The Battle of Kadavo was fought on the planet Kadavo during the Clone Wars. Galactic Republic forces sought to save Togruta colonists from Kiros who had been kidnapped and enslaved by the Zygerrian Slave Empire, which had allied itself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Jedi had launched a mission to try and find the captured Togruta, but the mission's operatives had been captured during the Royal Slave Auction. After escaping, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Padawan Ahsoka Tano learned from the dying Zygerrian Queen, Miraj Scintel, that the colonists, as well as Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Captain Rex, had been transported to Kadavo. Calling on Jedi General Plo Koon for reinforcements, Skywalker and Tano traveled to the Kadavo slave processing facility, commanded by Keeper Agruss. In the ensuing battle, the surviving Togruta captives were rescued, before Republic forces destroyed the Kadavo facility.
A Galactic Republic task force led by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, and Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano, liberated Kiros and discovered links leading to Zygerria. The Jedi and Clone Captain Rex soon infiltrated the auction and tried to rescue the Togruta but were captured by the Zygerrians and enslaved.
Skywalker and his Padawan, however, escaped from the Zygerrians and headed for Kadavo to rescue Kenobi, Rex, and the Togruta, who had been transferred to the Zygerrian slave processing facility on the planet. While en route, the two also called for reinforcements from the Republic. Tano and her Master arrived on the planet first on the Aurore-class freighter Tecora and tried to break into the slave processing facility. When ordered to cease by the Zygerrian Keeper Agruss, lest the slaves be killed, Skywalker did not comply. At that moment, the reinforcements arrived, led by Admiral Barton Coburn and Jedi Master Plo Koon. The Republic's Shadow Squadron also took part in the battle, as did clone pilots Boost and Warthog.
Koon's Wolfpack detachment attacked the facility with LAAT/i gunships and clone Z-95 starfighters, but were halted by its ray shields. However, Skywalker was able to destroy the defensive towers, while Kenobi and Rex rebelled and killed Agruss.
As a last act before his death, the Keeper tried to throw the Togruta into the volcanic crevice below the facility, but, following a plan devised by Tano, the Republic forces evacuated them on Admiral Coburn's Arquitens-class light cruiser. After picking up Skywalker, Kenobi, Tano, and Rex, the Republic strike team destroyed the slave facility.
With the slaves rescued, Skywalker informed Governor Gupat Roshti of Tano's major role in the rescue operation, earning her his thanks. Although he feared the people of Kiros would not recover from their time in slavery, Tano was confident their will would be strengthened from their victory, and she supported his idea to join the Republic. The battle at Kadavo proved to be one of the many victories Shadow Squadron took part in, with one veteran of the battle later flying a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber alongside squadmates on the extragalactic planet Kamino.
- Ultimate Star Wars
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