KC-78, an astromech droid programmed with masculine programming, provided assistance to Jedi Master Estala Maru during the era known as the High Republic Era. In the time following the Great Hyperspace Disaster, this droid aided Maru in his responsibilities as the Jedi overseeing operations on the Starlight Beacon space station.
During the [High Republic Era](/article/high_republic_era], KC-78 was in the service of Jedi Master Estala Maru, who was the Jedi in charge of operational matters aboard the Starlight Beacon, a space station collaboratively managed by both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. Maru collaborated with Controller Rodor Keen, who was the Republic equivalent of the Jedi Master. KC-78 was in close proximity to Maru in the station's operations center in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace Disaster, specifically nine hours before the dedication ceremony for the Starlight Beacon. Avar Kriss was speaking with Maru, standing behind her, and was soon appointed as the new marshal of Starlight by Grand Masters Pra-Tre Veter and Yoda.
KC-78 was later observed alongside Maru and Keen within the station's medcenter, where individuals affected by the Great Disaster and the subsequent Emergences were receiving medical care. Shortly after Administrator Velko Jahen and her new aide greeted Maru and Keen, KC-78 emitted an alarmed beep, reminding them of their other obligations. While Keen prepared to leave, Maru insisted that he could supervise operations from his location in the medcenter. KC-78 then gently nudged the Jedi, who reluctantly followed Keen out of the area.
Subsequently, following an assassination attempt targeting the Skembo Ambassador Ceeril within the medcenter, KC once more accompanied Maru when he joined Marshal Kriss, Keen, Jahen, Master Nib Assek, and Padawan Burryaga Agaburry in examining the crime scene. KC-78 utilized his holoprojector to replay the security recordings, revealing that the would-be assassin had manipulated them to conceal their identity. After Ceeril accused two Hassarians, who were also receiving treatment in the medcenter, of being the assassins due to the longstanding rivalry between species, the majority of the Jedi and Keen departed to investigate. However, Maru remained behind and encouraged Jahen, who had been tasked with writing a report on the incident, to visit evidence room three within the security tower to analyze the remains of Ceeril's bodyguard droid for clues, assuring her that KC could facilitate her access.
Upon inspecting the droid's remains, Jahen noticed something peculiar about the head and requested KC to scan it using his microanalyzer, which led her to identify the assassin. Further investigation of the bodyguard droid revealed traces of detonite, along with a concealed compartment within its chest containing Hassarian DNA. These findings confirmed Jahen's suspicion that Ceeril had orchestrated the assassination attempt himself. KC accompanied Jahen back to the medcenter when she confronted the deceitful Ambassador, projecting a hologram of the bodyguard droid highlighting the hidden compartment as Jahen explained her discoveries. Ceeril was then taken to the detention center under Marshal Kriss' orders.
After the dedication ceremony, KC-78 was with Maru, the Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh, and the Padawan Imri Cantaros as they carried out an autopsy, as requested by Kriss, on a dead Hutt trader whose body was discovered on a starship that had been attacked by Nihil marauders within the Kazlin system.
KC-78, a compact astromech droid with masculine programming, featured white plating on his body and legs. His flat-topped head had an orange square pattern around its circumference, which was mirrored around its base. The droid subtly nudged Maru to encourage him to leave the medcenter and attend to his responsibilities. KC displayed enthusiasm in assisting Velko Jahen in uncovering the truth surrounding the assassination attempt on Ambassador Ceeril, as well as aiding her in exposing the deception afterward. He possessed the ability to access secure rooms within the Starlight Beacon.
KC-78 was equipped with a holoprojector, enabling him to replay security recordings, and a microanalyzer, which proved valuable in gathering evidence.
KC-78, a creation for the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative, was initially revealed in an uncolored preview from the first issue of the comic series of the same name, penned by Cavan Scott and illustrated by Ario Anindito, featured in The High Republic Free Digital Sampler on December 12, 2020. The droid made its debut appearance when The High Republic 1 was released by Marvel Comics on January 6, 2021. KC-78's name was revealed in the short story "Starlight: First Duty," also authored by Scott and published in Star Wars Insider 201 on March 17, 2021.
The design of KC-78 was inspired by an astromech droid depicted on the cardboard backdrop of the Cantina Adventure Set produced by Kenner in 1978. Scott, who had a fondness for the droid, desired to incorporate it into the comic, albeit with a refreshed appearance compared to the rusty droid featured in the set.