The High Republic Adventures #9 represents the ninth installment in the canon comic book series known as Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures series link. Daniel José Older served as the writer, with illustrations provided by Toni Bruno and Rebecca Nalty. IDW Publishing released it to the public on October 6, 2021.
The Padawans embark on yet another adventure! This time, they're headed to Takodana to aid the solitary Jedi guarding the local Jedi temple from the ever-increasing threat posed by the Nihil. However, Qort finds it difficult to concentrate as he confronts his own history amidst both new perils and familiar faces.
Daniel José Older, the acclaimed author of Star Wars: Last Shot, and artist Toni Bruno, bring IDW into the High Republic era, a sprawling publishing event that encompasses both comics and prose!
Upon the Padawans' arrival on Takodana, Farzala Tarabal remarks on the beauty of the planet. In response, Zeen Mrala comments that it reminds her of how Trymant IV once appeared, while Ram Jomaram makes an observation about Nymeve Lake. Lula Talisola then inquires of Qort whether he recalls anything about Takodana, given his past residence there, which prompts him to close his eyes and reflect.
Flashback to the past: Maz Kanata, the pirate queen, surveys the disarray within Takodana Castle while enjoying her morning drink, lamenting that while everyone enjoys partying, no one takes responsibility for cleaning up afterwards. Her thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. Upon opening it and declaring that they don't serve breakfast, she encounters three injured criminals who inquire if she isn't too old to be playing pranks. The leader informs Maz that they're not attempting to deceive her; they were transporting cargo when some entity infiltrated it and attacked them, requesting her assistance in dealing with the menace. Maz questions the nature of their claims before spotting a box on the ground. Complaining about the situation, she opens the box and is surprised to find a blue-skinned baby inside.
Presently, the Jedi starship is greeted by Maz and Jedi Master Sav Malagán from the local Jedi Temple. Both Maz and Sav express their surprise at seeing Qort after so many years, with Maz adding that he was much smaller the last time she saw him. Zeen and Lula are impressed, while Farzala admits he was unaware that Qort knew the legendary pirate queen. Ram expresses his aspiration to be like Qort when he matures. Masters Kantam Sy and Torban Buck announce their departure for a preliminary scouting mission through the nearby forests, bidding the apprentices "May the Force be with you!"
Sav leads the group inside to commence their work, informing the Padawans about the Krill sisters, Bareen and Sabata, stating that they have defected from the Nihil and genuinely wish to assist, but it is up to them to decide whether to believe their claims, as she herself is rather skeptical. The Padawans share her skepticism, with Ram remarking that the day is full of surprises.
Years prior, Maz entrusts the infant to her steward droid, HURID-327, instructing him to soothe the child's crying while she retrieves some milk for him. HURID notes that nothing seems to be effective but is startled when the child leaps from his box onto the droid, proceeding to tear off the loadlifter droid's left arm and use it to attack him.
Back in the present, the Krill sisters insist that they have genuinely abandoned the Nihil. Lula points out that while they distrust the Nihil and have been fighting them for the past year, the Jedi do not believe in permanently ostracizing individuals simply for making mistakes. Lula concludes that the sisters should join them if they truly want to help defeat the Nihil, with Zeen adding that they will be closely monitored. Sav summons everyone to join her as they have tasks to set up, prompting Maz to laugh in agreement. In the Jedi temple's basement, Sav remarks that she hasn't needed to use any of this equipment since her Padawan days, which was over a century ago. Maz reminisces about the time when Sav went "undercover" with her pirate crew to fight in the Battle of Jedha, and the two share a laugh about Sav's Master's reaction and nearly dying on multiple occasions. Sav asserts that the past pales in comparison to the adventures that await them, revealing a collection of cannons stored on the wall. Farzala observes that this is not standard Jedi temple defense equipment, and Maz clarifies that this is a pirate planet and that she lent Sav some equipment in case of trouble.
In the past, Maz returns with the milk to find HURID in pieces. HURID informs her that he believes the child escaped to the basement, and Maz follows, commenting on the surprising amount of chaos the child created. Calling out to the child, she discovers him in one of her storerooms, wearing a skull.
Returning to the present, a probe droid deploys thermal detonators, only to conceal itself when Sav approaches with Qort and Lula, carrying several of the cannons. Elsewhere, in a control room, Bims tells Madoob that whatever he's about to show better be worthwhile, as the Toydarian has numerous tasks to complete in order to clean up the temple after Sav drove off a squadron of Nihil. After Madoob instructs his boss to observe, Bims asks the human to explain what they are looking at as if he were a simple child, but when Madoob replies that it's ships, Bims demands further clarification, seeking to understand the purpose of Madoob's summons. Madoob finally reveals that it appears they are under attack.
In the past, Maz concludes the story of the infant's arrival to her friend Farks while HURID tickles the child, noting that since the child discovered the skull, he hasn't destroyed anything else, although he refuses to remove it. Maz explains that since Farks was the one who provided her with the skull in the first place, she thought the Patrolian might have some insight into what is happening. Farks clarifies that the skull originates from a vonduun crab, and the child is wearing it because he hails from the planet Zav Alox on the edge of the galaxy. Farks elaborates that the Aloxians are both incredibly violent and born with immense strength, which he assumes is how they survive on a planet with such crabs.
The Aloxians send their children out to hunt the crabs at a very young age as an initiation rite, and the child wears the head of their first kill if they are not themselves killed. Farks explains that the Aloxians believe the skulls fuse with their wearers and conform to their heads, helping them to balance out their aggressive nature. Eventually, normally well into adulthood, the skull stops growing and the Aloxian's expanding head shatters it, which the species takes as a sign that the person has fully become their true self. Supposing that the child was kidnapped by Argoban raiders due to the Aloxians' value as child [soldiers](/article/soldier], Farks speculates that the child was separated from his helmet in order to increase his aggression. The Patrolian's speech is interrupted by a toy floating through the air, which catches Maz's attention as well. Farks is stunned into speechlessness by the child's display of Force powers, and Maz, commenting that this changes things, says she'll need to call Sav.
Returning to the present, Lula poses a question to Sav, who encourages her to ask while they mount a cannon in a temple window, although she can't guarantee she'll answer. Lula observes that when individuals join the Jedi Order, they typically relinquish all ties to their families, lives, and worlds, although Lula grew up in an orphanage and didn't have a family. Sav inquires if she's wondering why she wears a Kyuzo hat even though she's a Jedi, to which Lula confirms. Removing her hat, Sav explains that there's a story behind it, as with most things, but the simple answer is that it's practical: it shields her from the light of Takodana's sun, it's useful for sledding downhill quickly, and it can serve as a makeshift plate. Most importantly, Sav adds, it's an excellent weapon, as she tosses it to knock Sabata Krill off her feet.
Lula asks why Sav did that, and Sav reminds the pirate that she was warned she was being watched. Sabata claims innocence, which Sav scoffs at, stating that she's been lurking around the temple since they arrived, demanding to know what she's concealing. Sav is contacted by Bims, who informs her that the Nihil have returned and are attacking with full force. Sabata flees, and Sav orders her to be apprehended as Qort pursues her, but the pirate remarks that Krix has impeccable timing as she activates a detonator, triggering explosions throughout the temple…