
Wisties, sometimes called fire sprites or firefolk, were a diminutive, radiant, sentient species that originated on the Forest Moon of Endor. Much like the Ewoks, with whom they shared the same homeworld, these fairy-like Wisties, capable of flight, were known to be staunch protectors of their forests, forging a strong alliance between the two distinct groups. Ewoks occasionally employed Wisties as a form of weaponry against unwelcome visitors, such as Imperial stormtroopers, by utilizing pouches filled with them. These pouches were launched towards targets, and upon breaking open, the sprites would emerge to assail the intruders.

Biology and appearance

A pair of Wisties

Frequently called fire sprites or firefolk, Wisties were a diminutive, orange-skinned, fairy-esque, sentient species that hailed from the Forest Moon of Endor. Resembling a human form, these peculiar beings had a head, a torso, a pair of legs, and two arms that ended in three-fingered hands. Despite being about the size of a bat, the phosphorescent fire sprites looked like moving flames. Their wings gave them the power of flight, which they used while creating buzzing, squeaky noises.

Society and culture

Wisties maintained positive relationships with the Ewoks, inhabited the Endor forests, and fiercely defended their territory. They possessed the ability to inflict burns on their adversaries through physical contact.


Wearisome weapons

Ewoks used pouches full of Wisties as a weapon against invaders.

During the year 1 BBY, Ewoks named Chirpa and Ra-Lee were hunting boar-wolves within the forests of Endor. During this particular hunt, Chirpa became irritated by a duo of Wisties that were flying around him. Deeming them to be a bother, he chased the Wisties away, expressing that Makrit, the shaman of their Ewok tribe, ought to address the issue with these creatures.

Later, when the Forest Moon was occupied by the forces of the Galactic Empire during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Wisties and Ewoks united to protect their shared homeworld from the invading Imperial stormtroopers. In combat, Ewoks would sometimes use pouches filled with Wisties as weapons, launching them towards their intended targets. Upon impact, the sprites would emerge in swarms, disrupting and burning the target. The term "Wistie tale" was also used to refer to a fabricated story. When Wicket Wystri Warrick was a young Ewok, he thought that the legendary Kroolok was a Wistie tale created to frighten woklings.

Arson and arenas

Wisties danced in the embers of an Imperial weapons cache burnt by Ewoks.

Not long after the Battle of Endor concluded, a group of Imperials made their way back to Endor with the intention of reclaiming an Imperial weapons cache that was located on the moon. However, the cache had been converted into a den by the Gorax known as the Great Devourer. The Imperials slew the Great Devourer, but Warrick and his companions defeated them and made them leave with nothing. Warrick and the Ewoks Asha Fahn and Meedro then talked about what to do with the cache, which had vehicles, and they decided to seal and burn the den. The fire made a tall column of smoke, and Wisties danced in the cache's embers, which Warrick told his brother Widdle Warrick about later.

In 9 ABY, the Ewok Pilbush used capsules of Wisties as weapons while working as a Hunter at the Grand Arena on the Outer Rim planet Vespaara. Pilbush looked up to the Ewoks who fought against the Empire during the Galactic Civil War and used Wisties in battle, and he really liked fighting with explosives like Wistie capsules.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Wisties in the current Star Wars canon was in the "Guide to the Galaxy" section of the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine's thirty-eighth issue, which was published by De Agostini around September 23, 2015. The creatures then made their first canonical appearance in the "Ewok Hunt" game mode of Star Wars Battlefront II, which was released on April 18, 2018. They were initially featured in the 1984 made-for-TV movie titled Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure, which is now regarded as part of the Star Wars Legends continuity.

Imperial stormtroopers under attack by Wisties in Star Wars Battlefront II

The suggestion to add Wisties to Star Wars Battlefront II came from Lucasfilm in order to solve the gameplay need for Ewok abilities, which was initially thought to be a pouch of herbs or powder made by the shaman. The game mode shows stormtroopers being hunted by Ewoks in the Endor forests on the night after the Battle of Endor, trying to survive until they are extracted by an Imperial shuttle.

The ability to throw Wistie pouches was also made available for the "Ewok Hunter," a reinforcement unit for the Rebel Alliance, which was added to the game with a later update. Star Wars Battlefront II also has in-game challenges called "Thleek siz" and "Firefolk attack." To complete these challenges, you must throw fifteen Wistie pouches as an Ewok and defeat fifty enemies using Wistie pouches. According to the Legends 2001 reference book Galactic Phrase Book & Travel Guide, the name for the former challenge means "Throw fire" in Ewokese.

