
Gyndine, a planet situated along the Nanth'ri Trade Route, was located within the Circarpous sector of the Expansion Region. The Galactic Empire held dominion over it, and it served as the location for both the offices of Imperial Moff Bin Essada and the Gyndine shipyards. During 3 ABY, General Crix Madine of the Rebel Alliance identified the shipyards as a potential target if Operation Ringbreaker, a campaign aimed at the Empire's Kuat Drive Yards, proved successful.

A New Republic informant embedded within the Pyke Syndicate criminal organization reported the presence of a damaged Imperial Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier seeking repairs at the Gyndine shipyards in 5 ABY. Caern Adan and Yrica Quell, operatives from New Republic Intelligence, investigated this report while simultaneously pursuing leads related to the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing.


Gyndine, an administrative planet, resided in grid square O-12 of the Standard Galactic Grid, within the Circarpous sector of the Expansion Region. Its position along the Nanth'ri Trade Route placed it between the celestial bodies Lonera and Kerev Doi, and a separate hyperspace route linked it to the astronomical object Belasco.


Gyndine was the site of major Imperial shipyards.

The Galactic Empire exerted its authority over Gyndine, with Moff Bin Essada holding offices on the planet to govern the Circarpous sector. From these offices, Essada orchestrated the campaign on Mimban, another planet in the Circarpous sector along the Nanth'ri Trade Route, starting in 10 BBY. During the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Gyndine became a hub for significant shipyards.

The 61st Mobile Infantry of the Alliance initiated Operation Ringbreaker in 3 ABY, targeting various minor Imperial resource centers, with the ultimate objective of disrupting the Kuat Drive Yards, the primary manufacturer and maintenance provider for the Empire's Star Destroyers. Alliance Intelligence oversaw the campaign from a distance, and as Operation Ringbreaker achieved initial successes, General Crix Madine created a galactic map detailing key Imperial [shipyards](/article/shipyard], drydocks, and mining facilities that could be targeted if the sabotage of Kuat Drive Yards succeeded. This map, included in an official document, was sent to Alliance Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma. Gyndine was identified on the map as a medium-production target with high security. However, Operation Ringbreaker was ultimately aborted. The map featuring Gyndine was preserved in The Rebel Files, a collection of non-electronic documents compiled by archivist Hendri Underholt.

In 5 ABY, a New Republic operative within the Pyke Syndicate informed New Republic Intelligence that a severely damaged Imperial Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier had sought assistance at the Gyndine shipyards. This information was assessed by Agent Caern Adan and Yrica Quell of New Republic Intelligence, who were investigating the whereabouts of the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. Quell considered the source credible but deemed the information insufficient for their objectives, marking the sighting with medium confidence on their tracking map. In 34 ABY, several screens aboard the Halcyon, a Star Cruiser belonging to Chandrila Star Line, displayed a partial map of the galaxy highlighting locations like Gyndine.


Gyndine housed the offices of Imperial Moff Bin Essada and significant shipyards.

Behind the scenes

Gyndine's initial mention in current Star Wars canon occurred on a map featured in the fifty-second issue of De Agostini's Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine series, released around December 30, 2015. Its first in-universe depiction was in Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, an interactive role-playing experience at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, which opened to the public on March 1, 2022.

Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Gyndine debuted in Splinter of the Mind's Eye, a novel penned by Alan Dean Foster and published in 1978. Its first visual representation was in the second issue of the comic series adapting the novel. This issue was written by Terry Austin, illustrated by Chris Sprouse, and released by Dark Horse Comics on February 27, 1996.

