Rift Alliance campaign

The endeavor to bolster the Rift Alliance commenced in 3642 BBY. This was a high-priority undertaking for both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. The goal was to ensure the Alliance's stability, particularly as war raged simultaneously. Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus recognized that the Rift Alliance was crucial for the Republic's security. He feared that their potential departure could severely weaken the Republic. The Barsen'thor, a Jedi Master, was selected to act as a representative to the Rift Alliance. Their purpose was to assist the Alliance in their efforts and to demonstrate the Republic's commitment and value towards them.

After the Sith Empire attacked their leaders above Deralia, the Barsen'thor intervened to save them. The Sith, however, continued to monitor the Barsen'thor's activities. On Balmorra, the Barsen'thor provided assistance to liberate the planet. Similarly, on Hoth, they aided to defeat the White Maw pirates. As a result of these missions, the Alliance solidified their commitment to the Republic. Subsequently, it was discovered that one of its members was actually a mole working for the Empire. This discovery initiated a search for a shadowy adversary operating discreetly.


The emergence of the Rift Alliance occurred during the Cold War. It was formed due to shared grievances regarding incompetence within the Galactic Republic, threatening secession. However, the loss of even a single planet could have dire consequences, potentially contributing to the Republic's downfall given the ongoing war with the Sith Empire.

Rift Alliance members Diab Duin, Alauni and Shuuru.

However, not all members harbored hostility towards the Republic. Sarkhai and Balmorra, for instance, generally supported the Republic. Balmorra and Manaan were not secessionist, with Manaan maintaining neutrality for over three centuries (although their status was challenged at times). Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus, understanding the potential impact of secession, sought the Jedi High Council's diplomatic skills to navigate the delicate situation. It was decided that the Barsen'thor, a Jedi Consular recently promoted to Jedi Master, would undertake the task of ensuring the Alliance remained within the Republic. His mission was to address their concerns and offer assistance, demonstrating the Republic's support, value, and commitment to them and their contributions. This also established the Barsen'thor as a liaison between the Alliance and the Republic.

The Rift Alliance consisted of several members:

The Fortitude

The Fortitude above Deralia.

The Barsen'thor journeyed to Deralia to board the Fortitude and meet with the Rift Alliance members. Upon arrival, Nadia Grell, daughter of Senator Tobas Grell, alerted him to a Sith attack on the ship. The Sith had boarded the Fortitude and sealed off the bridge. Grell provided the Jedi Master with instructions to access a console that could override the command blocking access to the bridge, while the Barsen'thor advised Grell to remain hidden for her safety.

The Jedi Master successfully overrode the Sith command and reached the bridge, where the Rift Alliance members were being held for execution. Grell was holding the Sith Arrax at blasterpoint to protect her injured father when the Barsen'thor arrived. After failing to negotiate a peaceful resolution, the Barsen'thor defeated Arrax in combat. However, Senator Grell revealed that the ship was on a collision course with Deralia and that life support had been disabled. He suggested overloading the engines to alter the course, even if it meant crashing into the moon Aderalis. The Rift Alliance leaders agreed, as it would provide them with sufficient time to escape. The Barsen'thor, however, concurred with the senator's daughter that crashing on the moon could affect the moon's tide and impact Deralia's conditions. It was then decided that the ship's thrusters would be used to maneuver the ship into the planet's orbit, with each person manning a console to steer the ship.

The next step involved reaching the engine room to operate the thruster consoles and steer the ship into orbit, allowing the team enough time to reach the Barsen'thor's ship. The Jedi Master cleared out other Sith forces onboard, including the Sith Melikah and Tasandra.


The Barsen'thor's first challenge was to assist trade secretary Tai Cordan in liberating Balmorra and removing the Imperial presence. He instructed the Jedi Master to locate and secure support from the resistance leader Zenith, as well as corporations that could provide resources to expel the Empire. Another objective was to rescue President Retheus Galthe, who was being held captive in a secret location. The Barsen'thor first arrived at the Farnel Outpost to contact Zenith from Bugtown. The Twi'lek was initially reluctant to help, believing the Republic incapable of freeing his world, but asked the Jedi to prove himself. He tasked him with locating the Imperial head of manufacturing Trabier inside the Okara Droid Factory in the Markaran Plains region. There, the Jedi confronted and redeemed Lerek Serrus, a Sith apprentice and governor in the Sith's puppet government, convincing him to renounce the dark side. Serrus' departure allowed him to confront Trabier, but Zenith injured him despite the Jedi's protests.

Despite Zenith's hesitation, the Barsen'thor convinced him of the value of taking Trabier as a prisoner, at which point the Twi'lek agreed to assist him in his objectives. The Jedi was later sent to meet Director Fenn of the Troida Corporation to rally other corporations against the Sith before meeting with him in an old records vault in the Gorinth Canyon.

The Jedi and Zenith located Galthe encased in carbonite in Processing Room 59. Darth Lachris, a Sith Lord, had tortured and frozen him. The two confronted and killed Lachris before securing the weakened Galthe, whose torture had left him unable to resume his presidential duties. This vacancy led the Balmorra citizens committee to appoint Cordan as his successor. This decision was made after Zenith suggested concealing Galthe's condition to avoid demoralizing the citizens. The Barsen'thor argued that the people deserved to know the truth about what had happened to their leader.

The success on Balmorra also prompted Zenith to leave the planet and join the Barsen'thor. Reclaiming the planet also granted the Republic access to Balmorra's weapons facilities, bolstering their resources for the war. Cordan remained on Balmorra to lead his people.

Attis Station

Nadia Grell uses the Force to defeat the Imperial soldiers.

The Sith launched an assault on Attis Station above Quesh, prompting the Barsen'thor to eliminate their presence from the station. Nadia accompanied him, and upon reaching the station, they found the doors jammed. Grell used a manual override code to open them and discovered door controls inside, which she used to close the doors before Quesh's toxic atmosphere contaminated the station. The cameras located the surviving researchers, who were trapped in a separate wing with Sith forces approaching. Imperial troops surrounded them, forcing Grell to unleash a burst of Force energy to incapacitate them, revealing herself to the Barsen'thor as Force-sensitive.

Grell tasked the Jedi with reaching the scientists using her override command while she diverted the troops, making it easier for the Jedi to secure their release. The scientists were rescued, and the Jedi defeated Kadon Vul in the process. The Sith Kyrus then communicated via hologram, alluding to the fact that he had been observing him and the Rift Alliance since the incident on the Fortitude.


While onboard the ship, Senator Grell informed the Barsen'thor that he had discovered an Imperial tracking device. This led to the realization that there was a mole within the Rift Alliance, prompting the Jedi to believe that the traitor would reveal themselves in due time.


The Jedi Master's next mission was to travel to Hoth to assist the coalition forces who had failed to defeat the White Maw pirates under the command of Captain Valon. He was to meet with Lieutenant Felix Iresso, whose squad was contemplating desertion due to low morale and repeated failures against the pirates. Private Kree expressed particular concern, believing defeat was inevitable and that Valon was invincible. Iresso briefed the Jedi that Hoth was overrun with pirates harassing Rift Alliance shipping lanes, and the Republic had been sent to help. However, the Republic had lost to Valon, and no further reinforcements could be spared.

Iresso relinquished command to the Jedi Master, and they met inside Aurek Base to gather more information about their enemies. Iresso mentioned that troop morale was at an all-time low before discovering that Valon had stolen a thermal bore. This device could enable him to crack Hoth's ice shelf and potentially destroy Republic bases. Iresso's team refused to fight Valon further, leading the Barsen'thor to decide to confront him. The Jedi defeated the pirate, and Valon was presumed dead. This occurred after he followed the thermal bore's transponder signature to the Crescent Canyon Laboratory. Upon his departure, he learned via hologram that Valon had survived and taken control of a heat exchanger that powered all Republic bases. Its destruction would ensure the Republic forces would freeze to death. The Jedi secured the heat exchanger in the Tromper Crags Geothermal Plant in the Highmount Ridge region, where he encountered an Imperial engineer. The engineer told the Jedi that Valon wore a special regenerative armor that could restore people from near-fatal injuries. The Empire had discovered it in crashed wreckage before Valon stole it. The Empire had attempted to capture Valon to reclaim it, but the commando was instead ordered to capture the Jedi and lure Valon out. The Barsen'thor allowed the commando to leave.

The Barsen'thor headed to Outpost Onith to meet with Iresso but faced and defeated pirates sent to deal with them. This enabled the Jedi to resume his search for Valon and locate the Ice Spine Imperial lab, where he found the lead scientist Jurnak, whom he questioned about the armor. Jurnak was taken as a prisoner, and the Jedi proceeded to the Glacial Fissure to a scavenger camp to face Valon. He defeated Valon in the Starship Graveyard, where the Star of Coruscant was located, and took Valon as a prisoner after also defeating his captain.

The aftermath of the skirmish on Hoth also prompted Iresso to leave his position and join the Barsen'thor's team, while Lavik would assume command from Iresso.


Due to the Barsen'thor's actions and commitment to addressing their concerns, the Rift Alliance pledged their support for the Republic following their assignment on Hoth. This proved crucial as the Rift Alliance assisted the Jedi Master in hunting down the Children of the Emperor, leading to the climactic confrontation with the First Son on Corellia in 3640 BBY.

Immediately following the events on Hoth, it was revealed that Augin Blaesus was a Child of the Emperor and the mole within the Rift Alliance. The Barsen'thor confronted Blaesus and his subordinate Kyrus and defeated them.

Leontyne Saresh, the new Supreme Chancellor (appointed after Janarus' assassination over Corellia), authorized significant resources and reparations to the Rift Alliance in response to both their original grievances and in gratitude for helping to save the Republic.

