A human male, Belkor Dray held the rank of colonel within the Galactic Empire, serving on the planet of Ryloth. Driven by ambition, Belkor secretly aided the anti-Imperial Free Ryloth Movement, a treasonous act intended to undermine his superior, Moff Delian Mors. This clandestine support spanned years. When Cham Syndulla, the leader of the Free Ryloth faction, learned that Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader were planning a visit to Ryloth, Belkor was strong-armed into facilitating an assassination attempt. Belkor manipulated Cham into diverting his resistance fighters toward the assassination of Moff Mors amidst the chaos of the broader assault.
During the assault by the Free Ryloth movement against the Imperial Star Destroyer Perilous, commanded by Vader, Belkor maintained his facade by spearheading the Imperial rescue efforts, all the while covertly feeding intelligence to the rebels. Despite these efforts, the Emperor, Darth Vader, and Mors survived the attacks and retreated to Ryloth's surface. Piloting a reconnaissance vehicle, Belkor assisted the Free Ryloth movement in their hunt for the Emperor and the Sith Lord. Simultaneously, Belkor attempted to conceal his double-dealing by falsely accusing Mors of treason to his own troops. However, Moff Mors regained control of the Imperial forces, exposed Belkor's disloyalty, and executed him for his treachery against the Empire.
During the Age of the Empire, Belkor Dray served as a colonel in the Imperial Military, stationed on the Outer Rim world of Ryloth. As Moff [Delian Mors](/article/delian_mors] neglected her responsibilities on Ryloth, preferring various illicit pursuits with her time, she delegated the management of Imperial forces on the planet to Belkor Dray. For [years](/article/standard_year] thereafter, Dray secretly provided information to Cham Syndulla's Free Ryloth Movement, aiming to discredit Mors and remove her from her position.
Following [Darth Vader](/article/anakin_skywalker]'s personal intervention to stop a Free Ryloth hijacking of an Imperial weapons shipment above Yaga Minor, Belkor paid a visit to Moff Mors at her luxurious palace located on Ryloth's largest moon to present his quarterly report. Upon arriving, Belkor discovered Mors entertaining Nashi, a Hutt emissary representing Jabba. In Nashi's presence, Mors made light of Belkor's tall, slender physique and his formal manner of speaking. After Mors excused herself, the Colonel briefed her on staff levels, troop deployments, spice shipments, and other key matters concerning Ryloth.
When Mors inquired about the activities of the Free Ryloth movement, Belkor asserted that his top operatives were handling the situation. He reported a period of relative calm on the planet, with no attacks in over a month. Mors then informed him of the "terrorist" attempt to seize a weapons shipment. Concealing his own involvement with the rebels, Belkor pledged to intensify their efforts and suppress the movement. Given the Free Ryloth movement's integration within the civilian population, Belkor cautioned that harming innocents would alienate neutral Twi'leks who sympathized with the resistance.
Moff Mors then announced that Ryloth's Senator Orn Free Taa would return to Ryloth within ten days. When Belkor questioned the senator's sudden return, Mors speculated that the Emperor had ordered him back to publicize the terrorists' failed hijacking and bolster support for the occupation. Belkor added that Taa's presence would reassure non-militants that the terrorists were destined to fail. Belkor volunteered to oversee the preparations for Taa's homecoming visit.
Following his meeting with Moff Mors, Belkor decided to instigate the assassination of Senator Orn Free Taa by Cham's rebels, aiming to discredit Moff Mors. Upon returning to his quarters on Ryloth, Belkor used his portable personal comm to send an encrypted message to Cham, requesting an immediate meeting. Cham responded promptly, revealing his intelligence that Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader would be secretly visiting Ryloth under the guise of Taa's state visit. Cham and his lieutenant, Isval, had sought the meeting with Dray to verify that the Emperor and Lord Vader's visit was not an Imperial trap. Belkor himself was ignorant of the two Sith Lords' presence aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Perilous alongside Senator Orn Free Taa.
Five hours after nightfall, Belkor, dressed in civilian attire, departed Ryloth's capital [Lessu](/article/lessu_city] in an airspeeder to meet with Cham at his clandestine cave hideout. Cham's lieutenant, Isval, escorted him into the cave. After exchanging pleasantries regarding Ryloth's history, Belkor attempted to assert his dominance over Cham, claiming that Cham was working for him, not the reverse. Cham reminded him that their discussion concerned Senator Taa's upcoming visit to Ryloth and retorted that Belkor was delusional to believe he had been in control all along.
During the meeting, Belkor threatened to terminate his alliance with Cham by releasing a data disk containing the locations of all the movement's bases and leadership in the event of his death. However, Cham countered by threatening to release recordings of their previous meetings to the Empire, exposing Belkor's treason. After Cham reasserted his authority over Belkor, he proposed that they could achieve a mutually beneficial outcome if Belkor demonstrated greater commitment and collaboration. Belkor attempted to object, but Cham insisted that he had no alternative.
Cham then demanded that Belkor disclose all information regarding Taa's journey aboard the Perilous. Unaware of the Emperor and Vader's presence, Belkor informed Cham that only Senator Taa was traveling. Having confirmed Belkor's honesty, Cham warned that he would reveal his collusion with the rebels should their plan fail. Belkor replied that he was prepared to provide the assistance required but could not guarantee Cham's success. Cham responded that he was striving to ensure his best efforts and informed the Colonel that he was implicated in the plan regardless of his consent.
Before departing, Cham reminded Belkor of the consequences of failure. However, he assured Belkor that if they succeeded in assassinating Taa, Mors would be disgraced, and he would ensure that Belkor appeared as the hero. This prospect appealed to Belkor, who coveted Mors' position. When Belkor argued that he would remain under Syndulla's control, Cham countered that he would be alive and a Moff. After returning to his aircar, Belkor contemplated the gravity of his situation. Entangled with Cham, Belkor began striking the instrument panel with his fist until it bled. After further deliberation, Belkor resolved to continue aiding Cham's plan to assassinate Senator Taa.
Belkor facilitated Cham Syndulla's ambush on Ryloth by diverting patrols and flight clearance paths away from the [Ryloth system](/article/ryloth_system]'s borders. To mask his involvement, Belkor utilized Mors's authorization code. This enabled the Free Ryloth movement to deploy space mines throughout the surrounding space. Cham also maintained a significant number of vulture droids and droid tri-fighters based on Ryloth's third moon. As planned, Darth Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer Perilous emerged from hyperspace directly into the minefield. While specialized mines weakened the Star Destroyer's deflector shields, Vulture droids launched an attack on the vessel.
Colonel Belkor was in his personal quarters when he received news of the attack. Upon arriving at the Imperial communications center, Belkor feigned shock. He also received instructions from Cham to issue a call for all available repair ships, including non-Imperial vessels, to assist the Perilous. This formed part of Cham's strategy to infiltrate Free Ryloth operatives aboard the Perilous. When an enraged Moff Mors contacted Belkor, demanding to know how the Free Ryloth movement had amassed an entire fleet at the system's edge, Belkor claimed that Imperial resources were limited. Belkor pledged to investigate and persuaded Moff Mors to authorize an order dispatching all available repair ships to aid the Perilous.
Belkor was further alarmed to learn that the Emperor and Lord Vader were aboard the Perilous. Incensed that Cham had withheld this information from him, Belkor destroyed the station's holoprojector in a fit of rage. After instructing the Lieutenant Colonel to dispatch fighters to escort the repair ships, Belkor proceeded to the officers-only restroom and contacted Cham via comlink. When Belkor expressed his anger that Cham had concealed this information from him, Cham responded that he had no choice but to involve him because the attack was already underway. Cham reassured Belkor that Vader, the Emperor, and Taa would perish that day and instructed Belkor to merely supervise the repair and rescue operations.
Meanwhile, a team of Free Ryloth infiltrators led by Isval successfully planted explosives in the Perilous's hyperdrive chamber, triggering an explosion that destroyed the ship. However, the Emperor and Vader both managed to evacuate the Star Destroyer in a small shuttle. Cham then contacted Belkor and ordered him to provide the shuttle's identification so that it could be located and destroyed in orbit. Realizing that Moff Mors, who was also en route to Ryloth on her own shuttle, would need to be killed for his own safety, Dray sent Syndulla both shuttles' identifications, falsely claiming that he did not know which shuttle carried the Emperor and Vader. Belkor also agreed to postpone sending V-wings until after Cham's forces had managed to shoot down one of the shuttles.
Belkor redirected Moff Mors' shuttle into the path of Isval's escort boat under the pretext of evacuating VIPs in escape pods. While both shuttles sustained critical damage, none of the three targets were killed. Mors' pilot, Breehld, perished, but she managed to regain control of the craft. Meanwhile, Vader and the Emperor evaded an encounter with Isval's escort boat, and Lord Vader managed to crash-land his stricken shuttle in Ryloth's equatorial forest. However, the Imperial communications center lost contact with both Mors' and Vader's shuttles. Belkor dispatched Imperial rescuers to retrieve escape pods, which were landing throughout Ryloth's western hemisphere. Belkor then began devising a plausible cover story to conceal his involvement in Cham's conspiracy.
Later, Belkor was contacted by Cham, who instructed him to provide the Free Ryloth movement with a false clearance to enter the Equatorial Communications Hub, enabling them to sabotage it and cause a planet-wide communications blackout. In exchange for assisting Cham in disabling the communications network, Belkor obtained from Cham the trajectory for Moff Mors' ship to confirm her demise. Belkor's actions allowed Isval's escort boat to bomb the Communication Hub's satellite dishes, creating a communications blackout.
As Syndulla and his men landed in the search zone to locate the Emperor and Vader, Dray assembled six Imperial V-wing pilots who were loyal to him, fabricated a story claiming that Mors was a traitor, and led them on a mission to locate and eliminate the Moff. For this mission, Belkor traveled in a recon craft piloted by Ophim, who accepted Belkor's assertion that Mors was conspiring with the Free Ryloth movement to assassinate the Emperor and Lord Vader. After observing the damaged Equatorial Communications Hub, Dray contacted the base's acting officer, Captain Narrin, and learned that Mors and Major Steen Borkas were now leading two ships and a force of stormtroopers to rescue the Emperor. Based on Narrin's information, Dray concluded that Mors had uncovered his betrayal.
While flying over Ryloth's equatorial forest, Belkor's recon ship's scanner detected three grounded ships, which proved to belong to Syndulla's team. After confirming that these ships belonged to Cham's forces, Belkor contacted the Free Ryloth leader and feigned an order for him to surrender. Belkor then deceived Ophim into allowing him to assume control of the ship. While Ophim was distracted, Belkor shot him in the back of the head. Belkor then inquired whether Cham's forces had located the Emperor's shuttle. Cham confirmed that they had found the shuttle but that Vader and the Emperor remained at large.
After some debate, Belkor agreed to assist Cham's forces in reaching Vader and the Emperor. Cham instructed Belkor to order his V-wings to search for both Mors and the Sith Lords. Cham also informed Belkor that he would provide him with the Emperor and Vader's coordinates so that he could transmit them to his V-wing pilots. Belkor was ordered to use his V-wings to bomb the Emperor and Vader. In return, Cham agreed to assist Belkor in locating and eliminating Moff Mors. Throughout the night, Belkor trailed Cham's forces in his recon craft. As he aided Syndulla in tracking the Emperor, Dray became increasingly erratic, even questioning his own sanity at one point, and began conversing with the pilot's corpse.
Ultimately, he located the Emperor, Lord Vader, and numerous Twi'leks gathered in a village, with Syndulla spying on them from a nearby location. Desiring to eliminate them all, he instructed the V-wing pilots to bomb both targets. However, Mors had already contacted the pilots' Wing Leader Arim Meensa and had convinced them that Dray was the true traitor. Still believing that the pilots were under his command, Belkor transmitted the coordinates of the Twi'lek village to Meensa. While feigning compliance with Belkor's orders, Meesa secretly transmitted the coordinates of the Twi'lek village to Moff Mors.
Instead of strafing the village, the V-wings circled above it long enough for Moff Mors to arrive with two ships. Belkor contacted the ships and was greeted by Moff Mors. Mors confronted Belkor about his treason and condemned him for killing hundreds of his own comrades. Belkor attempted to deny his guilt, but Mors saw through his facade. When Belkor criticized Mors for her negligent leadership, laziness, and corruption, Mors pointed out that he was covered in blood. Belkor realized that she was correct both literally and figuratively. As the V-wings arrived to escort Mors and her men, Dray briefly communicated with Mors, asserting that she was the one who had been betraying the Empire through neglect for years. However, Mors retorted that he had the blood of hundreds of Imperials on his hands.
When Belkor inquired whether she intended to hand him over to the Imperial Security Bureau or Lord Vader, Mors informed him that she did not. Seeking to conceal her own misdeeds, Mors ordered one of the V-wings to move into attack position. As the V-wing locked onto its target, a guilt-ridden Belkor apologized to Ophim's corpse and closed his eyes as the V-wing destroyed the craft with him inside. Belkor's death prevented Cham from utilizing the V-wings to bomb the Twi'lek village, forcing him to launch a ground assault. Mors' forces then attacked and dispersed the Free Ryloth movement.
Belkor Dray was a human [male](/article/gender]. Nashi the Hutt described him as "straight and rigid" as trees. Belkor was an ambitious young Imperial Colonel who resented his superior Moff Delian Mors' hedonistic and indolent lifestyle. Seeking to boost his own political career, Belkor became a spy for Cham Syndulla, the leader of the Free Ryloth movement. Belkor also installed several Imperial units with commanders who were loyal to him over the Empire and Mors. He was known to enter fits of rage when things did not go his way. On on occasion, he destroyed a holo-projector in a fit of rage.
Belkor found himself an unwilling participant in Cham's plot to assassinate the Emperor and Darth Vader. Cham was able to blackmail Belkor into assisting with the conspiracy by threatening to expose his dealings with the Free Ryloth movement. Since Belkor valued his status within the Empire, he was unable to break his relationship with Cham. Just as Cham exploited him, Belkor sought to use Cham to fulfill his own ambitions by discrediting and later trying to assassinate Moff Mors. However, Moff Mors saw through his treachery.
Belkor was stricken with guilt after he murdered his pilot Ophim in order to conceal his involvement with the Free Ryloth movement. As an opportunist, Dray did not share the Free Ryloth movement's goals but merely sought to advance his own ambitions. Due to his desire for power and hatred for Mors, Belkor was willing to endanger the lives of hundreds of his own Imperial comrades. Moff Mors regarded Belkor Dray as a dishonorable self-serving man who had blood on his hands.
As a Colonel, Belkor Dray possessed a comprehensive understanding of the Imperial military hierarchy and communications systems. He leveraged this knowledge to facilitate the Free Ryloth movement's raids on Imperial facilities and personnel on Ryloth. Belkor also demonstrated proficiency in operating both an airspeeder and a recon craft.
Belkor Dray wore the uniform of a Colonel in the Imperial Military which included a cap. He owned a belt blaster, which he kept for ceremonial rather than practical reasons.