Smug, a Trandoshan male and accomplished big game hunter, belonged to a hunting guild that had its base of operations on the moon of Wasskah. This guild, under the leadership of the hunter named Garnac, was infamous for abducting sentient beings—including Jedi younglings—and transporting them to Wasskah, where they were hunted for sport. In the year 20 BBY, the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano was captured by this guild and left on Island Four; she quickly formed alliances with other survivors. Together, they launched an ambush against the guild's kidnapping freighter, resulting in its crash and the subsequent liberation of the Wookiee prisoner Chewbacca.
The following night, Smug positioned himself near the crash site, visually acquiring Tano's group as they returned to salvage what they could. However, while aiming at Tano and Chewbacca, Smug's internal monologue betrayed his position to Tano's two youngling Jedi allies, O-Mer and Jinx. These younglings then ambushed Smug, inadvertently alerting his intended targets to his presence. Although Smug nearly defeated his attackers, Chewbacca captured him, and, following Jinx's suggestion, he was taken as a prisoner.
The next day, Tano's group escorted Smug back to the crash site and subjected him to Force mind tricks. These tricks eventually convinced the hunter to request a ride back to the guild's airborne fortress. Krix, a pilot, responded to the call in a MSP80 hover pod, but he realized the situation was a trap too late. Krix was ambushed, and both he and Smug were rendered unconscious. The Jedi then seized the speeder and used it to launch a successful assault against the hunting guild.

Smug, a Trandoshan male, was one of eleven Trandoshan members of a hunting guild that was under the leadership of big game hunter Garnac. The guild's base of operations was on the Mid Rim moon of Wasskah, specifically within a hovering Ubrikkian floating fortress that served as their headquarters. While the guild engaged in hunting various non-sentient creatures, they also resorted to the kidnapping of sentient beings, who were then brought to Wasskah to be hunted as prey.
During 20 BBY, in the year, a guild expedition to the planet Felucia resulted in the capture of Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Given the high value the guild placed on Jedi targets, Garnac intended for Tano to be the first trophy for his son Dar's inaugural hunt as an official guild member. The day after Tano was captured and released on Wasskah's Island Four, Smug was present in the fortress's trophy room when Garnac announced the start of the next hunting period. Smug, along with the other Trandoshans, armed themselves and celebrated the dawn before heading to the base's landing pad. Smug observed as the guild's three MSP80 Pteropter hover pods were loaded with occupants and dispatched to Wasskah's surface for a round of hunting.
That night, the hunters gathered again in the trophy room for Dar's initiation ceremony. Smug and the other hunters cheered and chanted as Garnac formally welcomed Dar into the guild as its twelfth member. However, Dar's hunt the following day led to multiple skirmishes with Tano and the Jedi youngling Kalifa, ultimately resulting in his death as he fell and impaled himself on a spike in Island Four's jungle.
Garnac, seeking revenge against the Jedi, quickly killed Kalifa and then directed his hunters to search the island for Tano and her two other youngling allies, O-Mer and Jinx. However, these initial searches were unsuccessful.
Some days later, Smug and the other hunters discovered their Trandoshan prisoner ship, used for capturing prey, had crashed on Island Four's beachhead. Tano had rallied the other younglings to launch an offensive against the Trandoshan ship, attempting to hijack it and escape Wasskah, but the resulting skirmish led to the ship's grounding. Smug stood guard in a grounded hover pod as the bodies of the pilots Clutch and Goron were retrieved from the wreckage. Meanwhile, Garnac and the hunter Lo-Taren realized the Jedi had become bolder and more organized. They also learned that the Jedi had freed the freighter's only prisoner, the Wookiee Chewbacca.

The Trandoshans eventually departed the crash site, but anticipating a return visit, Smug and the hunter Sochek returned to the site in a hover pod. Smug was dropped off on a rocky outcropping overlooking the crash site and left to watch. The stakeout proved fruitful when Tano and Chewbacca returned to salvage usable materials, hoping to build a transmitter to call for help.
Smug focused his sights on the wreck, unaware that O-Mer and Jinx were positioned directly below the outcropping, serving as lookouts for their allies. As Smug waited for his prey to enter his rifle scope's view, he began talking to himself upon sighting Chewbacca. Despite noticing Sochek's brief stop, O-Mer and Jinx did not investigate until they overheard Smug's private conversation. Realizing the hunter's intentions, the younglings climbed up to Smug's position and ambushed him just as Tano walked into his line of sight. The attack caused Smug to fire a stray shot, alerting Tano and Chewbacca to his presence. After being disarmed of his sniper rifle, Smug grappled with the younglings, and despite a short, intense struggle, Smug proved to be the stronger combatant. However, before the Trandoshan could finish Jinx off with his knife, Chewbacca apprehended and disarmed him. The Wookiee began to assault Smug, but Jinx, seeing Smug as more valuable alive, suggested that the sniper be taken prisoner instead.
Tano agreed, instructed Chewbacca to release Smug, and the Trandoshan was taken back to the survivor's hideout. Upon reaching the tree-based hideout, Smug's hands were bound with a vine as the Jedi planned their next move.

As a prisoner of the Jedi, Smug was kept within reach of his captors as they planned their next steps. With Smug captured without his comrades' knowledge, the Jedi gained an advantage. Smug overheard Chewbacca's plans to build his transmitter and the subsequent doubts expressed by Jinx and O-Mer. The younglings argued that they should use Smug to their advantage while they still had the element of surprise over Garnac's lodge. Although Tano urged patience, trusting Chewbacca's plan, O-Mer and Jinx planned to force Smug to help them attack the Trandoshan fortress, with or without Tano and Chewbacca's assistance. Ultimately, Chewbacca and Tano agreed to help, and by morning, Smug was marched back to the wreck.
Initially, Smug resisted his captors; he had no intention of voluntarily helping the younglings, and he completely ignored Jinx's attempt at a Force mind trick. As a result of the latter, Chewbacca struck Smug on the head, clouding his mind and making him vulnerable to a second mind trick. Under Jinx's control, Smug was convinced he had escaped custody and contacted Lo-Taren for a ride back to the fortress.
In response, Krix was sent in a hover pod. The pilot found Smug, still under Jinx's control, waiting alone near the wreck. When Krix reached out to help Smug aboard, he was ambushed by Tano and removed from the pod. While Krix fought, Smug stood idly by, still affected by the mind trick. Before Smug could recover, O-Mer tackled him, knocking him unconscious. Chewbacca defeated Krix shortly after, and Tano's group stole the hover pod and flew to the fortress. The group launched their attack on the fortress just as Lagon and the hunter Ramy began to wonder about the whereabouts of Smug and Krix.
Chewbacca's transmitter eventually worked, and with the assistance of the Wookiee soldiers who answered the call, Tano's attack on the hunting lodge was successful. Most of the lodge members were eliminated, leaving Smug, Krix, Ramy, and Garnac as the only surviving Trandoshans from the direct attack.
Smug, an orange-scaled Trandoshan with dark-brown mottling on his face and yellow [eyes](/article/eye], was a skilled brawler who, like the other guild members, was excited by the prospect of hunting in Wasskah's jungles. Smug displayed camaraderie towards his comrades, particularly during Dar's initiation ceremony, where he cheered and chanted Dar's name as the young hunter joined the guild.

Upon sighting Chewbacca and Ahsoka Tano through his sniper rifle, Smug expressed interest in their activities and was pleased with the idea of landing a killing shot. However, his excitement manifested as an audible internal monologue, revealing his position to O-Mer and Jinx, allowing them to easily ambush him. Although Smug demonstrated his combat skills by defeating the Jedi younglings in a two-on-one fight, he became so focused on the prospect of gutting Jinx that he failed to notice Chewbacca approaching from behind, thwarting another kill.
Smug displayed disgust and annoyance at being taken prisoner by the Jedi and dismissed their attempt to command him. Knowledgeable about the Force, Smug initially resisted a Jedi mind trick. However, he became susceptible to a second trick after Chewbacca struck him on the head, causing him to lose focus. While under Jinx's control, Smug seemed pleased, believing he had escaped the Jedi. Despite being controlled by Jinx, Smug appeared aware of her influence, looking to her for guidance as Krix approached.
The Trandoshan was a skilled combatant, quickly recovering after being ambushed and managing to defeat both of his Jedi attackers. Smug often referred to his prey as "whelps" or "pretties."
Smug's primary weapon was a long, thin sniper blaster rifle with a vertical foregrip and an electronic magnifying scope. He also carried a curved knife in a sheath attached to his belt. Smug used the rifle to try and kill Chewbacca and the Jedi, but after being disarmed, he used his knife in an attempt to kill Jinx. After Chewbacca grabbed him, Smug dropped the knife and lost both weapons. Smug was also known to operate the guild's hover pods.
During the Tano hunt, Smug wore a greenish-gray shirt and a light brown vest. A belt with the knife sheath and several pouches was worn over the shirt. Smug also wore black pants with orange trim. Like all the Trandoshans in the guild, Smug wore an electronic gauntlet on his wrist, containing a comlink that he used to contact Lo-Taren.
Smug was one of twelve Trandoshan characters created for "Padawan Lost" and "Wookiee Hunt," the final episodes of the third season of the animated television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which both aired on April 1, 2011. Jeff Anderson provided Smug's voice in "Wookiee Hunt."
Like all the Trandoshans created for the episodes, Pat Presley, a conceptual artist, designed Smug. Smug's name was inspired by Smaug, the villainous dragon from The Hobbit.