Daclif Gallamby

Daclif Gallamby was a Human male statesman who was remembered as the last Diktat of Corellia. Daclif Gallamby became Diktat — head of state — of Corellia and Governor-General of the Corellian sector following the death of his predecessor, Dupas Thomree, in the first days of the Galactic Civil War. As the Corellian sector had become an Imperial client state during the Imperial Period, Gallamby was widely considered as a puppet to the Galactic Empire with no real power. Nevertheless, Daclif Gallamby presided Corellia more than a decade, during a period that was troubled by the escalation of the war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. Hence, his rule was marked by increasing insecurity and isolation of the Corellian sector toward the rest of the galaxy, resulting in the decline of the Corellian economy. After the fall of the Empire, Gallamby lost the protection of the Empire and therefore acted as an autocrat to prevent the fall of his government. Finally, the regime collapsed in response to the vehement protests of the Corellian people who forced Daclif Gallamby to flee Corellia.

Diktat of Corellia

During the early Imperial Period, Daclif Gallamby served in the Imperial-backed Corellian government led by Diktat Dupas Thomree. When Thomree was assassinated in 2 BBY, he was replaced by his designated successor, Gallamby, who up until then was unknown to the public.

Corellia, seat of power of the Diktat

Corellia, seat of power of the Diktat

As the Diktat of Corellia, Daclif Gallamby was responsible for the direct administration of the planet. He had his office in the Coronet Capitol, in the Governmental Sector of Coronet City, on Corellia, and resided in the majestic thousand-year-old Corona House, the former residence of the monarchs of Corellia. In addition, the Diktat served as Governor-General of the Corellian sector and, consequently, as the commander-in-chief of the Corellian Defense Force and director of the Corellian Security Force. Nevertheless, Gallamby was only a figure-head who only controlled the administration of the planet Corellia. Although he still held the title of Governor-General of the Corellian sector, the sector and its Corellian Defense Force were overseen by the Imperial Grand Moff of the Corellian sector. Furthermore, the Diktat had limited powers on Corellia where the boards of directors of the most powerful Corellian corporations controlled the government. Working on boosting the planet's economy, they were likely the ones who plotted to assassinate Thomree, attempting to cut back on Corellia's support towards the Empire's war against the Rebel Alliance. Yet, as the war escalated , the elements of the Corellian navy tasked with defending the Corellian sector were repeatedly sent away to support the Empire in dealing with Rebel activity. In turn, pirates turned their attention to the sector that became more dangerous for traders who began to avoid the area, thereby causing a decline of economy. The Diktat's response was to increased restrictions on freedom and encourage a restrictive isolationism, feeding—and perhaps also driven by—the streak of suspicion and distrust of outsiders in the Corellian sector. With the full support and protection of the Empire, Gallamby became an autocrat.

In 1 ABY, Daclif Gallamby won a large and very lucrative contract with the Corporate Sector Authority for Corellian Engineering Corporation freighters. But as the contract was tainted with illegality, the corrupted Diktat recruited a band of freelance spacers to organize clandestinely the sale by meeting in the wilderness of Corellia the various people involved in the deal. The spacers were first sent to obtain the shipping order from CSA procurement officer Windle Meeker. They then delivered the approved order to the processing agent Merlyx Dolv. The latter was quite suspicious about the extra "administrative surcharge" included in the contract. The spacers were later ordered to collect a kickback from Dwynn Biuval, a CEC sales representative, in a form of a donation to the , a charity administered by Gallamby. They then went to bribe Lieutenant Mien Halloor of the Imperial Customs Offices, that was assessing the shipment of certain CEC starships sold to the CSA. Thereafter, Merlyx Dolv, the agent of Transport Commission, contacted the office of the Diktat and threatened to cancel the sale of CEC freighters to the CSA. The spacers were immediately dispatched to capture Dolv and lead him to the Diktat. Merlyx Dolv was later assassinated. However, it soon appeared that Dolv had a friend who was aware of the situation and threatened to reveal the truth. Daclif Gallamby therefore hired the Hutt gangster Morgo One-Shot to eliminate Merlyx Dolv's friend. Afterward, the CEC-CSA deal was successfully concluded.

Members of the Office of the Diktat included Thrackan Sal-Solo, Gallamby's second in command, and Brantlee Spondoon, the aide to the Diktat.

The Rogue CorSec plot

After the Battle of Yavin, Daclif Gallamby was the victim of a plot arranged by a group of former members of the Corellian Security Force known as the Rogue CorSec. Their objective was to create a public political-judicial scandal in order to overthrow the Diktat and his government. The Rogue CorSec first recruited the Ragtags to smuggle illegal spice in the Capitol building. Then, the Rogue CorSec planted a remote relay device directly on the Diktat's personal data terminal. With this device, they were able to send files from a remote location and make them appear as originating from the terminal to which the device was attached. The Rogue CorSec thus planted orders, apparently from the Diktat, instructing the Ragtags to smuggle spice into the capitol.

The Coronet Capitol, headquarters of the Diktat

The Coronet Capitol, headquarters of the Diktat

The plan was foiled because the Ragtags made a mistake and also smuggled in the Capitol a shipment stolen from the businessman Ral Mundi. In 1 ABY, a spacer was recruited by CorSec Lieutenant Mack Jasper to investigate the missing shipment of starship components ordered by the Ral Mundi's Starship Emporium. The spacer discovered that the shipment was stolen by the Ragtags and transported into the Capitol. And even more strikingly, the spacer found the spice. The spacer reported to Lieutenant Jasper, who decided to investigate the case. The spacer infiltrated the Capitol and worked for Gallura Handerin, as well as Brantlee Spondoon, the aide to the Diktat. During another mission, the spacer finally discovered the order from the Diktat to smuggle spice. Lieutenant Jasper thus ordered a search of the Diktat's office, and to the surprise of Gallamby, the spacer found the remote relay device. A gadget specialist easily identified the device and helped Lieutenant Jasper to find the origin of the transmission. The spacer tracked the signal to the Rogue CorSec Base and then infiltrated the base. The spacer downloaded proof of the Diktat's innocence in computers and finally killed the Rogue CorSec commanders who were responsible for the plot: Hiram Bish and Mtara Vinram. When the spacer returned to the Coronet Capitol, the grateful Diktat Daclif Gallamby awarded the Corellian Medal for Distinguished Service to the spacer for the service rendered to himself and to the government.

Nearly being ousted

As the Galactic Civil War intensified after the Rebel victory at the Battle of Yavin, the Diktat and his government became highly paranoid and terrified to be overthrown by the Rebellion or by their own population. Eventually, the Corellian government enacted strict isolationist measures, restricting trade and traffic throughout the entire sector. These measures caused the collapse of the Corellian economy.

Over the next years, the Corellian government's policy, focused on economy, began to shift away from that of the Emperor's, angering Thrackan Sal-Solo, who struggled to revert it. He saw the Diktat as responsible and began secretly plotting to overthrow the weakened head of state. Gathering support, Sal-Solo was ready to oust Gallamby in 4 ABY, when news of the Empire's defeat, and Emperor Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor reached them. The non-human population of the Corellian System, viewing no Emperor as meaning no Empire, began to stand up to the Corellian government, disrupting Sal-Solo's plans and making him unable to remove Gallamby from office.


After the Battle of Endor, Gallamby's regime remained loyal to the Empire. Within six months of Endor, the Imperial Fleet deployment in the Corellian system had been increased to twenty-five Imperial Star Destroyers under Admiral Jaeffis. This was one of the largest fleet deployments anywhere in the Core Worlds, and it was due to be further strengthened when Admiral Roek arrived to assume overall command with the Super Star Destroyer Aggressor and five other Star Destroyers. The Imperials' primary aim was to secure the vital orbital shipyards. In 5 ABY, Corellia briefly became the focus of the military power struggle within the Empire, when Aggressor defected to Grand Admiral Josef Grunger, who was building up his forces in preparation for an attempt to seize the Imperial throne. Another Grand Admiral, Danetta Pitta, allied himself with Gallamby and took command of the loyalist forces in the sector, with a Torpedo Sphere as his command ship. The subsequent Battle of Tralus decimated both fleets, however, and may have marked the end of any effective Imperial Navy presence in the sector.

Nevertheless, Diktat Gallamby remained in power, and subsequently continued his policy of inward-looking suspicion much as before. The Galactic Empire began to fragment after the Battle of Endor but Gallamby's position was strengthened at first by the massive arrival of Imperial officers and troops who sought to take refuge in the Corellian sector. However, without the direct protection of the Emperor, the Diktat's government flickered as the resentful Corellian population protested vehemently against the regime. Hence, the Diktat gradually lost power to the Sacorrian Triad. In 7 ABY, Gallamby reorganized the prestigious Corellian Security Force into the Public Safety Service, an Imperialistic security force and political police tasked with protecting the regime. Yet, the Diktat's restrictive measures seemed to have always been compromised at the practical level, the PSS being more concerned with appearances and petty disorder than with serious actions.

Finally, sometime as early as 13 ABY, the Corellian armed forces and security forces eventually stopped to protect the government from the revolted population. As his position became untenable, the Diktat and other leaders of his regime fled the Corellian system and retreated to the Outlier systems of the Corellian sector, taking half of the credits in the planet's treasury with them.


With the sudden disappearance of the Diktat, his designated successor, Thrackan Sal-Solo, was not able to prevent the regime to collapse. The Corellian administration remained in disarray until the Corellian sector was took over by the New Republic, which installed a Governor-General in the Diktat's stead.

In the next years, Imperial loyalists and supporters of Daclif Gallamby continued to exert influence on Corellia politics, and became the basis of the subsequent Human League created by Thrackan Sal-Solo. In 18 ABY, during the Corellian Crisis, the Corellian separatists of the Human League assassinated Governor-General Micamberlecto and seized control of Corellia. Thrackan Sal-Solo proclaimed himself the new Diktat of Corellia as the successor of Gallamby, with the objective to re-establish the previous regime. However, Sal-Solo's reign was short-lived; he was arrested by the New Republic at the end of the Corellian Crisis.

Behind the scenes

The last Diktat of Corellia was first mentioned in the 1995 novel Ambush at Corellia, the first book of the Corellian Trilogy written by Roger MacBride Allen. The Diktat was identified as Daclif Gallamby in Assault at Selonia, the second novel of the series.

Daclif Gallamby appeared a non-player character (NPC) in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. Daclif Gallamby was present in the original release of the game. Like most quest-giver NPCs in the earliest versions of the game, he proposed a series of "static quests" to players. These quests did not provide any experience and just consisted in moving to a random location in order to kill or protect one or several NPCs. Gallamby's static quests were eventually removed from the game with the release of the "Publish 25," a.k.a. the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005. With this update, Daclif Gallamby was included in a series of more modern "dynamic quests," becoming one of the main protagonists of a new story arc, i.e., the Rogue CorSec plot against the Diktat. This questline was later slightly revamped with the release of the "Publish 27," on February 15, 2006, as the story arc was inserted into the "Legacy Quest," the main questline in the game.








































