A Traveler's Guide to Batuu: Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is a guidebook penned by Cole Horton and brought to the public by becker&mayer!. It first became available in digital format on June 23, 2020, followed by the release of the physical hardcover edition on July 21, 2020.
Greetings! Welcome to Batuu. This outpost on the galactic fringe is a hub for those operating outside the law. Smugglers, bounty hunters, and adventurers trade stories, food, and various goods. As a visitor, you'll need a guidebook, and this is the official one.
In 2019, Disney unveiled Batuu, a brand-new Star Wars-themed area in its parks. Now, Star Wars enthusiasts can immerse themselves in an authentic, in-universe experience like never before! This official Batuu guide is written entirely from an in-universe perspective. Imagine you're a visitor from another part of the galaxy seeking recommendations for dining, lodging, and activities during your stay. The guide also features itineraries and descriptions of "Beyond Batuu" weekend excursions to nearby planets and environments.
This guide offers:
- Vibrant illustrations and detailed maps
- Original material provided by Lucasfilm
- An unparalleled in-world experience
Whether you're exploring the 15-acre Galaxy's Edge park or simply enjoying an armchair adventure, this immersive guide is sure to delight any Star Wars aficionado.
- The provided galaxy map's key makes an error by labeling all locations as "Planets of the galaxy," even though Jedha, Pantora, Ketz, Bardelberan 7, Beixander 9, and Ajan Kloss are actually moons. Jason Fry has explained that the map's naming conventions, which he and Lucasfilm developed together, reflect the colloquial system names that galactic citizens commonly use in-universe. [3] He also pointed out that the Inner Rim and [Colonies](/article/colonies] areas are incorrectly switched on the map. [4]
- Star Wars Galaxy Map, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu, and Star Wars Droids Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away all place Ponemah at grid coordinate H-16, but Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide positions Ponemah near Jakku, which is located in the [Colonies](/article/colonies] at J-13.
- Star Wars Galaxy Map has adjusted the placements of the Cantonica, Pacara, and Vardos systems.
- The 2022 Star Wars Galaxy Map omitted the following system labels, resulting in ambiguity regarding their precise locations on the grid: Bardelberan, Beixander, Bernilla, Chibbier, Cuyacan, Davnar, Dwartii, Eroudac, Gerrenthum, Gonda, Ketz, Ketzali, Linasals, Orchis, Oshira, Haneli, Risso, Toledian, Urajab, Vixnix, and Xibariz. [5]
- On page 33, the description of the 74-Z speeder bike is mistakenly accompanied by a picture of the 614-AvA speeder bike.
- ISBN 9780760366745; June 23, 2020; becker&mayer!; US hardcover [2]
- ISBN 9780760366745; Voyageur Press; UK hardcover [6]
- ISBN 9781797236339; April 29, 2025; Chronicle Books; US Hardcover [7]