A Jedi belonged to the Jedi Order, dedicating themselves to the study, service, and application of the Force's mystical energies—typically embracing the light side of the Force. Their primary weapon was the lightsaber, characterized by its blade of pure energy. The Jedi championed peace and justice within the Galactic Republic, frequently opposing their arch-enemies, the Sith and Dark Jedi, adherents of the dark side of the Force. Despite the Order's near annihilation on four separate occasions, including once by the Sith Empire led by Darth Revan, the Sith Triumvirate under Darth Nihilus during the First Jedi Purge soon after, 4,000 years later by the Great Jedi Purge orchestrated by Darth Sidious, and a century and a half afterward by Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire and its Third Jedi Purge, the Jedi persisted, largely due to the Skywalker family, who consistently played pivotal roles in the Jedi's history.

Originating as a philosophical group on Tython, the Jedi rose to prominence as guardians dedicated to upholding peace and justice throughout the galaxy. Renowned for their mastery of the Force and their iconic lightsabers, the Jedi's abilities inspired awe among the galaxy's inhabitants. Their composed and thoughtful nature made them excellent mediators in times of conflict. However, despite their power and widespread influence, the Jedi were relatively few in number. Frequently challenged by adversaries amidst periods of uncertainty, the Order and the establishment they served faced recurring threats of evil, most notably from the Sith. These dark warriors, the Jedi's sworn enemies, repeatedly plunged the galaxy into war. The Sith could even exploit the dark side of the Force to weaken the Jedi's powers and impede their ability to foresee the future.
The Jedi's path evolved into a way of wisdom and patience, combined with decisive action when necessary. Nevertheless, the Jedi Council sometimes exhibited a perceived lack of decisiveness, as seen during the Mandalorian Wars, favoring long-term strategies over immediate responses. Their inaction motivated Revan to take action, ultimately leading to the Jedi Civil War. During this conflict, the distinction between Jedi and Sith became blurred in the eyes of the galaxy, with both sides bearing blame for the devastation inflicted on worlds like Katarr, Telos IV, and Taris.
Through intricate planning and remarkable adaptability, one Sith Master (Senator Palpatine of Naboo, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious) ascended to the position of Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, manipulated the Clone Wars, and undermined the Jedi until he could swiftly and decisively dismantle the Order and seize control of the galaxy as Galactic Emperor of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Yet, even this cataclysmic event failed to completely extinguish the Jedi, and within a generation, they reemerged to safeguard and guide the galaxy as the New Jedi Order. The Jedi continued their role as protectors and servants throughout the horrors of the Yuuzhan Vong War and the collapse of the New Republic, leading to the establishment of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
Becoming a Jedi demanded profound dedication and a sharp intellect, as the Jedi's life was characterized by sacrifice. To prevent wrongdoing, individuals displaying Force sensitivity were taken at birth (or shortly thereafter) to train at the Jedi Temple headquarters on Coruscant or at smaller Jedi Enclaves as Padawans. From the outset of their training, Jedi were expected to adhere to a strict Code emphasizing principles like rational thought, patience, and benevolence. Negative emotions such as hate, anger, and fear were considered destructive, leading to the dark side of the Force, so Jedi were taught to be mindful of such feelings.

Younglings undergoing Jedi training were instructed in "clans" by a respected and experienced Jedi Master, learning the Jedi ways and the Force's powers. Following Ruusan, it became customary for Jedi trainees to be children. Once Yavin 4 was established as the Jedi headquarters, Jedi initiates, who were no longer children, received initial training under Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, and later under other Masters in groups. With the rise of the New Jedi Order, younglings were again trained in clans from childhood.
When a student demonstrated sufficient understanding of the Jedi path, they were usually mentored by another Jedi member for individual instruction to complete their training. Masters commonly took their Padawans on missions, and later assigned them independent missions, to foster experience and practical learning.
Not all students advanced to direct study as Padawan learners under a Jedi Master. During the Old Republic era, younglings not selected as Padawans by age 13 were typically reassigned to divisions within the public service organization known as the Jedi Service Corps. This was to be the fate of young Obi-Wan Kenobi until the events at Bandomeer prompted Qui-Gon Jinn to accept him as his Padawan.
Adhering to the Code, Jedi behavior was carefully structured to promote self-discipline, responsibility, and public service. Jedi controlled their emotions and rejected materialism. They valued life, the law, the Order itself, and the master-student relationship. Jedi provided aid to support and defend the vulnerable, and compassion was encouraged. Rules of engagement included understanding the duality of light and dark, learning to perceive accurately, recognizing hidden truths, and exercising caution, even in minor matters. Above all, Jedi fulfilled their duty to the Republic and embraced the Force. Jedi before the Ruusan Reformation generally had greater autonomy, as the Order was less structured and individual Knights and Masters enjoyed more personal freedom. Afterward, the High Council exerted greater central control over the Order.

Early Jedi used shields and armor for protection in battle, and employed blaster pistols alongside lightsabers in combat. Later, as the lightsaber evolved into a more self-contained weapon without an external power pack, Jedi chose to carry it as their primary tool for both defense and offense. The lightsaber was regarded more as a tool than a mere weapon, serving both a symbolic and practical purpose for the Jedi. It identified the wielder, made a strong visual statement, and, given the availability of cybernetic replacements, may have been seen as a "cleaner" weapon than the blaster, which Obi-Wan considered "uncivilized," "clumsy," and "random."
Jedi of the pre-Reformation era (Old Jedi Order) also seemed to lack a formal dress code, dressing as they saw fit, though traditional robes were favored by most Masters. These included a tunic, cloak, and sometimes a tabard—typically in varying shades of white and brown, with gray also common for the overtunic. The left side of the dress was always turned on the right part of the torso. After the Reformation, these robes became the standard Jedi apparel, even during battle. Jedi also wore trousers, an obi, a leather utility belt for carrying specialized field gear, and leather boots. The Jedi colors, symbolizing harmony with the Force, contrasted sharply with the Sith, who primarily wore black.
In accordance with their philosophy of non-attachment, clothing was considered disposable. Indeed, possession itself was discouraged as another form of attachment, and most Jedi lived lives of material simplicity, though the Order's infrastructure and the Republic's support ensured they had adequate food, housing, and clothing.
Sometime before the Great Sith War, Jedi were prohibited from forming attachments, as these were believed to lead to the dark side. For this reason, Jedi were not permitted to marry. Reess Kairn had an attachment, despite this being a violation of the Code. After finding his lover with another man, he killed them both in anger. This led him to the dark side. Anakin Skywalker would become a testament to such Jedi circumspection, as his fear of losing his undisclosed wife, Padmé Amidala, ultimately caused his fall to darkness, but his connection to his son, Luke Skywalker, would later drive him back to the light. Although Jedi were not required to be chaste as well, many Jedi were abstinent if not outright celibate, due to sex being considered self-indulgence and an unnecessary act. At least one special case was recorded in this arrangement: Ki-Adi-Mundi who, due to low Cerean birth rates, was permitted to have a polygamous marriage, and fathered seven daughters. Ranik Solusar was disciplined by the Council for his marriage and the child it produced, but was not expelled from the Order.
Despite this restriction, Jedi were known to have clandestine relationships, whether with non-Jedi—such as the marriages of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, Quinlan Vos and Khaleen Hentz, Nejaa Halcyon and Scerra Halcyon, and Etain Tur-Mukan and Clone commando Darman Skirata—or within the Jedi Order—such as the relationships of Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura, Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi, and Tholme and T'ra Saa. Some were developed even as Padawans, such as Mak Lotor and Kass Tod, who died together, with Tod stating there was the Force, death and love. Many of these relationships did not lead to mishap. Further, Revan shared a romantic affection with Bastila Shan, who was redeemed by him after her fall.
Others openly defied the High Council on this matter. This led to particular strife with Jolee Bindo and his wife, Nayama Bindo, during the Great Sith War. Bindo trained his wife in the ways of the Force, but she soon fell to the dark side. He was not expelled from the Order, and instead was to be promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. He then lost faith in the wisdom of the Council and left the Order.

Up to the Great Sith War, some Jedi did marry and had families of their own. There were even cases of families consisting entirely of Jedi, such as that of Andur Sunrider. The children of Jedi families were often gifted in the Force. Even later in the Order, such families existed—though the continuation of the line was through those family members who did not become Jedi. Famous Jedi families of the late Republic included the Koon family and the Diath family.
However, it appears that some Jedi might have been granted the right to marry, not as a special case, but as a norm. Several Corellian Jedi (Keiran Halcyon during the Old Republic, and Corran Horn in the time of the New Republic) were allowed to marry and raise children without repercussion. Whether this was due to an agreement between the Jedi and the planetary government—Corellia was known for its family-centric culture—or purely personal choices made against the Jedi Code is not known, except in the case of Nejaa Halcyon, who married his wife secretly without the approval of the Council. Corellian Jedi often had many other noticeable differences from the traditional Jedi ways, such as in clothing and a reluctance to take on missions outside of their home system.
By the time of the New Jedi Order, the practice of forbidding or discouraging marriages had been discarded, as many of the Order's members had spouses and children, including the Order's Grand Master himself, whose wife was another Jedi Master.
The Jedi path was a lifelong commitment, with Jedi typically remaining within the Order for their entire lives, deepening their understanding of the Order, the Force, and adhering to the Jedi Council's guidance. Prior to the Clone Wars, only twenty Jedi (of Master rank or higher) were said to have left the Order (though the specific timeframe was debated), the most notable being Count Dooku and Master Phanius. These individuals were collectively known as the Lost Twenty, or simply The Lost.
The Jedi's shared study of the Force, an "energy field" permeating all living beings, united them. This Force was channeled through microscopic organisms in the bloodstream called midi-chlorians. These organisms resided within every living thing and facilitated communication with the Force. The Jedi sought to comprehend the Force to harness its power for protection and assistance. They believed that careful study and contemplation could unlock the Force's potential to benefit both the user and the surrounding universe. Emphasizing the light side of the Force, the Jedi encouraged its use solely for healing and defense, never in anger or fear. However, throughout history, some Jedi disagreed with this approach, believing that darker applications of the Force offered a faster and easier path to power, while the light side demanded patience and dedicated effort. This divergence led to the rise of the Sith, the Jedi's perpetual adversaries.

The Jedi dedicated their lives to understanding and strengthening their connection to the Force, enabling them to manipulate it as an extension of themselves. This connection was enhanced through rigorous training and meditation, achieving a state of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual harmony, a form of inner peace.
The dark side of the Force presented a significant temptation for many Jedi, appearing as a quicker and easier path. However, pursuing the dark side was self-destructive, and those who indulged in its powers found it increasingly difficult to turn away. While some Jedi could be redeemed back to the light, many succumbed and became Dark Jedi, some joining the Sith Order. Furthermore, the dark side's influence could diminish a Jedi's abilities, clouding their judgment on critical matters. Consequently, the Jedi Council often, but not always, prohibited the practice of dark Force powers.
Nevertheless, the Jedi sought to redeem those who had fallen to the dark side, viewing killing as a last resort. This characteristic was both a strength and a weakness of the Order.

The lightsaber was the Jedi's traditional weapon, capable of being deadly in the hands of a skilled user, even against opponents with ranged weapons. Achieving this level of skill required intense focus and training. Students practiced lightsaber combat techniques with a remote, and children used training lightsabers. They also dueled fellow Jedi to test their abilities.

The lightsaber's weight being concentrated in the hilt made it a challenging weapon to wield. Jedi needed heightened awareness to master it, conditioning that strengthened their connection to the Force. Since assembling the lightsaber's intricate components and initially charging the power cell required Force knowledge, Padawans were tasked with constructing their own lightsaber as part of their training, using a unique crystal (such as those found on the ice planet of Ilum) to focus the power cell's energy and create the blade.
During the Jedi Civil War era, many Cerean Jedi used specially forged Kasha lightsaber crystals as a meditative aid. Incorporating these crystals into their training helped clear their minds of distractions, even during intense combat. Furthermore, finding the necessary components for the lightsaber was a task in itself. Meditation in a crystal cave on planets like Ilum or Dantooine often revealed an image in the Jedi's mind of the lightsaber they were to build. Constructing a lightsaber was a significant milestone on the path to Jedi Knighthood, carrying deep symbolic meaning.
During the Old Republic era, it was customary for a Jedi Master to gift their personal lightsaber to their most accomplished student. Jedi apprentice Nomi Sunrider received such a lightsaber from Master Thon, recognizing her potential for greatness. While the apprentice was grateful for this esteemed gift, the Master still emphasized the importance of knowing how to build one, requiring or even demanding that the apprentice eventually learn to construct their own unique lightsaber.
The Jedi Code's strength and the Order's organization were founded on the three core tenets of Force, Knowledge, and Self-Discipline. Integrated into a Jedi's daily life, the statuary at the Coruscant Jedi Temple's main entrance symbolized these three pillars.

The first pillar, the Force, was the constant connecting all things. Guided by the Force, Master Sabla-Mandibu described the Jedi as "swimming in the Force in our every moment—breathing it, tasting it, riding its currents to our unique destines." A symbiosis of midi-chlorians and sentient beings was essential for accessing the Force, but this biological requirement was not a primary focus of Jedi study. Instead, Jedi contemplated the Force's will and the distinctions between its two aspects: the Unifying and Living Force.
The Pillar of Knowledge asserted that a Jedi's role in the galaxy required extensive study and accumulated wisdom. To facilitate the pursuit of knowledge, the Temple housed a vast repository known as the Jedi Archives. In addition to the Archives and supplementary library, the Temple contained several vaults housing the Order's holocrons. While no individual could master everything within the collection, the Chief Librarian, responsible for its upkeep, would argue that it was worth trying.
Lastly, the Pillar of Self-Discipline was rightly regarded as the Third Pillar. Combat and physical training classes were not offered until mastery of the first two tenets was achieved. Students ready to study self-discipline were often disappointed to find that they would not immediately begin intense lightsaber training, but would be encouraged to engage in more rigorous forms of meditation. Only after mastering oneself could an Initiate proceed to take up a lightsaber for the first time.
- Jedi Initiate (or "Youngling" or "Jedi Hopeful") – The youngest members of the Order, these Force-sensitive children were given the rank of Initiate when they began their communal training in clans. Recruited from worlds throughout the galaxy where blood testing was required upon birth, Initiates were removed from their families and brought to a Jedi academy for formal training. [10]

- Jedi Padawan (also known as "Jedi Apprentice") – Once chosen for personalized instruction by a Jedi Knight or Jedi Master, Initiates received the designation of Padawan. This rank was attainable after successfully finishing the Initiate Trials . Padawans were typically selected during their adolescent years and underwent their training outside the academy. As per custom, Padawans of species with hair growth would sport a lengthy braid behind their ear; Padawans lacking hair were encouraged to adorn themselves with jewelry, tattoos, or other forms of body modification. A Jedi Knight or Jedi Master could only mentor a single apprentice at any given time. The Padawan was required to achieve the rank of Jedi Knight before another apprentice could be chosen. This practice was officially established after the Great Sith War . However, this rule could be waived if the Order experienced a decline in membership, necessitating the assignment of multiple students to a single master. Should a student repeatedly fail the Initiate Trials or remain unselected by a Master, the Council of Reconciliation would assign the student to the Jedi Service Corps. Depending on the student's aptitudes, this could involve service in the Agricultural Corps , the Medical Corps , the Educational Corps , or the Exploration Corps . If a student found this role unsuitable, they had the option to leave the Order altogether. [10]
- Jedi Knight – After approximately a decade of dedicated, individual training with a master, a disciplined Padawan became eligible to attempt the Jedi Trials . Upon successfully passing all the tests presented, the High Council would sever the Padawan's braid, marking the beginning of their life as a Knight. No longer bound to a master, Knights were at liberty to accept missions from the Council, pursue specialized training within one of the three branches of Knighthood, or take on their own Padawan. [10]
- Jedi Master – A Knight with significant experience who displayed exceptional wisdom and comprehension of the Force could be promoted to the rank of Master by the High Council. Self-proclamation of this title was generally disapproved of and rarely occurred in the later years of the Order, but was more common during times of war or disbandment. From among the Order's Masters, only a select few were appointed to serve on one of the Jedi Councils. These Councils, composed exclusively of wise and seasoned Masters, had varying levels of membership to ensure that new perspectives were considered as events unfolded. The High Council consisted of 12 masters, with five holding lifetime appointments, four holding long-term appointments, and three holding short-term appointments. The elected leader of the Council was known as the Master of the Order and was often the acting Grand Master, the recognized leader of the entire Order. [10]
Upon a Padawan's promotion to Knighthood, they were presented with the choice to continue their training along one of three distinct paths. Based on their preferences, talents, and skills, all who successfully completed the Jedi Trials had the opportunity to join the ranks of the Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, or Jedi Sentinel. Beyond their chosen specialization, the High Council could also require members of the Order to assume military ranks to defend the Republic.

Knights who preferred a physically proactive approach against the dark side of the Force and any other threats to the Republic pursued the path of the Guardian. Wielding their lightsabers with pride, Guardians concentrated their training on refining their sparring and athletic abilities, as well as mastering the art of hand-to-hand combat. The Force abilities studied by Guardians typically focused on swiftly incapacitating opponents and enhancing agility and endurance. The most accomplished masters of this specialization were known as Warrior Master.
- Jedi Ace – Members of the Jedi Starfighter Corps were known as Aces. They specialized in utilizing a starfighter as an extension of themselves, melding piloting skills with mastery of the Force. [10]
- Lightsaber instructors – Stationed at the Jedi academy, these were battle-hardened Masters dedicated to imparting their experience to the Order's young students. The High Council bestowed the title of Battlemaster upon the highest-ranking instructor within the academy, who was responsible for selecting and recommending future instructors. [10]
- Jedi Peacekeeper – Jedi who desired a peacekeeping role were stationed within planetary or sectoral government security agencies, serving as the area's special police. The Temple Security Force , comprised of Peacekeepers, helped to quell riots and apprehend terrorists. Within this force, Jedi could be trained as Gate Masters, Snipers, or Brutes. [10]
- Jedi Weapon Master – A Jedi Master who had achieved mastery in wielding an exotic weapon was designated as a Weapons Specialist, or Weapon Master. These individuals were among the Order's most skilled physical combatants. [10]

Jedi Knights who became Consulars focused on mastering the Force and honing their mental abilities rather than relying on physical strength. They collaborated closely with the Republic Diplomatic Corps and medical facilities. Overseen by the Council of Reconciliation, Consulars served as healers, prophets, and researchers, using their lightsabers only for self-defense. The most learned masters of this specialization were known as Sage Master.
- Jedi Ambassador – Serving as the Republic's representative to newly discovered worlds, Ambassadors worked in conjunction with bureaucrats to assist in welcoming unaligned governments and facilitating their integration into the Republic. Upon request, some Ambassadors were appointed as advisors to specific Senators or even the Supreme Chancellor. [10]
- Jedi Diplomat – Jedi Diplomats were given the authority to negotiate compromises or treaties during tense situations, backed by the full support of the Senate and Jedi Order. Jedi were frequently called upon to act as impartial diplomats. This was possibly due to the Order's traditions of detachment from secular society and the phenomenon of Force-guided intuition. They would serve as moderators and negotiators during disputes, and their judgments were recognized as just and binding. When acting as diplomats, Jedi took the utmost care to be impartial and fair-minded. The legacy of this impartiality was such that, decades after the Great Jedi Purge and Palpatine's false accusations of the corruption of the Jedi Order, the legend of Jedi impartiality lived on in the memories of some sections of galactic society. Some species who respected the Jedi—for example, the Barabel —retained a tradition of calling upon a Jedi's impartial judgment even for minor interpersonal disputes. [10]
- Jedi healer – Certain Jedi dedicated themselves to the more compassionate aspects of the Force, manipulating the Living Force to practice the art of healing . Led by the Circle of Jedi Healers and based out of the Coruscant Temple's Halls of Healing , healers were also deployed to serve aboard MedStar frigates and, at times, in Republic's mobile surgical units , or Rimsoos . [10]
- Jedi Lore Keeper – Jedi who wished to contribute to the expansion of the Jedi Archives could become Lore Keepers, a group overseen by the Librarian's Assembly . Divided into historians, archivists, and librarians, each group worked towards the advancement of knowledge and the preservation of the past. [10]
- Jedi Researcher – Researchers chose specializations such as archaeology, geology, biology, mathematics, and astronomy to solve theories and update the Archives of the Order. [10]
- Jedi Seer – Jedi with a natural inclination to receive visions through the Force were known as Seers, responsible for maintaining and updating the Order's holocrons. The most perceptive of these Jedi were known as Prophets and foretold the future of the galaxy. [10]

These Knights sought a balance between the intense combat training of the Jedi Guardians and the broader philosophical perspectives and teaching duties of the Jedi Consulars. These Jedi exposed deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They were commonly employed on scouting missions and possessed skills in security, computers, or stealth techniques, as well as diplomatic abilities.
- Jedi Investigator – Jedi who were specifically appointed by the High Council to uncover hidden and obscure threats to the galaxy, such as powerful criminal syndicates, corruption and conspiracy against the Republic, and other sinister menaces. The Jedi investigator would often work alone and undercover to infiltrate suspicious organizations or would be busy investigating some act of crime. [10]
- Jedi Recruiters – As members of the Acquisition Division of the Order, recruiters honed the talents learned from Jedi Investigators to track down and identify Force-sensitives to assess whether they belonged in the Jedi Order. Republic law required all newborns undergo testing, with potential candidates' names being recorded in the Division's prized Kyber memory crystal. After the child had aged a few months, the Order would dispatch a recruiter to test the child and see if they met the qualifications to begin training on the Jedi Path.
- Jedi Shadow – Functioning as the Order's secret police, Shadows operated under the direction of the First Knowledge Council and were dispatched to eliminate all agents of the dark side. Heavily utilized after the New Sith Wars , the Shadows were tasked with erasing the word "Sith" from the minds of most galactic citizens. [10]
- Jedi Temple Guard – These anonymous sentinels, who served as the security force and reported to Jedi Master Cin Drallig , who headed the Temple's security detail. They wore formal robes and identity-concealing masks, the ultimate expression of emotional detachment required in service to a higher calling. Temple Guards carried imposing lightsaber pikes—thick, double-bladed weapons that produced a rare and distinctive yellow blade.
- Jedi Watchman – A watchman, tasked with overseeing a specific system or sector, acted as a liaison officer between that system or sector and the High Council, as well as the Republic in general. Jedi Watchmen were often highly skilled in diplomacy and possessed extensive knowledge of the culture of the system or sector they oversaw, typically having lived among its people for many years. [10]
Throughout their extensive history, the Jedi Order's most skilled warriors have willingly fought alongside the Republic's armed forces, securing numerous victories against tyranny and oppression. The Republic’s military leaders accept Jedi involvement with the understanding that the chain of command is respected. Jedi are often granted authority by military commanders to lead troops or allocate resources, and soldiers generally defer to a Jedi’s judgment and expertise.
During times of war, particularly when Sith forces were involved, Jedi would occasionally assume military ranks and command armies of Republic military units, as demonstrated in the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, the New Sith Wars, and the Clone Wars. Consequently, Jedi became soldiers as well as keepers of the peace. During the New Sith Wars, the Order established the Army of Light, a substantial military branch comprised of the majority of active Jedi. They resumed this duty during the Clone Wars. Female Jedi were sometimes viewed as poor Jedi by darksiders, but in fact were brave and excellent warriors and tended to destroy those who underestimated them in war.
- Jedi Commander – A Padawan serving as a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic , the Jedi Commander was assigned to a Jedi General until knighted. Once a full Jedi, the Padawan was then referred to as General.
- Jedi General – Jedi Knights or Masters who had been placed in command of a Republic army were dubbed Generals. Jedi Masters could become Senior Jedi General , leading one of the twenty Sector Armies . Out of the twelve High Council members, some became High Jedi Generals not only commanding their own Systems Army, but also supervising all other ranking Jedi.
- Jedi Lord – a Jedi who served as a commander in the Army of Light during the New Sith Wars. The Jedi Lord assumed this title mainly out of political needs of the Republic. The rank was abolished after the war. [17]

The prophecy of the Chosen One was an ancient Jedi legend that foretold the coming of a being who was "to bring balance to the Force." Qui-Gon and other Jedi interpreted this prophecy to mean that the Chosen One would destroy the Sith. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that a young Anakin Skywalker was that person when he discovered him in 32 BBY, due to Anakin's exceptionally high midi-chlorian count and unique birth.
Initially, many Jedi believed Anakin to be the Chosen One because of his seemingly unparalleled power. However, it later appeared that he was not, as he fell to the dark side and, as Darth Vader, played a pivotal role in the destruction of the Jedi Order. Nevertheless, in 4 ABY he redeemed himself by choosing to stand against Emperor and Sith Lord Palpatine, sacrificing himself to save his son, Luke, and ultimately destroying the Sith Order in the process. This action finally proved Qui-Gon and others correct: he was indeed the Chosen One. With the deaths of both Palpatine and Vader, the Force achieved a certain "balance."
In later years, however the idea that Anakin was the Chosen One was largely rejected by the Jedi.
The character templates "Failed Jedi", "Minor Jedi", and "Quixotic Jedi" were among the original twenty-four used by the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, which was first published in the first edition rulebook.