
Bek, hailing from the aquatic planet of Mon Cala and belonging to the Mon Calamari species, fought alongside Nien Nunb as a skilled pilot for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. By the time 34 ABY rolled around, he found himself in the role of a communications officer within the ranks of the Resistance. During that year, he was stationed at the Resistance base situated on the Outer Rim world of Batuu, where he played a part in readying the facility for incoming recruits, collaborating with Resistance Command and the Logistics division to plan for a potential evacuation, all under the command of Colonel Devik. Later, due to the need for experienced flight officers, he and his comrade Nunb were reassigned to the Intersystem Transport Ship designated Cargo vessel TR141.

Holding the rank of lieutenant within the Resistance navy, Bek assisted in briefing a group of new Resistance members following the order to evacuate the base due to the impending arrival of the Finalizer, the flagship commanded by First Order Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. With the recruits safely aboard his transport, the Mon Calamari served as co-pilot as they ascended into space above Batuu, only to be ambushed by First Order TIE fighters. The Finalizer used a tractor beam to capture his ship, and Bek, along with all the recruits, were taken prisoner by the First Order.

From a secret location somewhere on the Star Destroyer, Bek masterminded a plan for the prisoners to escape. He guided a pair of R5 series astromech droids as they navigated two First Order Fleet Transports through the ship, narrowly avoiding a probe droid. However, they were soon recognized by stormtroopers as they approached the turbolifts leading to the escape pods. With their initial plan foiled, Bek rerouted the droids, leading them through a series of perilous encounters before they finally managed to escape back to Batuu, where they crash-landed in the junkyard belonging to Savi & Son Salvage.


Always a rebel

Bek worked with his longtime friend Nien Nunb in both the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance.

A Mon Calamari native to the Outer Rim planet of Mon Cala, Bek served as a pilot during the closing years of the Rebellion. It was during this time that he befriended Nien Nunb, a fellow pilot in the Rebel Alliance Navy. In 34 ABY, amidst the First Order-Resistance War, Bek, now a sympathizer, lieutenant, and communications officer for the Resistance, relocated to the organization's base at the Black Spire Ruins on the planet Batuu in the Outer Rim. There, he played a crucial role in organizing the small operation and preparing for the arrival of additional recruits. As the number of recruits grew, Bek assumed a position within Resistance Command, coordinating recruit processing and collaborating with Logistics to prepare for the eventual evacuation of the base. He served as the right-hand man to Colonel Devik, the commanding officer.

However, as the number of missions increased, Command found itself lacking qualified flight officers for transport. Given his past experience as a rebel pilot, Bek received orders to join an Intersystem Transport Ship within the Resistance navy, with the less experienced Lieutenant Nasheer taking over his role as Communications Officer. In his new role, Bek was paired with his longtime friend Nunb.

Evacuating the base

Bek, Nunb, and the recruits are attacked by First Order TIE fighters.

Following the arrival of the First Order and its Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren, on Batuu less than a month after Bek's arrival, Resistance operative Finn, along with a covert team, infiltrated Ren's flagship, the Finalizer. He informed the Resistance that the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer was en route. With the order to evacuate the Batuu base to a base on the Mid Rim planet Pacara, Jedi Rey, along with Bek, Nunb, and Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, briefed the recruits on the evacuation plans. The recruits then boarded an Intersystem Transport Ship piloted by Bek and Nunb, designated Cargo vessel TR141, and departed the outpost for space. They passed through Batuu's atmosphere and into the ring of asteroids surrounding the planet before being attacked by TIE/fo space superiority fighters. Bek ordered the shields to be raised just as the starfighters opened fire on their X-wing escort, but he soon discovered the origin of the TIE fighters: a pair of Star Destroyers.

The Finalizer, one of the two Star Destroyers above Batuu, ensnared Bek's transport in a tractor beam, prompting Dameron to escape the battle in order to retrieve reinforcements. The vessel was then contacted by a First Order officer, whom Bek unsuccessfully tried to deceive into believing they were a civilian cargo vessel. After General Armitage Hux of the First Order demanded that they lower their shields, and after the lieutenant reminded the recruits to keep the location of the Pacara base a secret, Bek's transport was pulled into the Finalizer's hangar. All Resistance personnel were then ordered by a member of the First Order to exit the transport and prepare for interrogation. During the interrogation, Bek and Nunb were separated from the recruits, who were interrogated by Ren and Hux before the latter received a call for the two to return to the ship's bridge.

Prison break

Bek and the recruits are captured by the First Order.

With the recruits left unattended, members of Finn's covert team breached the walls of the interrogation room and freed the prisoners, loading them into two First Order Fleet Transports piloted by two R5 series astromech droids. Finn informed the recruits that the two droids would be taking them to the ship's escape pods. Bek, broadcasting from a hidden location on the ship, began guiding the recruits through the Finalizer, helping them deceive another pair of R5 units into believing their breakout was a prisoner transfer. He then assisted them in evading a probe droid and directed them towards the turbolifts that would lead them to the escape pods. However, two stormtroopers recognized the recruits and attacked. With their path to the turbolifts blocked, Bek instructed the R5 units to find an alternate route. With Bek's assistance, the droids navigated around First Order All Terrain Armored Transports, the ship's bridge, and turbolasers, being pursued by Ren for the majority of their escape. They narrowly avoided capture after a TIE fighter crashed through the hull behind the Supreme Leader.

Bek survives a crash landing on Batuu.

Having arrived at their destination, the prisoners entered the escape pods and ejected themselves back towards Batuu, crash-landing in the junkyard of Savi & Son Salvage. Finn contacted the recruits and anxiously inquired about Bek's whereabouts. To his relief, the lieutenant was discovered in his own escape pod elsewhere in the junkyard. Bek then congratulated the recruits and the R5 units, thanking them for keeping the location of the Pacara base hidden from the First Order.

Personality and traits

Bek, a Mon Calamari with gray skin and yellow eyes, was a highly respected and disciplined officer. He was equally comfortable commanding a ship and serving in a military outpost. He embodied grace under pressure, although he had a premonition of trouble upon being captured by the First Order and displayed frustration with the R5 units when their cover was blown during their escape. After their escape proved successful, he expressed his gratitude to the recruits for their efforts, although he needed a reminder to include the R5 units, with whom he had previously shown frustration.

Skills and abilities

Bek was a proficient pilot.


During his assistance in the evacuation of the Batuu base, Bek wore a tan shirt and brown pants, complemented by a thick, brown belt, brown boots, and a Resistance lieutenant's rank badge. He served as co-pilot on an Intersystem Transport Ship.

Behind the scenes

Bek was conceived as an Audio-Animatronic character for the theme park attraction Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance, which initially opened in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disney's Hollywood Studios in 2019. The character showcased the latest Audio-Animatronics technology from Walt Disney Imagineering, known as the A-1000. James Arnold Taylor provided the voice acting for the character.

