As an agent of the Galactic Empire's Imperial Security Bureau during the Imperial Era, Exmar Kloris, a human, was given the task by his superior, Lieutenant Blevin, who was an ISB Supervisor, to conduct espionage on Chandrilan Senator Mon Mothma. This assignment took place on Coruscant in 5 BBY. He would then personally relay information about Mothma and her family directly to Blevin.

During the [Imperial Era](/article/imperial_era], Exmar Kloris served as an operative within the Galactic Empire's Imperial Security Bureau. In the year 5 BBY, Blevin, his ISB Supervisor, ordered him to spy on Chandrilan Senator Mon Mothma, who had attracted the ISB's attention due to her philanthropic activities. Kloris infiltrated Mothma's inner circle by becoming her chauffeur, secretly monitoring and reporting her humanitarian programs to his ISB handlers. Unbeknownst to Kloris, Mothma was aware of his true identity and intended to use the surveillance against the Empire, feeding them disinformation to conceal her true intentions.
When Mothma visited [Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest](/article/galactic_antiquities_and_objects_of_interest], ostensibly to purchase a gift for her husband, Perrin Fertha, for Day of Days, Kloris was present. In reality, Mothma was meeting with Luthen Rael, the shop's owner and a covert coordinator of an anti-Imperial network, to discuss funding for their burgeoning rebellion. Upon Mothma's arrival, Kleya Marki, Rael's assistant, immediately noticed Kloris's unfamiliar face and briefly questioned his background. Rael greeted Mothma and began showcasing items, while Kloris remained in the waiting area. Marki approached the undercover driver, offering to show him around. Kloris initially declined, citing his inability to afford anything, but Marki insisted, eventually persuading him to examine some antique coins.

Rael led Mothma to a secluded back room under the guise of showcasing a new artifact, allowing them to converse privately. Kloris attempted to observe them, but Marki quickly redirected his attention back to the coins. In the other room, Mothma expressed her concerns to Rael about the increasing surveillance hindering her ability to divert funds. Rael reminded her that her driver was new. Concluding their brief meeting, they returned to the main area, publicly agreeing on a loaned artifact for Fertha. Kloris then chauffeured Mothma back to her residence at the Chandrilan Embassy, and one of the servants took the gift for Fertha upon their arrival.

The following day, Kloris was scheduled to transport Mothma and her daughter, Leida Mothma, to Leida's class. Kloris arrived during Mothma and Fertha's breakfast, with the senator reminding her husband of Kloris's name. However, Leida insisted on Fertha taking her instead, dismissing the senator without any objection from her father. That evening, Kloris drove Mothma and Fertha to an event. During the return trip, Fertha and Mothma briefly discussed the senator's new foundation in the back. Fertha, after confirming Kloris's name with his wife, requested the driver to take the Expressway.
Three days after the heist of Imperial credits on Aldhani, Kloris drove Mothma towards the Imperial Senate Building, with a stop at Antiquities & Objects of Interest. Mothma met with Rael, pretending to exchange the gift she had previously selected for her husband, but in reality, she was there to question Rael about his involvement in the Aldhani incident. Mothma instructed Kloris to wait in the speeder, assuring him she would return shortly. Kloris spent his time pacing and peering into the shop until their conversation ended, after which he drove Mothma to the Senate.

A month later, Kloris was driving when Mothma spoke at another Senate session. During the session, the Chandrilan Embassy contacted Kloris, informing him that Mothma's cousin, Vel Sartha, had arrived at the residence. Upon Mothma's return to the speeder, she asked Kloris to drive, and he relayed the news of her cousin's visit, driving her back to the embassy. Sartha departed the following day, claiming to be heading to the Pilgrimage on Chandrila. Kloris collected Sartha's luggage and drove her to her actual destination.
A few days later, Mothma and Fertha attended a party, with Kloris assigned to drive them back. Mothma exited first and waited in the speeder until Fertha joined her. The senator then requested privacy from the driver, and he complied. However, after a short period, Kloris reactivated the driver-passenger comlink to eavesdrop on their conversation. He overheard Mothma reprimanding Fertha for losing their money and accusing him of gambling, which her husband vehemently denied. Mothma urged him to lower his voice, but Fertha insisted that Kloris could not hear them.

The following day, Kloris convened with Blevin at the ISB Central Office, providing a verbatim account of the conversation he had overheard between Mothma and Fertha. The supervisor questioned whether Mothma was more upset about Fertha's dishonesty or the potential gambling debts, a point Kloris couldn't clarify. Blevin saw potential in Fertha's problems, and Kloris added that the gambling issues seemed to be a recurring pattern. Their briefing was interrupted by Supervisor Lagret, who informed Blevin that he was missing the meeting about an trap the ISB was observing.

Exmar Kloris, a human individual, possessed fair skin, silver hair, and brown eyes. As an undercover operative for the Imperial Security Bureau, he diligently monitored Mon Mothma, maintaining a formal and polite demeanor, often smiling when appropriate. In addition to his surveillance duties, he secretly recorded and reported her clandestine charitable endeavors.
On one occasion, while waiting outside the Galactic Antiquities and Objects of Interest shop, he impatiently paced while glancing through the windows at Mothma. Later, when Mothma requested privacy, Kloris disregarded orders and eavesdropped on her argument with Perrin Fertha regarding gambling debts, furrowing his brow at what he overheard. The driver then conveyed his findings and interpretations to Blevin, unaware that Mothma was deliberately feeding him disinformation.
Exmar Kloris made his debut in "Aldhani," the fourth installment of the first season of Tony Gilroy's live-action Disney+ series, Andor. Lee Ross portrayed him in the episode, which premiered on September 28, 2022. The first glimpse of Kloris was in the season's official trailer, released on August 1 of that year. His surname was first revealed in promotional material released as part of The Walt Disney Studios section on the Getty Images website on August 8. His given name was identified in the 2023 reference book Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and Emily Shkoukani.