Dal Konur, a male Human adept in the Force, dedicated himself to the cause of the Rebel Alliance and its subsequent iteration, the New Republic, throughout the Galactic Civil War against the oppressive regime of the Galactic Empire. Around 12 ABY, his Force-sensitive nature was identified, leading him to enroll in the Jedi Praxeum, a Jedi academy situated on the moon of Yavin 4. Under the training and guidance of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Konur grew increasingly disillusioned with the Jedi's reluctance to wield their Force powers as weapons against the Empire. A mere two months following his arrival at the academy, Konur absconded from Yavin 4 aboard the school's supply ship, intending to journey to Imperial Space and assassinate the Moff Council—the Empire's ruling body—in a bid to bring the Galactic Civil War to a swift conclusion.
Upon landing on the planet of Ord Mantell, Konur proceeded to the world of Wayland, where he procured an arsenal of weapons from a warehouse leased by the smuggler known as Arthen Brutt. Subsequently, the renegade Jedi piloted his way to the Bilbringi Shipyards and secured a Firespray-31 attack craft, which he commenced preparing for his audacious mission targeting the Empire. Back on Yavin 4, Skywalker uncovered evidence suggesting Konur's exploration of the moon's ancient Sith temples, leading the Jedi Master to suspect that Konur had succumbed to the allure of the dark side of the Force. Consequently, Skywalker dispatched a team of Jedi-aligned operatives to locate Konur and return the wayward Jedi to Yavin 4, eventually tracking him to Bilbringi. There, the agents confronted Konur within the Firespray-31's hangar, leading to a fierce engagement. After escaping in the ship, Konur was compelled to land on the planet Dathomir when his craft's hyperdrive malfunctioned. Imprisoned by Imperial forces stationed on the planet, he later broke free and aligned himself with the Imperial General named Vit, hoping to gain proximity to the Moff Council. Skywalker's agents tracked Konur to Dathomir and confronted him and Vit inside an Imperial communications center. On Vit's orders, Konur attacked the agents, but they ultimately defeated the misguided Jedi.

Dal Konur, a Force-sensitive male Human, existed during the reign of the Galactic Empire, an oppressive galactic authority controlled by Emperor Palpatine, a Sith Lord. Konur took part in the Galactic Civil War, battling for the Rebel Alliance against the Empire, and he served admirably, achieving the rank of lieutenant within the Alliance Special Forces. Following the death of Palpatine during the Battle of Endor, the Alliance reorganized into the New Republic, with Konur enlisting in the newly established New Republic Special Forces. Around 12 ABY, he became aware of his aptitude for wielding the Force, and Borsk Fey'lya, a New Republic senator, suggested Konur enroll at the Jedi Praxeum, a Jedi academy located on the moon of Yavin 4 and overseen by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Konur heeded Fey'lya's counsel, joining Skywalker's Jedi Order and becoming a pupil at the Yavin 4 academy.
Under Skywalker's instruction, Konur underwent Jedi training, studying alongside fellow students such as Kyp Durron, Corran Horn, Kam Solusar, and Tionne. Konur soon grew resentful of the Jedi's hesitancy to utilize their Force powers as instruments to conclude the conflict with the Empire, and he proposed to Skywalker that a Jedi strike team be dispatched on a mission to kill the Moff Council, the governing body of the Imperial Remnant, to decapitate the Empire's leadership and enable the New Republic to capitalize on the ensuing disarray by deploying their forces to dismantle the Imperial fleet. Skywalker declared that he could not endorse any scheme involving assassination, and he urged Konur to reconsider. Nevertheless, Konur began to devise a plan to take matters into his own hands, intending to travel to Bastion, the Imperial capital world, and eliminate the Moff Council himself. He also commenced exploring Yavin 4's Sith temples, ancient structures erected by the now-extinct Massassi species. Two months after his arrival at the academy, Konur secretly boarded the Lightning Rod, the academy's supply ship, and departed Yavin 4. Employing his Force abilities, Konur mind-tricked Peckhum, the ship's pilot, into navigating the supply ship to the planet Ord Mantell.
Upon arriving on Ord Mantell, Konur sought out the Mud Puddle cantina in pursuit of the former smuggler Arthen Brutt. Brutt maintained a warehouse on the planet Wayland where he stored various Old Republic artifacts recovered from Mount Tantiss, a former repository of Palpatine. Konur aimed to equip himself with weapons from this collection and then journey to the Bilbringi system to acquire a suitable starship for traveling to Imperial Space. The renegade Jedi informed Brutt of his interest in contributing to the financing of repairs to Brutt's starship in exchange for a portion of the smuggler's earnings, and then manipulated Brutt into disclosing the location of the warehouse, assuring the smuggler that he would return to Ord Mantell within a few weeks. Anticipating that Skywalker would dispatch someone to locate him, Konur sought to delay any potential pursuers by manipulating the leader of a local gang of Mantellian Savrip hunters into believing that anyone inquiring about Brutt was a New Republic official attempting to halt their hunting activities. Additionally, Konur performed a mind trick on the Mud Puddle's bartender to ensure the individual would place a personal advertisement in a Bilbringi news service if the Mantellian Savrip hunters encountered conflict with a group of strangers, thereby alerting Konur if he was being pursued. Konur also manipulated Peckhum and abandoned him in the Mud Puddle, erasing the man's memories of how he arrived there.
Subsequently, Konur traveled to the city of New Nystao on Wayland, where Brutt's warehouse was situated. Using the alias "Streen," the name of another student at Skywalker's academy, Konur rented a warehouse within the same complex, located directly next door. Through stealth and mind tricks, Konur managed to steal the keys to Brutt's facility from the building's caretaker, Flissar, and he meticulously searched the boxes and crates inside without detection. Eventually, he discovered crates containing Old Republic weaponry and a lightsaber that had previously belonged to a Jedi Knight. Unable to transport all of the weapons out of the warehouse complex undetected, Konur relocated them to his rented warehouse and then returned later to retrieve them during normal business hours. Again employing his "Streen" alias, Konur contracted the shipping company Hyperspeed Express to transport his stolen weapons crates to the Bilbringi Shipyards, his next destination, and he compensated Hyperspeed with a cashier's check drawn from a local account. He also manipulated the Noghri Hyperspeed employee Smekt to send an empty envelope to Bilbringi if anyone inquired about his shipment, a warning that someone dispatched by Skywalker had tracked Konur to Wayland. Konur then journeyed to the shipyards of Bilbringi and attempted to locate a small freighter registered with the Empire, which had controlled the system until the Battle of Bilbringi in 9 ABY, as such a ship could enter Imperial Space with relative ease. He soon discovered that these ships were less common than before, and he faced difficulties in acquiring one.
On Yavin 4, Skywalker discovered notes Konur had written detailing his exploration of Yavin 4's Sith temples, leading the Jedi Master to suspect his student had succumbed to the dark side of the Force. However, Skywalker realized he could not pursue Konur alone, as the former SpecForce trooper would sense his presence in the Force and flee. Instead, Skywalker dispatched a group of Jedi-aligned agents to locate Konur and return the wayward student to Yavin 4 unharmed. The agents traced Konur's movements to Bilbringi and traveled to the system to find him.
After several days, Konur located a suitable starship, a Firespray-31 attack craft, and acquired it from its owner, Captain Jest Lar-Quain. Once his stolen weapons arrived on Bilbringi, Konur hired the Sullustan dockworker Rian Vitt to deliver the cargo to Hangar Bay 631-D, where the ship was located. Konur used mind tricks to make both Lar-Quain and Vitt forget his identity. The rogue Jedi began preparing the craft for his planned mission, setting up traps inside the hangar bay to distract any Jedi-aligned agents attempting to capture him. The hangar comprised three landing grids—Grid 1, Grid 2, and Grid 3—each capable of being lowered fifty meters to a level containing maintenance tunnels. Konur manipulated the hangar controllers to reroute control of the hangar to a remote he carried. He placed four crates containing droideka battle droids in Grid 2, priming the droids to activate if the crates were opened. Nearby, he placed barrels of liquid fuel, one with a thermal detonator attached, planning to detonate it if the droids failed. He lowered Grid 3 to the maintenance tunnels and set up four automated E-Web heavy repeating blasters, programmed to attack anyone but himself who used a weapon nearby. He also placed stun grenades with proximity fuses inside two nearby turbolifts and secured his lightsaber and remote to his wrist using wire-cored synthecord to prevent disarming via the Force. With the traps set, Konur planned to use the grid controls to divide any arriving Jedi-aligned agents, allowing the aggressors to attack him, triggering the E-Web blasters to distract them while he fled in the Firespray-31.
Konur began working in the hangar's parts shop, enlisting the Human Tomer, an off-duty hangar controller, to prepare the Firespray-31 for takeoff. He manipulated Tomer to identify himself as Konur if approached, acting as a distraction for any arriving Jedi-aligned agents. While Konur doubted the deception would work, given their different appearances, he hoped Tomer would occupy anyone approaching the starship long enough for Konur to notice and use the hangar grid controls to divide their party.
The agents sent by Skywalker confronted Konur in the hangar bay, and the rogue Jedi successfully used the hangar grids to split them up. He offered to let them join him in Bastion to end the Galactic Civil War, but they refused, leading to combat. After reaching the Firespray-31, Konur fled Bilbringi, heading for Imperial Space. En route, he diverted his ship to avoid an Imperial task force marshaling between Agamar and Garqi for an attack on Orinda. However, the starship's hyperdrive burned out, forcing Konur to make for Dathomir, the nearest habitable world.

A short while before the events described, Imperial forces had taken control of Dathomir. They masked their occupation by seizing Dathomir's New Republic embassy and imposing a quarantine, falsely claiming a virus deadly to Force users had emerged. Anyone landing on Dathomir was detained under the guise of decontamination from this fabricated disease and then incarcerated. Konur was deceived when he landed and was subsequently imprisoned by the Empire. He managed to escape, but was then captured by a combined force of Imperial troops and Nightsisters, the Dathomiri Force witches who had allied themselves with the Empire. Revealing his identity, Konur claimed to have fled Yavin 4 because the Jedi attempted to brainwash him. He offered his assistance to the Empire in exchange for political asylum, hoping this would grant him access to the Moff Council. Eventually, the rogue Jedi secured a meeting with General Vit, the Imperial officer in charge of Project: Nightsaber, the Empire's initiative to train Nightsisters for use against the New Republic. Vit sought someone with Jedi training and a vendetta against the New Republic to lead the project but hesitated to immediately accept Konur, despite believing his sincerity. Konur also attempted to convince Vit to provide him with a lightsaber.
The Jedi-aligned agents Konur had previously encountered on Bilbringi tracked him to Dathomir. Teaming up with Kir Kanos, the former Imperial Royal Guardsman, they launched an assault on a communications center used by the Empire to control all communications on Dathomir. Konur and Vit were present in the facility's command center when the agents confronted them. This prompted Vit to finally give Konur a lightsaber and promise an introduction to the Moff Council if Konur eliminated the attackers. The former Jedi engaged the agents, prioritizing the strongest members to break their resolve without necessarily killing them all. The agents ultimately defeated him, and Dathomir was soon liberated from Imperial control.
Dal Konur possessed immense motivation, desiring a swift end to the Galactic Civil War. This drove him to enroll in Skywalker's Jedi academy. However, Konur grew impatient with the prospect of a negotiated peace between the New Republic and the Empire, desiring an immediate resolution. He concluded that aggressive use of the Force was justifiable if it prevented further bloodshed, struggling to understand why the Jedi didn't utilize the Force as a weapon to defeat the Empire and end the war. Luke Skywalker considered Konur a friend but disagreed with his student's philosophy, believing that Jedi could not condone the assassination of sentient beings, which Konur considered acceptable. Nevertheless, Skywalker believed Konur did not deserve harm, viewing him as a former SpecForce trooper simply applying his familiar methods to end the war.
While serving the Empire on Dathomir, Konur became consumed with proving himself to Vit in order to secure an audience with the Moff Council. His moral compass faltered, and he became willing to kill the Jedi's agents to impress Vit, bringing him dangerously close to the dark side of the Force. When he attacked the agents under Vit's orders, Konur lamented their opposition and believed that they would not be in danger if they had shared his vision.
As a soldier, Konur possessed exceptional training, granting him formidable combat skills and making him a skilled infiltrator. However, he lacked proficiency in deflecting blaster bolts with a lightsaber. Over the years, Konur independently learned various Force techniques. During his time on Yavin 4, he practiced fundamental Force abilities. He possessed a natural aptitude for using the Force to manipulate the minds of weaker individuals and knew how to employ Force stealth. He had knowledge of the alter and control aspects of the Force. Konur was fluent in both Bothese and Galactic Basic Standard.
Dal Konur was a creation of J.D. Wiker and made his debut in Rebel Jedi and Nightsaber, two Wizards of the Coast role-playing supplements released on Wizards.com in 2003. He later received an entry in the 2008 compendium The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.
In Rebel Jedi and Nightsaber, players assume the roles of agents dispatched by Luke Skywalker to locate Konur, and their choices influence the renegade Jedi's actions. Furthermore, the players' actions in Rebel Jedi impact the circumstances surrounding Konur and the players at the beginning of Nightsaber. This article operates under the assumption that Konur evaded the Jedi-aligned agents on Bilbringi, as The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia indicates that the agents "finally caught up with him" on Dathomir, suggesting that the official outcome within Star Wars Legends continuity is that they did not initially capture Konur on Bilbringi. All other potential courses of action are documented below.
After Konur utilizes the grid lifts to separate the players' party in Rebel Jedi, he extends an offer for the player characters to accompany him to Imperial Space and assist in capturing the Moff Council. Should they accept his proposal, the players depart Bilbringi alongside Konur. Conversely, if the players decline Konur's offer and attempt to prevent his departure from Bilbringi, Konur initiates combat. During the engagement, he endeavors to avoid causing fatalities or injuries to any of the agents, prioritizing movement toward his Firespray-31 over offensive maneuvers. However, he exhibits no hesitation in inflicting harm upon a player character if he had previously afforded the opponent an opportunity to avoid injury. If, during the conflict, Konur approaches within ten meters of the hangar's turbolifts, he swiftly enters a lift devoid of stun grenades, with the intention of drawing the agents into the other lifts. Additionally, if he comes within ten meters of a player character wielding a lightsaber, he attempts to destroy the weapon using his blaster.
If Konur successfully reaches his ship and departs Bilbringi, the players can attempt to pursue him, leading to the events of Nightsaber. However, should the players succeed in preventing him from taking off in the Firespray-31, Konur attempts to escape into the shipyard's maintenance tunnels. In such a scenario, he commandeers the first available one-man freighter and attempts to travel to Bastion. Alternatively, the players can subdue Konur and take him into custody. If they capture him while he is conscious, he demands to be placed in New Republic custody, asserting that the players lack the legal authority to arrest him. The players are then compelled to comply and surrender Konur to the New Republic, although if the players first consult with Skywalker, the Jedi Master requests that the agents remain with Konur until Skywalker can arrive and speak with the rogue Jedi. The Republic subsequently intends to hold Konur accountable for various minor offenses he had committed, but he remains confident in his ability to employ his mind trick abilities to evade the Republic authorities. If the players capture Konur without inflicting serious injury upon him, Skywalker expresses satisfaction with their actions.
At the commencement of Nightsaber, Konur is present on Dathomir, having arrived either en route to Imperial Space or while being transported by New Republic officers to a holding facility, contingent upon whether he was captured by the player characters in Rebel Jedi. Alternatively, it is possible for the players of Nightsaber to not have previously played Rebel Jedi, in which case they are engaged by either Skywalker or New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo to track down Konur, who is once again on Dathomir. If, in Rebel Jedi, the players captured Konur and insisted on accompanying him when he entered New Republic custody, the starship they are aboard is forced to land on Dathomir. Konur and the agents are then all deceived into undergoing decontamination against the non-existent disease, and all of them are imprisoned by the Empire. Should the opportunity arise, Konur aligns himself with the Imperials and betrays the player characters to the Empire, reasoning that even if his actions result in the players being sent to an Imperial prison, it will be a minor sacrifice if it aids him in ending the war. If Konur evaded the players at the conclusion of Rebel Jedi or at some point prior to the players' arrival on Dathomir, the players track him to the world, and, by the time they arrive there, Konur has sided with the Empire.
If one of the player characters surrendered a lightsaber during the decontamination process upon their arrival on Dathomir, it is that lightsaber that Vit provides to Konur when Vit commands the former Jedi to attack the agents. If none of the players surrendered a lightsaber, the weapon that Vit gives to Konur is a lightsaber recovered from the wreckage of the Chu'unthor, a crashed Jedi starship. During combat with the agents, Konur initially targets the strongest members of the group, prioritizing any player character wielding a lightsaber, followed by any Force-using player character who is not carrying a lightsaber. If no such characters are present, he first attacks the most skilled fighter in the group. If he finds his chosen opponent difficult to defeat, he draws upon the dark side of the Force in an attempt to overcome them. It is then possible for the players to halt Konur by incapacitating or killing him, or by appealing to him to cease his actions. If they succeed in redeeming him, he assists the agents in defeating Vit and then surrenders to them.