
Chaelt ( pronounced /tʃɛlt/) was a senior human space pirate operating in the New Republic Era under the command of Captain Silvo and later, Captain Brutus. Serving as the navigator aboard her crew's pirate frigate, her expertise proved vital in the quest to locate At Attin, the storied planet rumored to hold concealed Old Republic credit mints.

In the year 9 ABY, Chaelt took part in a raid targeting a merchant freighter. Discovering the starship's payload to be without value to the crew, she witnessed a violent uprising in which Captain Silvo was overthrown, with the instigator Brutus assuming leadership. Following Silvo's capture, she was present on Borgo Prime, assisting in the confinement of the Skeleton Crew—a quartet of younglings asserting their origin from the mythical planet of At Attin. Imprisoned in a brig, the children forged an alliance with the deposed Captain Silvo and orchestrated an escape. After Silvo's subsequent rearrest, Chaelt played a significant role in his trial. By invoking the Pirate's Code to assert his Right of Last Appeal, she enabled him to guide them to At Attin and regain control of the pirate band.


Vault devoid, mutiny employed

A Trandoshan, Silvo, Chaelt, and Gunter aboard a merchant freighter

Chaelt, a human female, embraced the life of a pirate following the fall of the Galactic Empire. During the New Republic Era, she became a member of a pirate crew under the command of Captain Silvo, with whom she shared a close and amicable relationship. The pirates sustained themselves by attacking other starships, operating from a large frigate that served as their mobile base. Occasionally, the crew would visit Starport Borgo, an asteroid known for its association with criminal activities.

Circa 9 ABY, Captain Silvo became aware of growing doubts among his crew regarding his leadership, with some beginning to lose confidence in him. Seeking to reaffirm his authority, Silvo resolved to execute a raid on a merchant freighter, believing it to be carrying a valuable shipment of credits. Launching their assault from their frigate, the pirates utilized drill-like boarding tubes to breach the freighter's defenses and infiltrate the target vessel. While the boarding party engaged the defending merchants, their spacesuited allies neutralized the freighter's weaponry from space. As the conflict neared its conclusion, the Shistavanen Brutus boarded the ship to eliminate the remaining survivors with his gun. Returning, he declared to Captain Silvo that the ship was now under his control. Applauding Brutus's success, Silvo boarded the vessel, accompanied by Chaelt and Gunter. Chaelt walked to Silvo's right, holding an axe-like melee weapon under her left arm and smiling as Silvo clapped his hands and demanded to be taken to the vault. Upon arrival, he began interrogating the captain, demanding that he unlock the magnetically sealed vault while dismissing his repeated assertions that no credit shipment existed. When the merchant captain cited a New Republic decree demanding the pirates' departure, Silvo had him ejected from an airlock and delegated the vault's opening to his subordinates. Chaelt nodded in agreement as the captain boasted about his achievements, taking pride in leading his crew to "cold, hard credits" despite his earlier failures. However, when the vault door finally opened, the pirates discovered only a single coin. Brutus pushed through the crowd and picked up the piece of metal, lamenting that the raid—which had cost pirate lives—had yielded no significant wealth. After his speech, several crew members turned against Silvo, brandishing their blasters and aiming them at him. Rather than joining the mutiny, Chaelt and Gunter simply observed as the now-vulnerable Silvo resisted the traitors' attacks. The uprising concluded with Brutus as the new leader and Silvo captured for trial.

Asteroid chaos and pirate pursuit

Chaelt stands among her fellow crew on Borgo Prime, holding an ion rifle.

While Chaelt did not actively participate in the mutiny, she did not challenge the new captain's authority. Shortly afterward, she and her crew arrived at Borgo Prime, where the pirates dispersed. Meanwhile, the starport also welcomed the Skeleton Crew, consisting of four younglings who were lost and seeking their way home: Fern, KB, Neel, and Wim. Pirate Vane encountered Neel and Wim when they attempted to use Old Republic credits. During their conversation, the children revealed they were from the planet At Attin, a world known in pirate legends as the "lost planet of eternal treasure." Though Vane dismissed their claims, he was intrigued by the currency they possessed. Using a diversion, the children fled, but Vane and other pirates quickly caught up. Ultimately, the Skeleton Crew was protected by the pirate droid SM-33, who helped them reach the landing platform.

Alerted to the commotion, Captain Brutus—along with Gunter, Vane, Pax, and Chaelt—discovered the younglings attempting to board a space dinghy. After disabling their droid, Brutus demanded to know their presence in his starport and the origin of their coordinates. He handed his ion rifle to Chaelt, who aimed it at the children. Fern retorted that he should have questioned the droid before destroying it, a remark that elicited a grunt from Chaelt. As Brutus prepared to depart, Fern called out and urged him to interrogate them immediately. Chaelt, still holding the girl at gunpoint, remained vigilant until the captain ordered the younglings to be imprisoned, hoping that a few days in a brig would compel them to reveal more information.

The four children were confined in the same brig as former Captain Silvo, with whom they quickly joined forces to escape to the Onyx Cinder. With the ship tethered by fuel lines, Silvo could only escape by jumping into hyperspace, a risky maneuver that sent the severed fuel line ricocheting back onto one of the asteroid's platforms. As chaos engulfed the asteroid, Brutus ordered Gunter to place a bounty on the runaways.

An intervention that saved a life

Chaelt silences her fellow crew members besides Captain Brutus.

The search for Silvo led the pirate crew to the planet of Lanupa, where Pokkit had located him and promptly reported to Captain Brutus. Upon arrival, the pirates attempted to intercept Silvo and the Skeleton Crew children before they could reach Captain Rennod's Lair, but the chase was cut short when they were ensnared in a trap. After Silvo separated from his young companions, the pirates encountered him again as he emerged from the underground lair through an access hatch and swiftly arrested him to await trial.

The Trial of Silvo was conducted within a grand hall on the frigate. A large gathering of pirates stood beside a table laden with fruits and beverages, awaiting Captain Brutus's verdict. To his left, Chaelt stood beside a throne-like structure, resting her right arm on a rifle as the captain announced the sentence. Brutus's declaration of death by airlock was met with enthusiastic applause from the audience. As other pirates cheered, Silvo looked towards Chaelt, who remained standing beside the judge with a somber expression. Noticing Silvo's silent plea for intervention, Chaelt hesitated before averting her gaze, only for their eyes to meet once more. Finally, she shouted for everyone to stop. Defending Silvo's rights, she cited the Pirate's Code, invoking both equal time and the Right of Last Appeal. Silence fell over the crowd, and she glanced at her former superior one last time, then watching as Brutus growled and turned to Snee. Snee, in turn, agreed with Chaelt. Because the Right of Last Appeal was to be honored, Brutus declared that equal time was now beginning. Chaelt took a deep breath and lowered her head as he struck a plasma-filled hourglass to monitor the defendant's allotted time.

After a brief pause, the defendant shifted the focus from his own guilt to the broader issue of the hunger for credits, a struggle he claimed was shared by his former subordinates. Chaelt watched as Silvo disregarded the protests of some pirates and instead posed a rhetorical question: how long his listeners had been hungry. This question prompted a protest from Brutus, who insisted that Silvo finish his speech, asserting that the words of a dead man were worthless. In response, Silvo pointed to the hourglass near Chaelt, arguing that, since the plasma was still flowing, his allotted time had not yet expired. Turning to the audience, Silvo urged them to envision a place where credits were limitless and directly addressed several pirates, including the Quarren Glerb and the human Kona. While acknowledging his past transgressions, he vowed to make amends and produced an Old Republic credit coin, which he tossed into the air. He asserted that he knew the source of these coins, claiming to have accessed Captain Tak Rennod's datalog. When Brutus pointed out that Tak Rennod had long been deceased, Silvo began singing a pirate shanty recounting the renowned pirate's fate and his arrival on At Attin, an isolated Jewel of the Old Republic rumored to contain an inexhaustible supply of Old Republic credits. Other crew members soon joined the singalong. Finally, the former captain commended Brutus, the current captain, as a highly capable First Mate but proposed himself as the new leader. Although his suggestion was rejected, Brutus chose to spare his predecessor's life, stipulating that the death sentence would be carried out should At Attin fail to yield any treasure.

Coordinates confirmed, tensions unresolved

Chaelt operates a navicomputer.

Under Brutus's command, Chaelt served as the frigate's navigator. Guided by the coordinates provided by Silvo, the pirates finally emerged from hyperspace at At Attin. With a massive maelstrom drifting outside the viewport—which the crew did not know was in fact the planet's Barrier—Captain Brutus was skeptical about the planet's existence and so he turned to Chaelt. The elderly woman, who was sitting at the navicomputer, confirmed that the position was correct.

Brutus soon noticed that a maelstrom of such magnitude would destroy any ship attempting to breach it. Concluding that At Attin was not a treasure planet, the captain ordered that Silvo be airlocked immediately, a death sentence he had promised to perform if his guarantees were undelivered. The convict, however, persuaded the captain to hold off the execution until one of his pilots verified if the maelstrom was just a camouflage, as he insisted. Initially conceding to Silvo's proposal, Brutus ordered proceeding with the sentence after the volunteer Glerb had died while exploring the storm in a snub-fighter. When locked in an airlock, Silvo continued to plead with the crew, making his executioner hesitant about pressing the launch button.

A button push that changed everything

Chaelt presses a button to open the airlock and let Silvo back aboard.

In light of the delaying execution, Brutus started threatening the executioner before moving on to airlock Silvo himself. When he was about to press the launch button, Chaelt screamed out one more time, again ordering everybody to wait. The woman informed the captain that she had detected something on sensors, a starship none other than the Onyx Cinder, with the Skeleton Crew children on board. When Brutus ordered firing the ship, Silvo interrupted, and Chaelt swiftly let him back aboard by pressing a dedicated navicomputer button, again saving his life. Looking at the others, Silvo announced that he knew how to reach to At Attin, pointing to the Onyx Cinder as the key to the planet.

Following Silvo's release, the Onyx Cinder was pulled aboard with a tractor beam and rested in the freighter's hangar. When Brutus and several other pirates went down to see the intercepted vessel, the Skeleton Crew caught the captain in a lift claw as he walked up the entry gangplank. With Brutus trapped by the enemy, Silvo took the opportunity to reclaim the leadership and shot Brutus down. The Skeleton Crew, however, managed to regain control of the vessel and get back to space, making for At Attin through the massive maelstrom. However, neither the children nor the pirates realized that Silvo had made it back aboard before takeoff.

Upon his arrival on the planet, Silvo posed as an emissary for the Galactic Republic and demanded an audience with "the Supervisor", whom he quickly discovered to be only a droid. Having destroyed the machine, the man obtained ship access from Undersecretary Fara, allowing him to contact the pirate crew and order an invasion. As the frigate descended to the surface, the pirates launched a massive aerial bombardment, with several crew members landing via dropships to take some townsfolk prisoner. However, Silvo's plan to take control of the planet and turn it into his personal credit mint ultimately failed when the Skeleton Crew managed to bypass the Barrier and alert the New Republic. With the Barier disabled by the Skeleton Crew younglings and their parents, reinforcements arrived in the form of a squadron of X-wing and B-wing starfighters. The X-wings unleashed a barrage of laser fire on the pirate frigate, while the B-wings used their high-powered converging lasers to carve through the vessel's upper structure. Consumed by a chain of explosions, the bombarded frigate began drifting out of control. In a panic, the crew abandoned the bridge, and the wreckage of the destroyed ship eventually came to rest in a local water canal.

Personality and traits

Chaelt around 9 ABY

Chaelt, an elderly human female with light skin, possessed a face marked by deep wrinkles and a weathered complexion, along with a noticeable double chin that reflected her stout build. Her gait was characterized by a distinctive waddle, a side-to-side motion influenced by her heavyset frame. She styled her brown hair with gray roots into two long, thick braids extending over her left shoulder. She also had sizable tattoos on her arms, emphasized by the fleshy masses dangling from her upper arms.

While generally amicable, Chaelt occasionally displayed nonconformist tendencies. During Silvo's trial, when the defendant silently pleaded with her to intervene, she struggled with an internal conflict, attempting to avoid his imploring eyes. Despite her hesitation, she ultimately spoke up, using her resonant voice to silence the audience. As someone Chaelt knew well, Silvo could soon count on her help again. With his execution delayed, she took advantage of Brutus's inattention and opened the airlock in which Silvo was confined. By allowing him back aboard, she saved his life once more.


Chaelt equipped with an ion rifle

Chaelt's attire consisted of sleeveless, armor-like clothing, including a crisscross pattern of ammunition belts over her chest and an armored pad on her left shoulder. Around her waist, she wore a utility belt adorned with a glowing device with color-changing lights, supporting a dark skirt worn over a pair of trousers.

Chaelt was sometimes seen carrying an axe-like melee weapon, such as when she held it under her left arm during the raid on a merchant frigate. On another occasion, she wielded an ion rifle given to her by Captain Brutus. However, rather than firing it, she simply used it to hold an enemy at gunpoint pending apprehension.

Behind the scenes

Chaelt was portrayed by actress Dale Soules.

Chaelt made her first appearance in the live-action television series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, portrayed by actress Dale Soules, who was credited as a guest star. The character debuted in the two premiere episodes, "This Could Be a Real Adventure" and "Way, Way Out Past the Barrier", which aired on December 2, 2024. On the premiere day, Soules co-authored an Instagram post encouraging her followers to watch her performance in the series, adding that missing her would be a "Wookie [sic] mistake."

Alongside other pirates, Chaelt was identified as early as September 18, 2024 in an Entertainment Weekly article, where she was introduced as a character in the upcoming Star Wars: Skeleton Crew series, played by Dale Soules. However, Chaelt's role remained largely non-speaking until the sixth episode, "Zero Friends Again." Additionally, although listed in the end credits, her name was first pronounced in the seventh episode, "We're Gonna Be In So Much Trouble." Even so, additional information on the character had priorly been supplied by the Disney+ audio description: in "Way, Way Out Past the Barrier," narrator Jedediah Barton referred to Chaelt as "a pirate underling" in relation to the new Captain Brutus, and in "Zero Friends Again," he first referred to her by name, in addition to specifying her gender and third-person pronouns.

Unlike her fellow pirate comrades, Chaelt was notably absent from the final episode of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, "The Real Good Guys," which aired on January 14, 2025. In a subsequent interview for Entertainment Weekly, series creator Christopher Ford described Chaelt as a "motherly pirate" and confirmed that Silvo did not use a mind trick on her in "Zero Friends Again," a fan speculation he had encountered while reading online discussions of the show. Instead, Ford simply observed that Silvo and Chaelt knew each other "very well."

