Karjj, a spacer of the Crocin species, operated during the Galactic Empire's imperial_era. Beset by both monetary and marital issues, he also possessed a strong enthusiasm for playing sabacc, a card game he enjoyed in spite of his frequent money losses. In the year 10 BBY, he took part in a Corellian Spike sabacc match held at the Lodge cantina on the planet Vandor, where, in a fit of frustration, he chewed up his own playing cards. Over forty years afterwards, a bounty resulting from various transgressions was placed on the Crocin on the world of Batuu, and the spacer was ultimately also documented in an entry within an artist's journal.
Hailing from Croce, a homeworld located in the Outer Rim Territories and the origin of the species, Karjj was a Crocin spacer. During the Galactic Empire's reign, he was burdened with misfortune, including substantial debts and a problematic marriage. He was a devoted gambler of the card game sabacc, hoping to swiftly acquire winnings through gambling.

10 BBY saw Karjj participating in a Corellian Spike sabacc game at the Lodge, a cantina situated in the Fort Ypso settlement on Vandor, a planet within the Mid Rim Territories. Positioned between Therm Scissorpunch, a Nephran, and Saucer Head, the game's dealer, Karjj became so enraged at one point that he shoved his hand of cards into his jaws and tore them to pieces. Subsequently, the Crocin left the table, and a human player took his place.
By the time of the First Order's occupation of Batuu, an Outer Rim planet, specifically in 34 ABY, a bounty of nine hundred credits had been issued for Karjj. He was wanted for unpaid debts, evading capture, and the theft of a starship at Batuu's Surabat settlement, as well as for damaging the local rock-like spires, which were in fact ancient petrified trees. While Karjj was concealed within a building in Black Spire Outpost on Batuu, a visitor to the outpost was assigned his bounty by the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Employing a thermal scanner, they pinpointed the Crocin's location, reported it to the local Guildmaster's Hideout, and then claimed the bounty. At some juncture, Karjj was also featured, with an illustration, in an entry of an artist's journal dedicated to him. This journal was later restored, expanded, and put on display at the Graf Archive sometime after 34 ABY.
Karjj, a yellow-skinned Crocin who spoke Croci, possessed a volatile temper that often flared during sabacc games. This, combined with his generally absent-minded disposition, made him a welcome sight at gaming tables for other players eager to quickly relieve him of his money. Even though Karjj frequently lost at sabacc, it did not diminish his enjoyment of the game.
Karjj sported a brown fur-lined coat over a black shirt, paired with brown pants and a brown belt. His attire was completed by a brown, scarf-like oiled headwrap that kept his scales from drying out. Like other Crocin, who were unaccustomed to intense sunlight, Karjj wore thick goggles to shield his sensitive eyesight when away from Croce. These goggles made his eyes appear to glow yellow in dim lighting and obscured his facial expressions during card games. Around 10 BBY, Karjj owned a run-down starship.

Karjj made his debut in the Star Wars Anthology Series film Solo: A Star Wars Story, released on May 25, 2018. Kiran Shah portrayed him. His name was revealed simultaneously in the companion reference book, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide by Pablo Hidalgo, and in Beth Davies' Solo: A Star Wars Story Ultimate Sticker Collection. Jake Lunt Davies designed Karjj, drawing inspiration from the snouts of crocodiles and caimans, as well as the "teeth" of sawfish. During the design phase, the character, whose snout Lunt Davies described as a "hedge trimmer–type saw," was nicknamed "Crocamole." Karjj's initial outfit included black gloves and a metallic bracelet.
Prior to the film's release, Karjj was also featured in a promotional advertisement for Denny's restaurant. This advertisement, which premiered on April 4, 2018, recreated a modified version of the corresponding scene from the film. In it, the Crocin plays sabacc with the Danzikan duo Lark and Jonk, as well as representations of the human gamblers Lando Calrissian and Han Solo, the thief. At one point, Karjj slams his hands on the table and exclaims in Croci, silencing the Lodge's patrons and stopping the music. With another utterance, he reveals his losing hand, after which the game continues without him.