Sleemo was a derogatory term originating from the Huttese language.
Around 33 BBY, the moon of Nar Shaddaa was the setting where Jango Fett, a human bounty hunter, asked a Lannik if they possessed knowledge of the thief responsible for stealing the Hope of Glee Anselm. After Fett overcame a k'lor'slug unleashed upon him by the Lannik, the Lannik admitted to lacking information about the thief's identity. As the bounty hunter prepared to depart, the Lannik issued a threat. Fett's response was to label the Lannik a "sleemo" for starving the k'lor'slug, subsequently removing the shock collar from the creature.
In 32 BBY, Anakin Skywalker, a human native to Tatooine, was making adjustments to his podracer in preparation for the Boonta Eve Classic. During this time, Sebulba, a Dug rival, mocked the young boy. Skywalker stood firm and retorted by calling the Dug "sleemo," while Sebulba countered with the insult "bantha poodoo."
In 22 BBY, Zam Wesell, a Clawdite bounty hunter, was hired by Fett to assassinate Padmé Amidala. Following her unsuccessful attempt to kill Amidala in her apartments located on the planet of Coruscant, Wesell was pursued through Galactic City by Obi-Wan Kenobi, a human Jedi Master, and Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight. After the Jedi apprehended Wesell, Fett used a poisoned saberdart to kill her. With her last breath, she cursed Fett, calling him "sleemo."
The next year, Kenobi and Skywalker successfully captured Nuvo Vindi, the Faust Doctor, thereby preventing his intended release of the Blue Shadow Virus. Skywalker suggested that they return "this sleemo" to Theed, leading the pair to embark for Naboo with their prisoner.
Later in that year, Cad Bane, a bounty hunter, was heard boasting of his victory over the captive Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Tano, in response, quipped, "Enjoy this while you can, sleemo," warning him that the burning ship threatened to destroy them both.
Amidst a bustling marketplace, Moggee was hurrying to escape IG-88 when an [alien](/article/alien] shouted, "Hey, watch it, sleemo!"
In 2 BBY, the Spectres allied with Hondo Ohnaka, a pirate, and Azmorigan, a crime lord, for a mission to loot an Imperial cargo ship. Upon boarding the rebels' ship Ghost, Azmorigan was met with a frosty reception from the Spectres, especially Hera Syndulla, who remembered him as the "sack of bantha fodder" who had attempted to buy her from "that sleemo" Lando Calrissian to make her his servant. Azmorigan retorted that she was the feisty one who had struck him with a tray and insisted that he still technically "owned" her.
The first appearance of "Sleemo" was in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, a film from the prequel trilogy that premiered on May 19, 1999.