Xion was a TIE fighter pilot of human descent. Serving within the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, Xion piloted a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter. On one occasion, Xion assisted pilot Yrica Quell by holding her helmet while she vomited, and also provided guidance during a mission to the planet Yethra. Following the Battle of Endor by two weeks in 4 ABY, Xion participated in the genocide that occurred on the planet Nacronis, protecting TIE/sa bombers from the attacking X-wing starfighters of the Rebel Alliance. This attack resulted in the pilot's death.
During the Galactic Empire's reign, also known as the time of the Empire, Xion was a member of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing as a TIE fighter pilot. Not long after Yrica Quell completed her training at an Imperial Academy, she experienced a bout of intense nausea. Xion was there to hold her [helmet](/article/helmet] as she threw up. Xion also guided Quell during a mission to the icy planet Yethra, warning her about approaching enemies after she was temporarily blinded by the reflection of a star off of Yethra's icy surface. The pilot once suggested to Quell that the Feast of Lord-Protector Jarmanidath was likely approved by the Empire's Culture Ministry by accident, and that the ministry was too ashamed to admit the error.
In 4 ABY, two weeks after the Battle of Endor, the 204th was given the assignment to carry out the complete destruction of all life on the planet Nacronis. This was part of Operation: Cinder, the contingency plan triggered by the death of the Galactic Emperor two weeks prior. Xion participated in this operation, flying a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter within a squadron commanded by Captain Nosteen, with Quell as his second-in-command. Xion's squadron had the duty of protecting TIE/sa bombers, which were deploying vortex detonators to intensify the siltstorms on Nacronis, from the forces of the Rebel Alliance. The surface of Nacronis was then ravaged by siltstorms, leading to the demise of Xion and other members of his squadron while they were contributing to this devastation.
Following the genocide on Nacronis, Quell deserted the Empire and joined the New Republic, becoming a pilot for New Republic Intelligence's Alphabet Squadron. Around 5 ABY, she accidentally called one of her fellow squadron members, Nath Tensent, by Xion's name while pursuing an Imperial cargo shuttle. During a battle on the planet Troithe not long after, Quell began to hallucinate Xion guiding her on Yethra, mistaking the voice of Wyl Lark for Xion's. She also experienced visions of Xion and other members of the 204th while exposed to force energies from an observatory. In 11 ABY, six years after the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Quell mentioned Xion's name during a gathering with fellow veterans Chass na Chadic and Wyl Lark as they recounted those lost in the war.
Xion was initially brought up in Alexander Freed's 2019 novel, Alphabet Squadron.