"Race on Tatooine" marks the seventh installment of the first season of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, the animated TV show. Overall, it's the seventh episode. It was initially broadcast on Disney XD on July 18, 2016.
Dengar makes his escape from a tall prison tower in Cloud City by creating a hole in the bars with an explosion. He then jumps down and uses his tattered clothes as an improvised parachute. Dengar steals a cloud car, ejecting the pilot and their passenger. He then uses the cloud car to retrieve Baash and Raam, who are arguing about their fear of heights. On the Rancor's Fist, Graballa, the Hutt crime lord, presents his upgrades to his beach resort to his cousin Jabba. Jabba remains unimpressed and describes it as dull, despite Graballa's best efforts.
Graballa inquires of Yeppau, his Toydarian assistant, about his performance, believing it could have gone better. Yeppau agrees with a "yep". Dengar, accompanied by Baash and Raam, then enters the throne room. Dengar scolds his boss for ignoring his calls for assistance when he and his companions were imprisoned, after Graballa questions their whereabouts. Dengar then gives him the Freemakers' business card and identifies Rowan Freemaker as their target, in response to Graballa's claim that he was too preoccupied.

At Freemaker Garage, Rowan expresses his concerns to Roger regarding Naare's actions. He says that Naare says she's a Jedi, yet the Force-sensitive plant he discovered on Felucia died upon her touch. He believes she's lying and suggests telling his sister Kordi Freemaker, who doesn't tolerate Naare's nonsense. However, Roger says he automatically shut down after twenty minutes of not paying attention and can't remember the conversation.
Before Rowan can notify Kordi, his sister arrives to reprimand him for failing to hang the astromech motivators, costing them credits they can't afford to lose. When Kordi asks how Rowan intends to compensate, he says he doesn't know and that he can't magically conjure a paying job. Zander Freemaker then enters, informing his siblings of an exciting job opportunity. He shows a hologram message from Ben Quadinaros, a Toong podracer pilot, who wants to hire them to fix his damaged podracer. Ben is participating in a big race on Tatooine and is offering a substantial payment. Kordi agrees to accept the offer.
Naare is communicating with Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader via hologram across the street. The Emperor requests her report on the search for the Kyber Saber. The Emperor, pretending not to hear her, instructs her to adjust her holoreceiver. Vader, however, points out that they are unable to see her. The Emperor and Vader tell her they were joking when Naare tries to adjust the hologram. The Emperor says he wants to emphasize that they want results, not more excuses. He orders her to get his Kyber Saber immediately. Naare loses her temper and uses the Force to throw objects around the room. Naare screams in anger and claims she was just letting off steam when she finds out the Freemakers have left without telling her.

Kordi complains about the heat in Mos Espa as she works on Ben's podracer, getting oil splashed on her face. Zander, in contrast, is thrilled to meet Ben Quadinaros and enters the room with Roger, carrying tools and equipment. Zander plans to fix the stabilizer, instructing Kordi to repair the heat dissipaters. Rowan attempts to speak with Kordi, but she apologizes for her earlier outburst at the shop. Ben enters the garage before Rowan can share his suspicions about Naare, and Rowan greets the pilot. Kordi is about to discuss payment with Ben when the Toong podracer pilot summons Graballa. Graballa then enters the garage, accompanied by his henchmen Dengar, Baash, and Raam.
The Freemakers understand they've been tricked, and Graballa jokes that he forced Ben to lure them into a trap by threatening to break his antennae. He instructs Ben to leave while he deals with the Freemakers. Graballa questions Rowan about the location of the other kyber crystals. Dengar grabs him when he refuses to speak. Graballa gives Rowan the option of resolving the situation easily or the "Hutt" way. Jabba enters the garage, accompanied by a group of Gamorrean guards, before Graballa can finish his questioning. Jabba is angry that Graballa is visiting Tatooine without his permission. Dengar is sidetracked by the presence of his friend Boba Fett and releases Rowan.
The two bounty hunters reunite, with Fett questioning Dengar about his "bedsheet" headgear and his mother. Fett, the clone, tells Dengar he's lucky to have a mother. Rowan and Kordi, watching the conversation, devise a plan to escape using Ben's podracer. Jabba, meanwhile, uses Han Solo's frozen carbonite body to warn Graballa about the consequences of crossing him. Zander completes the final touches on Ben's podracer while Graballa informs Jabba that his business with Rowan is unrelated to him. The Freemakers escape in Ben's podracer while Graballa is distracted. Graballa, enraged, interrupts Dengar and his associates' conversation with Fett to warn them that the Freemakers are escaping again. Dengar and his men pursue them on speeder bikes.

The Freemakers drive their podracer through Mos Espa's streets, with Zander complaining to Roger that he's blocking his view. Roger manages to hide behind the cockpit while Kordi and Rowan cling to the machine's engine thrusters. Dengar pursues them on his speeder bike as they drive through the streets. Zander hears the horn and decides they will compete in the 29th Annual Bricklayers' Classic, which is being officiated by Fodesinbeed Annodue. The Freemakers and Dengar enter the race late, weaving through the other podracers.
Roger warns Zander that Dengar is closing in. Dengar shoots at the Freemakers' podracer during the race, hitting one of the engines. Kordi hurries to fix the damage. Dengar catches up in a canyon and fires his stun blaster at Rowan, who ducks in time. Instead, the blast hits a Rodian pilot, causing his podracer to crash. Kordi manages to jam his speeder bike inside a tunnel, but Dengar steals a blue podracer, ejecting the pilot. The Freemakers, meanwhile, are in fourth place in the race, with Kordi narrowly avoiding falling onto the desert sands while trying to repair the podracer. Kordi advises Zander to drop out, but he insists on finishing the race despite their late start. They startle three pit droids along the way.
During the second round, the Freemakers are pursued by Baash and Raam, who are riding speeder bikes. The two try to ram the Freemakers' podracer, but Zander speeds up the engines, causing the two bikes to collide. Dengar catches up in his stolen blue podracer but narrowly avoids colliding with a green podracer piloted by a Gran racer. Dengar ends up jumping from several moving podracers. Graballa and Jabba watch footage of Dengar struggling, with Jabba mocking the incompetence of Graballa's bounty hunters. Graballa tries to hire Boba Fett, but the bounty hunter refuses to work for him.
The Freemakers then overtake several podracers, including the lead racer, Ben Quadinaros. Dengar keeps jumping from podracer to podracer until he lands on the Freemakers' podracer. Rowan and Dengar fight on top of the right engine of their podracer. Kordi throws Rowan the stabilizer control, which he uses to hit Dengar, knocking him off the podracer. Zander points out too late that Kordi removed the stabilizer control. The Freemakers' podracer lists and collides with Ben's podracer, knocking him out of the race. The Freemakers win the race after defeating Quadinaros, and Zander receives a silver trophy from Oola. The Freemakers flee the arena before the announcers can announce them.

Zander accidentally crashes their podracer into the Dune Sea, destroying the craft. After getting back on their feet, Roger's sensors detect a nearby shelter, which turns out to be a sandcrawler. Kordi complains inside the sandcrawler about the lack of food, water, and the fact that they have no way to return to the StarScavenger. Zander decides they need a hero to save them. Despite Rowan's protests, Zander and Kordi decide to seek Naare's assistance. Zander, however, decides to rewire Roger's transmission pack for long-distance communication. Roger tries to dissuade Zander and suggests dressing up as Jawas. Zander, however, is adamant about contacting Naare.
Zander uses Roger's modified transmission pack to call Naare for help. Naare is looking at her star map back at the Wheel when she hears Zander's voice on the intercom. Kordi asks Naare to come and pick them up on Tatooine just as blaster fire rings out. Zander and his siblings look out the sandcrawler window to see Dengar, Graballa, Baash, and Raam, as well as a large group of henchmen. Graballa tells the Freemakers to surrender because they are surrounded. Kordi proposes negotiating with the Hutt crime lord while Graballa and Dengar argue about how to pronounce Boba Fett's name.
Graballa reiterates his demand for Rowan and threatens to blow them up. Rowan and Zander, meanwhile, discover a box of thermal detonators. Graballa apologizes to Dengar, Baash, and Raam for hurting their feelings by attempting to hire Fett due to their incompetence after Graballa's ultimatum expires. Dengar and his associates lead the charge, but Zander's thermal detonators repel them. Kordi throws a few detonators at the gangsters as well, who take cover behind rocks. Graballa tells a Gotal henchman that he will offer Boba Fett double the next time as an incentive. The Freemakers quickly run out of detonators.

Graballa orders his men to enter the sandcrawler now that the Freemakers are out of ammunition. Dengar uses his bandages to make a makeshift rope and tries to climb down into the sandcrawler. Naare's Eclipse Fighter, however, knocks him to the ground. Naare then uses her ship to bomb and scatter Graballa's forces. Zander and Kordi cheer for Naare, but Rowan is wary of her. Naare lands her fighter, then draws her blue lightsaber and attacks Graballa's henchmen. Naare uses her Force powers and lightsaber skills to defeat them and hurl them aside. She also uses the Force to hurl Dengar and the roof of the sandcrawler into the wilderness.
Rowan watches the fight and regrets not trusting Naare. Naare instructs the Freemakers to flee to the Eclipse Fighter. Graballa and his henchmen, however, have recovered and order his men to capture the Freemakers. Dengar uses his bandages as a lasso to capture Kordi, while Baash and Raam capture Zander. Several gangsters jump on Roger, who protests that he is not a collectable. Rowan is about to assist his family when Naare levitates him into her ship, telling him she will take care of it. Naare uses her Force powers and lightsaber to scatter Graballa's henchmen and free the other Freemakers, who take cover behind a rock.
Meanwhile, Naare Force chokes Baash, much to Zander's amusement. Zander admits he has feelings for her. Rowan discovers her crimson lightsaber back in the Eclipse Fighter while looking for something he can use to help Naare. Rowan suddenly overhears a holomessage from Palpatine saying, "if this Rowan kid isn't leading you to the crystals, then Sith up and slice up his family. That'll motivate him." Rowan realizes Naare is a Sith, while Zander and Kordi see her as a hero for saving them. Rowan hides his lightsaber as the Freemakers and Naare flee in the Eclipse Fighter.
Graballa angrily exclaims that the Freemakers are escaping for the third time and orders his men to the skiff to pursue them. Naare, however, destroys the skiff with her starfighter's laser cannons. Graballa is embarrassed that he has to call Jabba to pick them up. Back at the Wheel, Roger carries the trophy while Kordi praises Naare's combat abilities. Zander and Kordi embrace Naare while Rowan pretends to be happy. Naare uses the Force to push Kordi and Zander aside and speaks with Rowan. She reminds him of the dangers of traveling without her. Rowan grabs Naare's Sith lightsaber while she isn't looking and hides it behind his back.