Raid on the Colossus

As the First Order sought to control the Colossus platform, Kragan Gorr and his pirate gang initiated a raid on the station, occurring after a previous attempt. Because Synara San, the gang's spy, informed Gorr that the Ace Squadron was away and the targeting computer for the platform's turbolaser defenses was inoperative, Gorr's gang inflicted considerably more damage than in their earlier assault.

Jarek Yeager and Kazuda Xiono of Team Fireball, who had been contracted to repair the computer, managed to reinstall it, which then allowed Captain Imanuel Doza to activate the defenses and drive off the pirates, thus forcing them to withdraw. However, the damage sustained during the attack led Doza to re-evaluate the First Order's proposition for platform protection, and he contacted Commander Pyre to inquire about the specifics of their offer.


In 34 ABY, Resistance pilots Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono rescued Synara San from a Kowakian ape-lizard aboard a Darius G-class freighter located in sector 6 of the Castilon system. Unbeknownst to them, she was affiliated with pirate Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang, who were allied with the First Order. Subsequently, she secured employment in the Colossus' cargo bays as a salvage worker while maintaining communication with Kragan.

Later, Captain Imanuel Doza enlisted Jarek Yeager's Team Fireball to fix the tracking computer of the Colossus' turbolaser cannon system. Due to the absence of the resident starfighter squadron Ace Squadron, who were escorting a vital [fuel](/article/fuel] shipment, the station was vulnerable. While Neeku Vozo was working on the tracking computer, he discovered that a CoMar Tri-Tracker chip was missing. Yeager instructed Kaz and Tamara Ryvora to acquire the tri-tracker chip, but he kept this mission a secret from the rest of the crew.

Kaz and Tam paid a visit to Synara in the loading docks. Synara successfully obtained a tri-tracker chip from a wrecked cruiser. Kaz and Tam went back to Yeager's repairs and proceeded to install the chip into the tracking computer. Captain Doza gave Yeager's team one hour to repair the tracking computer. Meanwhile, Synara learned that the turbolaser defense system was online and relayed this information to Kragan's second-in-command, Drell. Synara also cultivated Kaz's trust by providing power couplings and distracted Tam by making friends with her.

The raid

Caught by surprise

Team Fireball was behind schedule and had not yet installed the tracking computer into the turbolaser system as the hour passed. Shortly thereafter, members of the Warbirds appeared on speeder bikes and began harassing pedestrians in the Colossus marketplace and loading docks. As fighting broke out, Tam and Kaz's droid companion BB-8 returned to the loading docks to locate her friend Synara, while Yeager and Kaz transported the tracking computer to the turbolaser system using a repulsorlift.

While traveling to the loading docks, Tam and Kaz used their cargo sled to ram a pirate dressed in stormtrooper armor, causing him to fall. In the meantime, Captain Doza sent two security teams to the loading docks. Tam and Kaz soon got to the loading dock. Leoz attempted to attack Tam, but she tackled him. Tam then threw the Hassk pirate Snarl against a crate before battling the Trandoshan pirate Skreek.

Meanwhile, Kaz and Yeager were traveling to the turbolaser platform when they were attacked by a speeder bike carrying Kragan and another Hassk pirate. Kaz and Yeager fought their way to the turbolaser platform, but Kragan arrived with pirates on two speeder bikes, determined to prevent them from fixing the computer. Kaz and Yeager fought another Trandoshan and Hassk pirate.

Fighting on two fronts

As the fighting raged on, Yeager managed to knock the Hassk pirate off the platform and get back into the repulsorlift vehicle. Yeager used the repulsorlift vehicle to knock out the Trandoshan who was attacking Kaz. Yeager then had difficulty loading the tracking computer into the repulsorlift platform and was attacked by Kragan. The initial attempt by Yeager and Kaz to load the tracking computer failed because of a misalignment.

Meanwhile, at the loading docks, Tam fought off Skreek and found Synara cowering by a crate. A Hassk pirate tried to shoot Tam, but Synara knocked him out with a punch. Synara expressed her relief that her friend had come to save her. Back at the repulsorlift computer, Kaz struggled to realign the tracking computer with a vibroblade. Despite Kragan's resistance, Yeager managed to push the tracking computer into the repulsorlift platform a second time, which reactivated the tracking system.

With the tracking computer re-installed, Captain Doza was able to activate the gun turrets and open fire on the pirate ships, destroying one of them. Unable to counter the gun turrets, Kragan ordered a retreat, and the pirates escaped in their ships.


Kragan's Warbirds not only stole food and supplies during their raid, but they also prompted Captain Doza to reconsider Commander Pyre's offer to station a First Order garrison at the Colossus for "protection." Yeager and Kaz realized that the pirate raid coinciding with Ace Squadron's departure on an escort mission was not accidental. Kaz began to suspect that there was a pirate spy on the Colossus. As a result of the events at the loading platform, Synara gained Tam's trust, and the two became friends. BB-8, however, remained suspicious of her true motives and intentions.

Behind the scenes

The second attack on the Colossus was first depicted in the Star Wars Resistance Season One episode "Synara's Score," which premiered on November 18, 2018.

