The First Order Occupation

"The First Order Occupation" marks the fifteenth installment of Star Wars Resistance Season One. It was broadcast on February 3, 2019.

Official Synopsis

With the First Order increasing their control on the Colossus, Kaz and Synara find themselves under growing strain.

Narrative Breakdown


The episode commences with a group of snarlfishes soaring above the waters of Castilon. A TIE fighter pursues them, before it sweeps over them, proceeding to fly over the Colossus.

On the Colossus, Synara San interacts with a droid at a ticketing kiosk. Synara inquires about her inability to secure passage on a shuttle. The droid informs her that the First Order is implementing a lockdown of the station. Synara expresses her displeasure and departs. The Ithorian Egdir then approaches the kiosk.

First Order "Peacekeepers"

Kazuda Xiono, Tamara Ryvora, BB-8, and Neeku Vozo are seen walking in the Colossus marketplace. Neeku comments to his companions that this marks the fourth TIE fighter arrival this week. Kaz corrects him, stating it is the fifth TIE fighter they've observed this week. Neeku observes Kaz's intense interest in the First Order, questioning if he is pleased with their heightened security presence. Kaz responds with a mix of enthusiasm and nausea, concealing his genuine sentiments and objective.

Kaz inquires with Tamara if she has recently seen Synara. Tam replies that Synara has been reclusive and questions her behavior. The group walks past a stormtrooper patrol. The Gotal resident Rolt attempts to engage with the stormtroopers, but they disregard him. When Kaz voices his frustration that people fail to recognize the First Order as "bad guys," Tam counters by pointing out that they saved Torra Doza from pirate kidnappers and that improved security is needed.

Kaz retorts that the stormtroopers are present for a singular purpose. Before he can elaborate, the stormtroopers halt the Rodian port employee Glem and demand his identification. Glem explains that he left his credentials at his residence. The stormtrooper officer directs his subordinates to apprehend him. Kaz objects, prompting the stormtrooper officer to inquire if he has something to say. He and his men aim their blasters at Kaz. One of the stormtroopers suggests that Kaz might be the spy they seek.

BB-8 expresses fear through beeps. The stormtrooper officer demands Kaz's name. Kaz asserts that he is merely a resident of no particular importance. When the stormtrooper officer repeats his inquiry, Neeku interjects, stating that Kaz is apprehensive about meeting them due to his admiration for the First Order. Neeku provides Kazuda's name, informing the stormtroopers that he is employed with them at Jarek Yeager's repair shop in Quadrant 3.27.

Before he can continue, Glem announces that he has located his identification. The stormtrooper officer deems it to be in order and permits Glem to proceed. Kaz and his group depart, while the Arcona woman Garma passes by the stormtroopers. Seeking to question Kaz, the stormtrooper officer asks where Kaz went.

Security Over Freedom

While traversing the corridor, Kaz expresses his displeasure with Neeku for divulging information about him to the First Order. Neeku argues that they are only searching for spies and questions what Kaz has to fear. Tamara reassures Kaz that he provided the man with additional time to locate his identification. When Kaz asserts that the attempted arrest reinforces his perspective on the First Order, Tamara counters that they are merely fulfilling their duty and adds this is what Captain Imanuel Doza desires. Kaz acknowledges her point.

Concurrently, Captain Doza communicates with Commander Pyre via holoprojector, voicing his concerns that the stormtroopers are behaving as though their authority surpasses his own. Doza reiterates that the Colossus is his domain and reminds him of this fact. The droid 4D-M1N stands at attention.

Commander Pyre asserts his respect for Doza's authority, replying that their "peacekeeping forces" are merely assisting in maintaining the security of his station. Captain Doza informs him that the First Order security forces are only here until the pirate threat is resolved. Commander Pyre responds that the security measures are solely for the safety of his family and constituents, reiterating that Doza requires their presence and reminds him of this fact. 4D expresses the opinion that Commander Pyre is correct, as the Colossus has never been safer than it is currently. Doza sighs and asks but at what cost.

Yeager's Counsel

At Yeager's repair station, Kaz attempts to persuade Yeager to transmit a message to the Resistance, asserting that the First Order occupation has become excessive. Yeager escorts Kaz into his trophy room, explaining that transmitting new messages is too perilous, as the First Order is monitoring all communications. Kaz protests that this is a precursor to a full-scale occupation and insists that they must take action. Kaz slams his fist on the table.

Yeager disagrees, advising Kaz to await contact from Poe. Yeager says to otherwise would risk Kaz being exposed as a spy. He warns that this could lead to trouble for all of them. At that moment, R1-J5 ("Bucket") enters the room, announcing that someone has arrived. In the repair station, they are greeted by Neeku and three stormtroopers.

The Stormtroopers' Visit

Neeku informs them that the stormtroopers were searching for Kaz and Yeager and that he granted them entry. Kaz attempts to conceal his annoyance by thanking Neeku. The stormtrooper officer from the marketplace informs Kaz that he merely wishes to speak with him and that they have inquiries. Yeager positions himself between Kaz and the stormtrooper officer, offering his assistance. The lead stormtrooper insists on speaking with Kaz exclusively.

The stormtrooper officer informs Kaz that they are seeking a spy aboard the station. Kaz feigns ignorance and disbelief. The stormtrooper officer explains that they are acting on intelligence reports indicating that pirates have infiltrated a spy onto the Colossus. Kaz feigns ignorance, while Yeager supports Kaz, asserting that he is not a pirate.

The stormtrooper officer counters that security programs indicate Kaz lurking near Doza Tower on the night of Torra Doza's abduction. Kaz clarifies that he was the one who alerted Captain Doza. The stormtrooper officer informs Kaz that they are also seeking a salvage operator named Synara San. At that moment, the stormtrooper receives a comlink message in his helmet regarding a situation on Level 3. The stormtrooper officer and his men depart, but not before instructing Kaz to remain at the station until further notice.

Following the stormtroopers' departure, Yeager cautions Kaz to avoid the trouble on Level 3 and to remain inconspicuous until the situation calms down. He tells Kaz to trust him. Kaz responds that he wasn't going to do anything.

Synara's Situation

At the loading docks, Synara negotiates a deal with Glem to work the night shift in exchange for preparing the containers. There is an unidentified purple alien. Kazuda Xiono and BB-8 are concealed behind the containers. Kaz contemplates whether to inform Synara that he is aware of her status as a pirate spy. BB-8 beeps this is a bad idea and Kaz agrees. However, he says that they still need to find out what she is up to.

Kaz is struck in the head by a falling crate. Synara notices some movement but Kaz tells BB-8 to keep quiet. Synara goes to investigate while two stormtroopers search the platform. Kaz and BB-8 head through the corridors and brush past two loading droids. They discover Synara communicating with Kragan Gorr via holoprojector.

Synara requests Kragan to extract her from the station, but Kragan rebukes her for missing her opportunity to leave. Synara expresses her dissatisfaction that Kragan is reneging on his promise, but Kragan points out that they cannot approach within five kilometers of the Colossus since the First Order betrayed them. He instructs Synara to find her own way off the Colossus, and they can arrange a pickup. Kaz and BB-8 eavesdrop on the conversation and hide in a corner.

After Synara leaves, Kaz and BB-8 witness two stormtroopers arresting Rolt. The Gotal protests that he has rights but the stormtrooper responds that he is under arrest for loitering past curfew and orders him to move. Kaz and BB-8 agree that things are getting out of control.

Later, they observe two stormtroopers haggling with the Frigosian janitor Opeepit. One of the stormtroopers informs him that they will have to confiscate his machine. Opeepit protests, but to no avail. Walking past, Kaz realizes that Synara is in danger and tells BB-8 they have to do something. BB-8 protests because Synara was involved in Torra's kidnapping but Kaz reminds BB-8 that she helped to rescue Torra and helped protect the Colossus form the sea monster. BB-8 beeps and Kaz responds that he likes her as a friend. They leave the dejected Opeepit behind.

Helping Out a Comrade

That evening, Kaz and BB-8 sneak back into the loading docks. They find Synara taking over from Glem. Kaz sneaks up on Synara from behind but she elbows him in the face. Kaz is upset but Synara is apologetic and says she is on edge. When she asks what he is doing here, Kaz says he wanted to chat about food. Kaz asks her the hypothetical question of liking a foodstuff that makes everyone else sick. Synara realizes that he has come to talk about something else.

At that moment, they hear the voices of stormtroopers who are searching the loading dock for the spy. Kaz and Synara hide. Kaz tells Synara that he hears the First Order are looking for some pirate food and that is best for that food to get off the Colossus right now. Meanwhile, the stormtroopers asks Glem if he has seen Synara and he tells them that she is over there and that she might have gotten to the metal yard. The lead stormtrooper orders his men to split up and to set their blasters to stun.

Kaz and BB-8 transport Synara through the loading dock in a container on a hoversled. Kaz tells Synara her best bet is sneaking onto a cargo ship. He tells her that he is going to wheel her into the hold of a cargo freighter bound for Takodana. Synara asks why he is helping her. Kaz says that he knows she is a pirate but that he is helping her because she is a good person. Kaz, who is wearing a welding helmet, tells her to stay down or they will get caught. They walk past the alien janitor who is grumbling about his confiscated machine.

A Failed Getaway

In the hangar bay, they walk past two stormtroopers questioning another Gotal and a human woman. One of the stormtroopers briefly turns his head to look at Kaz and his hoversled. Outside a Star Commuter 2000 freighter, Kaz unloads Synara and tells BB-8 to bypass the security system and unlock the door to the freighter. As BB-8 accesses the freighter door's network terminal, Kaz tells Synara to get as far away as she can and that he has no time for "sensitive goodbyes."

Just then, BB-8 triggers an alarm system on the Star Commuter freighter but manages to activate a docking ramp. The stormtroopers take notice of the alarm. Kaz tells Synara to hide in the cargo compartment while he and BB-8 distract the stormtroopers. Synara thanks Kaz before heading inside the freighter. She breathes a sigh of relief but watches a masked Kaz and BB-8 fleeing the stormtroopers.

Kaz and BB-8 reach a dead end. Before the stormtroopers can catch up with them, the two are knocked out by Synara with a wrench. Kaz is shocked that Synara came back for them. Synara tells Kaz to hurry before they wake up. While running back to the hangar bay, Kaz tells her she is supposed to be gone, but Synara counters that he is not supposed to be captured by the First Order. Kaz tells BB-8 he told him so.

Returning to the hangar, they find that the shuttles have all taken off. Synara shouts in frustration. Since all the other ships have launched, Synara asks if there is any other way off the Colossus. Kaz says he doesn't know but tells her that he knows some guy who knows the Colossus like "back of his hand."

Seeking Neeku's Assistance

Later, Neeku expresses confusion at Kaz's remark that he knows the station at the "back of his hand" until Kaz points out it was a figurative expression. Neeku says he is still confused until Kaz tells him that Synara needs help getting off the station. When Neeku asks why she is not going through customs and admissions like anyone else, Kaz tells him not to ask questions for once. Synara tells Neeku that stormtroopers do not like people like her.

Neeku recalls that his great-grand Nikto told him stories about the Empire not being very nice to his people. Neeku says that Synara has been nice to him and that he will help her. When Kaz asks Neeku how they will sneak her off the station, Neeku struggles to find a solution until Kaz points out that she needs to escape. Neeku recalls that the escape pods are underwater and remarks that "she will be able to sneak while she escapes."

Meanwhile, the stormtrooper officer meets with his men. He briefs them that the spy's name is Synara and orders his men to seal every exit, remarking that she can't hide for long. Neeku leads them through the corridors to the escape pods. Synara is spotted by a stormtrooper who orders his men to stop her. Neeku realizes that Synara is the pirate spy, and Kaz says that he will explain everything later. Realizing that they need a distraction, Neeku loosens a gas valve, which lets out gas into the corridors. Neeku runs in a different direction, leading the stormtroopers his way.

Synara is impressed at Neeku's courage. Kaz sends BB-8 to take care of Neeku. As they go down a turbolift, Synara expresses concern for Neeku, but Kaz says that as long BB-8 is with him he will be fine. Meanwhile, Neeku runs into a wall of crates. Before two stormtroopers can converge on Neeku, BB-8 discharges smoke at them and leads them in a chase, allowing Neeku to escape.

Fleeing Into the Depths

As they take the lift down, Kaz and Synara encounter the sullen Opeepit, who is still upset at the loss of his machine. Kaz asks the janitor what is wrong. Kaz expresses his sympathies while Synara says that she is sure he will get it back soon. Reaching the escape-pod floor, Kaz finds that there is only one escape pod left and says he hopes that it works.

After Kaz opens the hatch, Synara warns him that the stormtroopers will be heading down here and that they don't have much time. She says she wants to thank him and says that being at the Colossus has opened her eyes. Kaz says he wished that things worked out differently before closing the hatch. The hatch hits his head, and Kaz struggles to close the hatch. Synara asks if he needs a hand, but Kaz insists that she has got it. She helps him shut the escape-pod hatch from the inside before wishing him good luck with his "food."

The escape pod descends into the ocean of Castilon. Kaz bids Synara goodbye. Just then, the lift monitor chimes and several stormtroopers enter the escape-pod floor. One of his troops says they are too late, and the stormtrooper officer sighs.

Synara pilots the underwater escape pod past a large sea monster and radios Kragan, telling her that she has made it out. She transmits the pickup coordinates as she takes her escape pod into the deep.

Returning to Base

Heading back to Yeager's repair shop, Tam asks where Kaz has been and says that she heard that he was looking for Synara. Kaz tells Tam that Synara had to leave because she was very uncomfortable with the First Order presence. Tam asks why since the First Order is just protecting the platform. She remarks that she figured that Synara would have said goodbye. Just then, a screaming Neeku enters the hangar. He hugs Kaz and says that they didn't get a good look at him. Neeku says he will head for a rest but collapses from exhaustion.

Joining the Warbirds Once More

Elsewhere, Synara's escape pod surfaces, startling a flock of snarlfishes. As she climbs out of the conning tower, she strokes a snarlfish. Shortly, Kragan Gorr's skiff arrives and shines a searchlight. A rope is let down, and Synara climbs aboard the pirate skiff. Kragan remarks that he did not expect her to make it off the station and says she is ready to come home. Synara responds more than ever as they depart on their skiff.

Cast and Crew

