The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion represents the concluding installment of the Force Heretic trilogy, a series penned by both Sean Williams and Shane Dix. Del Rey released it to the public in July of 2003.
- ISBN 0345428722 ; a 390-page paperback edition was issued by Del Rey in July of 2003.
- ISBN 8324117504 ; Amber published a 360-page paperback in Polish, titled ( Heretyk Mocy III: Spotkanie po latach ).
- ISBN 978-80-252-2021-4 ; EGMONT ČR released a 280-page Czech paperback on January 23, 2012, named Heretik III: Návrat.
As the Jedi draw nearer to rescuing a galaxy under siege, they encounter a significant obstacle…
Luke Skywalker, Jacen Solo, and their companions ultimately locate Zonama Sekot aboard the Jade Shadow. However, their elation turns to dismay when the living planet transmits a clear message: it declines to return to a galaxy rife with conflict, abuse, and suffering.
While Luke urgently tries to convince the elusive planet to reconsider its decision, the Yuuzhan Vong initiate a large-scale offensive targeting the core of the newly formed alliance. Han and Leia, tasked with defending a critical communications hub, find themselves severely outnumbered. Due to vast distances, reinforcements cannot arrive in time to prevent total destruction. Consequently, the brave duo must engage in a relentless struggle against overwhelming odds, with their survival uncertain.
Nom Anor, under the guise of the Shamed Ones' Prophet Yu'shaa, and accompanied by Ngaaluh, gains considerable influence within Supreme Overlord Shimrra's court. He observes that the heresy he orchestrated poses a threat to the Yuuzhan Vong way of life on Yuuzhan'tar. Capitalizing on this, Nom Anor uses Ngaaluh to spread false information to Shimrra about his rivals, accusing them of corruption and supporting the Jedi heresy. These lies successfully lead to the elimination of his enemies. However, Shoon-mi Esh, one of Nom Anor's most trusted aides, sees through his deceit and aims to establish a new heresy to overthrow Shimrra. Shoon-mi Esh betrays Nom Anor, attempting to assassinate him with a group of heretics. Kunra, a loyal Shamed Ones warrior and ally of Nom Anor, saves him, and Nom Anor retaliates by killing Shoon-mi.
Following the Battle of Bakura, Goure Conor directs Jaina and her group to Onadax, where their attempt to reestablish contacts fails. Droma escapes and informs Han and Leia that the Yuuzhan Vong are attacking planets in the Outer Rim to disrupt communication between Mon Calamari and the Unknown Regions, with Esfandia as their next target. Jaina, Han, Leia, Droma, and Jagged Fel arrive on Esfandia just as the Yuuzhan Vong attack the planet, but the Galactic Alliance forces are reinforced by the Imperial Remnant. While the Alliance and Remnant forces engage the Vong in space, Han, Leia, Droma, and C-3PO descend to the planet to locate the Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base. The Millennium Falcon inadvertently kills several of Esfandia's natives, called the "Cold Ones," who are ectoplasmic beings and the planet's only inhabitants. Han and his group, with C-3PO's help, realize the accidental massacre they caused and gain the trust of the Cold Ones by saving them from a Yuuzhan Vong orbital bombardment. The Cold Ones then guide the Falcon to the Communications Base, where the crew learns that a Vong traitor is among them, identified by a villip found within the station. A Noghri named Eniknar is a prime suspect.
Meanwhile, Tahiri, still comatose, engages in a mental lightsaber duel against Riina Kwaad, a battle she cannot win because they are the same person. Riina erodes Tahiri's sanity by reminding her of her guilt over moving on from Anakin Solo's death. Jaina, leaving the Battle of Esfandia, joins Tahiri in a Force-meld to fight Riina. After learning of Jaina's help, Tahiri defeats Riina by mentally merging with her, emerging from the coma as a new person, a blend of her former Jedi self and Yuuzhan Vong toughness and loyalty. She aids in the Battle of Esfandia by deceiving the Vong during their attack on the Communications Base. The battle turns against the Vong, and under Commander B'shith Vorrik's orders, the surviving leaders die in a suicide attack against the Alliance and Remnant forces. Communication between Mon Calamari and the Unknown Regions is secured. Eniknar, who sacrificed himself for the Alliance and Remnant, is proven innocent. The traitor is revealed to be an Ugnaught named Tegg, who is captured.
Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, Jacen Solo, Danni Quee, Saba Sebatyne, Soron Hegerty, and Tekli finally locate Zonama Sekot. After a Yuuzhan Vong battle force is defeated by Sekot's forces, Luke and his group are welcomed by the planet and introduced to the Ferroans, who worship Sekot but are hostile to outsiders. Jacen discovers that Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi visited the planet years before during and after Wilhuff Tarkin's failed invasion, with Anakin having killed the Blood Carver Ke Daiv using the Force. Luke and his group meet Sekot's Magister, Jabitha Hal, a friend of Anakin's from years prior, and discuss Sekot joining the Yuuzhan Vong War.
One night, rogue Ferroans attack and capture Danni. Jacen and Saba follow them and allow themselves to be captured, taken to their leader, Senshi. After meeting Senshi, the rogue Ferroans are trapped by rogue boras trees. Jacen calms the trees using the Force. Luke convinces Sekot to spare the last Yuuzhan Vong survivor to prevent the planet from succumbing to the dark side of the Force. Sekot contacts Jacen and Luke simultaneously, appearing as Jacen's late master, Vergere, to Jacen, and as Anakin to Luke. Sekot asks if they want it to join the war. Jacen, believing he doesn't want to be responsible for the Vong's extinction, says no, while Luke, for the galaxy's sake, says yes. Sekot agrees to Luke's terms and prepares for a hyperspace jump back to known space.
On Yuuzhan'tar, Nom Anor witnesses Shimrra reveal Ngaaluh as a traitor. Nom Anor is horrified as he watches Ngaaluh kill herself by slitting her throat via her villip connection before she can be executed. Her body is dumped with the corpses of Anor's dead rivals, eliminating his best chance to overthrow Shimrra.