer. When Rowan points out that those were primarily associated with the Clone Wars, Kordi and Zander summon their B1-series battle droid butler, R0-GR ("Roger"), who has been preparing cookies.

Kordi requests Roger to recount the most challenging battle he endured during the Clone Wars. Roger recalls that the planet Nal Kapok was the site of his first battle. Zander agrees, and they decide to journey there to procure parts for his Z-wing. Zander brings Roger along, causing him to drop his tray of cookies. The Freemakers descend a ramp into the StarScavenger. The StarScavenger travels through space and lands on the jungle planet of Nal Kapok. Upon arrival, Kordi instructs Rowan to remain inside and avoid conversing with anyone possessing more than eight eyes. When Rowan protests, expressing his desire to explore, Kordi replies that he can explore from inside the ship, handing him a pair of binoculars. Kordi assures him that she is ensuring his safety and that he has exceeded his "Oops" limit for the day. Before departing, Kordi instructs Roger, who is mopping the floor, to keep Rowan within his sight.
Rowan voices his discontent at being treated like a child. Roger advises the boy to consider the perspective of a Clone Wars veteran relegated to babysitting duties. While Roger is speaking, Rowan observes through his binoculars and discovers stormtroopers in the jungle. Rowan decides to alert his brother and sister, and Roger reluctantly agrees to accompany him into the jungle. Meanwhile, two stormtroopers conclude that they have only encountered insects and trees. Their leader speculates that their "boss" will be displeased. Rowan is unable to locate Zander and Kordi, while Roger struggles to keep pace due to his circuits overheating from the humidity.
Rowan detects a sound, but Roger dismisses it as the sound of poor decisions being made. Rowan then enters a trance, and his eyes begin to glow. Rowan allows the Force to guide him deeper into the jungle, and Roger attempts to dissuade him. The two then fall into a hole and land in an underwater river. Roger complains about the damage to his paint, but Rowan continues to walk through the tunnel until he discovers a hilt. At that moment, Rowan snaps out of his trance, and the two wonder about the nature of the hilt. Shortly thereafter, they are cornered by a large dianoga, which ensnares them with its tentacles.

The dianoga traps the two travelers in its tentacles, preparing to devour them. Rowan attempts to delay the creature by stuffing a mop into its mouth. Before the creature can consume them, Rowan and Roger are rescued by a lightsaber-wielding figure who severs the dianoga's tentacles, freeing them and causing the creature to flee. The woman inquires about Rowan's well-being, and the boy is captivated by her "laser sword." The woman introduces herself as Naare. Upon learning that she is a Jedi, Roger experiences a panic attack and collides with a wall. Naare explains that battle droids and Jedi were not allies during the Clone Wars.
Naare informs Rowan that the Jedi once served as guardians of peace throughout the galaxy. When Rowan asks if he can play with her lightsaber, she asks him how he discovered the hilt. Rowan explains that it called to him. Meanwhile, Zander expresses disappointment with the quality of the wreckage on Nal Kapok. Kordi then notices an Imperial Troop Transport that appears new. The two proceed to steal an engine from the transport, only to discover that it belongs to a stormtrooper patrol. Back in the underground tunnel, Naare recounts the history of the Kyber Saber. She explains that before the establishment of the Old Republic, a wise Jedi named Baird Kantoo crafted a powerful weapon from pure kyber crystals. This marked the creation of the first lightsaber.
Meanwhile in the jungle, the stormtrooper commander orders Zander to stand up. Kordi attempts to deceive the Imperials into releasing them by impersonating an Imperial inspector. However, the commander discerns that she and Zander are junk collectors by examining their card. The Freemakers then capitalize on their momentary distraction to escape into the jungle. Back in the tunnel, Naare explains that the Kyber Saber was a remarkable weapon that amplified Kantoo's abilities a thousandfold. After Kantoo inadvertently destroyed a planet, he recognized the danger of its power and had the blade shattered into pieces. Kantoo then entrusted a secret league of Jedi to conceal the crystals in remote regions of the galaxy to prevent anyone from wielding its power again.
Rowan is preoccupied with the thought of being Master Kantoo and accidentally knocks the blade into Roger, prompting the droid to tell him to "watch it." Naare then informs Rowan that Emperor Palpatine has learned about the Kyber Saber and warns him that he intends to possess it. At that moment, Rowan realizes that the stormtroopers were searching for the Kyber Saber and rushes to rescue Zander and Kordi. Rowan, Naare, and Roger eventually discover that Zander and Kordi have been captured by stormtroopers. Naare fears that they will be sent to the spice mines of Kessel. Roger experiences a panic attack.

Rowan charges in to rescue his siblings, but Naare persuades him to allow her to assist him, using the Force to levitate him. She cautions him that he requires a more effective weapon than a branch, but Rowan spots an antiquated AT-TE walker in the jungle. Inside the transport, Kordi and Zander attempt to convince the stormtroopers that it was all a misunderstanding and that they were unaware of their presence. The Freemakers are then interrogated by an Imperial officer, who questions them about their knowledge of the Kyber Saber. Before the interrogation can proceed, Rowan breaches the transport with his AT-TE walker.
Rowan pursues the Imperials in the walker, while Roger follows on a STAP speeder. Rowan compels the Imperials to retreat, with Naare admiring the boy's enthusiasm in the background. Suddenly, the walker malfunctions, and Rowan finds himself surrounded by stormtroopers. Rowan attempts to shield himself from their blaster bolts with a piece of metal hull. However, Naare intervenes, using her lightsaber to deflect the stormtroopers' blasts and drive them away. She also causes a branch to collapse on some of them. Naare also slices the Imperial officer's blaster and hurls the pieces at the fleeing officer.
Rowan is impressed by Naare's abilities. He is reunited with Kordi and Zander. Kordi asks him why she is not in the StarScavenger, while Zander asks who the "attractive stranger" is. Rowan replies that she saved them and then introduces the woman as Naare. Roger adds that she is a Jedi before crashing his STAP speeder. When Kordi asks if the Jedi weren't all killed off, Naare warns them that they must flee because the stormtroopers will return in greater numbers. Zander responds that Naare is welcome to ride in the StarScavenger with them. Naare thanks them but responds that she has her own vessel: the Eclipse Fighter. Zander is obviously smitten by her, but Kordi tells him to fly.

Back at the Freemaker Garage, Naare tells Zander and Kordi about the history of the Kyber Saber. Zander thinks that it is a bad idea to find the Saber given its power and danger. However, Naare responds that the Emperor will soon find the pieces of the Kyber Saber and use it as a weapon. She reassures the Freemakers that the Emperor lacks Rowan's unique ability to find the crystals and stresses that this is their advantage. While Rowan plays with the Kyber Saber hilt, Naare offers to train him in the ways of the Jedi and the Force. She promises that they can bring true peace to the galaxy.
Naare decides to take Rowan as her Padawan learner, explaining that he has an amazing ability to sense the crystals. The ever-overprotective Kordi disagrees with Naare, not wishing to see her brother's mind be filled with such stories until the Jedi convinces her that she has Rowan's best interests in mind. At that point, Furlac enters the Garage to demand his rent payment and threatens to throw them out through the airlock. Naare uses a mind trick to convince Furlac that the Freemakers have already paid their rent in full. She also convinces him to let her rent the shop across the way for one credit. This wins the Freemakers' trust. Meanwhile, outside, the rebel and TIE pilots continue fighting.
Rowan carries Naare's belongings to the shop opposite and apologizes for his older sister's wariness. Naare tells him that Kordi is just being protective and advises Rowan not to share his secret with anyone. Rowan leaves the Kyber Saber hilt in her care and she vows to protect it with her life. She then tells Rowan to get some rest for tomorrow, promising him a lightsaber to begin his training. Unbeknownst to Rowan, however, Naare is secretly a Sith agent employed by Vader and Sidious to find the crystals. In private, Sidious and Vader chastise her for attacking Imperial personnel. However, Naare convinces them that she needed to gain the trust of a boy who could lead them to the Kyber Saber. She adds that she is able to consider alternatives if persuasion fails, before igniting a red-bladed lightsaber.