A world was the homeworld of the Nikto female Nenavakasa Nalor. As a child, Nalor was enslaved by pirates who sold her to a Hutt clan. After years of enslavement by the clan, Nalor escaped and left her world. In 34 ABY, the Nikto mentioned the world to residents of the Colossus refueling station.
As a little girl, years before 34 ABY, the Nikto Nenavakasa Nalor lived at the world and was enslaved by pirates. The pirates later sold Nalor to a Hutt clan, who enslaved her for years until the Nikto bravely escaped from the clan and eventually left her homeworld.
In 34 ABY, Nalor was hired by the First Order to sabotage the Colossus refueling station. In order to board the station, Nalor sent out a distress signal from her starship, claiming the First Order had attacked her. When two residents of the station—Kazuda Xiono and Synara San—investigated the signal, the Nikto lied to them by informing them she had barely escaped from her world after the attack, which had resulted in damage to her ship. Afterward, she accompanied the two back to the Colossus. While aboard the station, Nalor deceived the Colossus resident Neeku Vozo into helping her sabotage the station. As the two worked together, she disclosed to him about her enslavement as a child. Once San and Xiono uncovered her deception, Nalor fled the Colossus, though not before informing Vozo she had not lied to him about her childhood.
Nenavakasa Nalor's homeworld was first mentioned in "The Engineer," the fifth episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on November 3, 2019.